xavier high school alumni

Helen Vandenberg Snyder Matthew Riese, Class of 1994 Bob Moriarty 71, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System. Fellows are expected to live at home during their time of service. Brian ONeill 74 worked for Pfizer for 35 years as a medicinal chemist before retiring five years ago, and now he consults for smaller companies. If you are looking for general information and news on the school, go to xavierhighschool.org. Russel Vanstralen Kathleen Van Dyke Gillis Robert Tringali, Class of 1974:For the obituary please clickHERE. If you have a concern about a member of our community, or struggle to find thankfulness yourself, reach out, you will be grateful you did! List of famous alumni from Xavier High School, with photos when available. Post your #XavierXperience on social media, take a selfie wearing your Xavier gear, and make a donation to Xavier Catholic Schools. He studied abroad at UCD in Dublin last semester. Ronald French '62 2: Number of students going to both Harvard and Yale. The match was decided in a third-set super tiebreaker. The list of names is also useful for getting together a Xavier High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of So, too, was Hans Fjellman, Class of 1967, whose grandson Matthew Stevens is in the Class of 2022. Kay Palmer Thomas Jacklin 67 You can email. He was a National Football League (NFL) halfback for the Pittsburgh, Ryan Joseph Sweeney (born February 20, 1985) is an American former Major League Baseball outfielder. Elizabeth Koller McMahon Dennis OConnell Joe Wachlin 67 Thomas Hooyman Joseph Monarca, Class of 1967. Mark Ebben '73 ATS was founded by XHS alumna, Jennifer Johanns (X06), at the age of 22. Michael Krause 67* The money supports all of Xavier's clubs and activities, academic programs, athletic events, and the arts. P. John Abendroth '66 Fittingly, in a season in which he continues to make his presence felt, he was named the SCC Cross Country Runner of the Year.Brody Santagata '22 also had a big race, finishing in 16:19 for fourth place. William Morrissey We realize that a Xavier High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | celebrities with short upper lip. Your alumni committee remained active and sponsored an alumni social on July 18, and as a true mark of success, we had nearly all decades of Xavier alumni represented, and everyone stayed until the end of the event. Bob Rueckert 6300 42nd St NE | Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 P. 319.294.6635 |F. 319.294.6712 |Contact Us Common Thread: Making an Impact for Teachers, Common Thread: Gearhart Marks 50th Year of Volunteer Service, Common Thread: Safety & Security Upgrades. That includes dining in, taking out, delivery, or catering. Rick Murphy His father Stephen graduated from Xavier in 1991 and from the Air Force Academy in 1995. Those who had the privilege to know Brother Francis de Sales, notes the Xaverian Menology, would have no difficulty in picturing the joy of this scene. Dave Christenson '64 David Arnold '64 Prominent graduates from St. Xavier High School, Louisville, Kentucky include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. William Schaffer Karen Melby Lillge It is a wonderful event that showcases the collaboration and camaraderie between the two schools. Kevin Flood '72 Francis Murphy '65 Mary Witter Micke Jipcho visited Brother Baptist for a week in May 1973, using the Xavier track to train for a professional season in which he had 18 wins in 20 starts in the mile. Mary Kay Schaffer Thomas Rhyner Robert Bob Hoks 3: First Friday - St. Xavier Church Downtown at 11:30 a.m. with speaker Aleth Rhoades, Career ConneXions Director. All Xavier graduates are considered part of our alumni family. Xavier High School. Register, To register for the Class of 1972 50th reunion, click, On Thursday night, April 28, Xavier held its. The XAF Program, while grounded in many of these same principles, is specifically an opportunity to give back to Xavier and serve in a dynamic community while learning professional skills that will help advance your career. Beth (Oettinger) DeWall The required amount is 65. The Coaches of the Year from Xavier: Mike Cunningham (wrestling), Bill Evison (Division I swimming), Chris Stonier (boys indoor track), and Karl Sundquist (boys hockey). The coach was Artie Kohs. Stephanie Sievers 06 Consider yourself invited to be a part of this years socials, Speaker Series, Career and College Fairs, and much more. Rob Wege Lori Kay Wrycza Cabrera Richard Goulet Jeff Bloy Two members of the 2022 graduating class were twins Benjamin and Michael Pitruzzello; they were the fourth Pitruzzello brothers to come here. He started the program in 1963 and here we are nearly 60 years later with 98 state and New England championships. Xavier Headmaster Dave Eustis. Fellows will also acquire beneficial skills to help them grow both personally and professionally. Two members of the 2022 graduating class were twins Benjamin and Michael Pitruzzello; they were the fourth Pitruzzello brothers to come here. We will need your help recasting the Career Fair and Houli Day as Xavier institutions. Dec. 2:SFX and Heritage Society Reception, Griswold Inn, by invitation only. Speaking of tradition, your Xavier Alumni Association is bringing back traditions so be on the lookout. The Class of 1972 is planning to hold its 50th reunion in the September/October time frame in 2022. Stephen Evans 66 Neil Moderson This list of distinguished Xavier High School alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most. He always had a big impact on me from a young age, and I always wanted to follow in his footsteps. Wollen, who has led numerous service initiatives of his own accord, also is a talented swimmer. Dave Pennell He loved being with the Brothers, and relished times at home on Orchard Street and at other North Shore sites with family members, neighbors and friends.". Nick Pflum Dominic Hall '08 Kevin Theyel '85 The banners they built to welcome the freshman class hang in the gym. Stephen Caulfield '18 was elected Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus council at The Catholic University of America. The 27th induction dinner is April 24 at the Elks Club in Middletown with a social hour starting at noon followed by the 1 p.m. induction ceremony. Chase said it has been a goal of his for about 15 years. Over the next few months, PCI will be contacting Xavier alumni via mail, phone, and email to update your alumni information. Tickets are $45 ($15 for children under 12) and can be obtained by contacting Johanna Bond at the Middlesex County Chamber (860-347-6924. Thomas Flood '64 She will be teaching art classes in a part-time roll and moderating the art club. Greg Biggar Michael Siddall '66 His father Rob also is a State Trooper and pinned the badge on his son at the graduation ceremonies. Pat Klingert Andrei Abarientos, Adam Chasse, Stephen King, Matt OConnor, Mario Pugliese, Will Schneider, and Liam Sheeley, each a member of the Class of 2022, have been named Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Patrick Fox '65* William Baumann 67* (WI Army National Guard) It's a common trait that goes across all years. Xavier Mufraggi, newly announced YPO CEO With Club Med, an international subsidiary of Fosun Tourism Group , for the past 15 years, Mufraggi was most recently the President and CEO of. I hope you enjoyed a safe and happy few months as the beginning of the school year closes the summer of 2021. Xavier presented an award to the 19 alumni fathers, grandfathers, and guardians of Saturdays graduating seniors. James Schreiter David Pasquale, Class of 1968:For his obituary, please clickhere. The match was decided in a third-set super tiebreaker. Gain valuable experience coaching and moderating clubs and activities. Jeremy Janssen He is a valued member of both the hockey and baseball programs. Tom Schreiter John Schweitzer Richard Boya Rocky Bleier '64 Brother Francis De Sales, C.F.X. If so, please email us at, Seventeen students accompanied art teacher, More than 60 musicians and many more artists and photographers participated in the, Once again we thank all who participated in our, If you know of alumni who are not getting the newsletter, please have them email, We are interested in any and all news of our alumni/ You can email. Daniel Van Sistine 66 James Haase Joan Agnes Maxa This is a paid fellowship and fellows should not be actively looking to begin other employment or studies during the term of service. Ron Maass We realize that a Xavier High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook We remember: Stephen G. Cobb, Class of 1967:For the obituary please clickHERE. One of the seven Brothers was Bro. Wanda Warner Randy Arnoldussen Mary Elizabeth Casper "A great man and inspiration.". Doug Bergner 65 The Tim Boyle QB/WR one-day camp will be held at Xavier on June 25 from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. as the Falcons kicked off the 2021 season with their 50th consecutive victory, a streak that started on Oct. 19, 2015. Joseph Gietman 63 Ross M. Biechler '04 : For Gerald's obituary please click here. Sean Mahon 20will be a sports photography intern with the New Britain Bees for the 2022 season, which starts May 26 with a home game vs. Norwich. He and his parents were invited by State Sen. Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven), and House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora (R-North Branford). Mark Larson '00 Xavier High School Alumni Class List The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Xavier High Schoolin New York, New York . Register to let other graduates of Xavier High School find and contact you. Larry Langlois Die St. Xavier's High School, Kolhapur, ist eine private katholische Grund- und Sekundarschule in Kolhapur im Sden von Maharashtra, Indien. Bill Vanden Elzen 64* (National Guard) Dan Laux '69 Kaylene Kemen Lezdins Gerald Wittman 67 Christine Peterson Bridget Wessing, Class of 1982 Jerry Coenen Good Luck! Dale Kowalski 66 Mark Verboomen, Class of 1990 Die Schule feierte 2007 ihr Goldenes Jubilum und 2017 ihr . He's headed to perform some shows in England in April before stops in Boston, New York and New Haven later in the month. Richard Foley Dan Hooyman '65 Gavin plans to complete his post-graduate studies at URI to obtain an MA in International Relations with a concentration in Diplomacy and Statecraft. Richard Hollenback Jim Nienhaus '91 Robert Agen '65 It is yet another step on the way to becoming senior leaders. Past newsletters will be archived at xavierhighschool.org. Families of all faith traditions are welcome. The sale brought in $262.50. Jean Voster 72* They were the 1971 NBA champs, led that year by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Oscar Robertson. Died: Baltimore, Md., Dec 3, 2011: "At sunrise on the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, after 'fighting the good fight,' as he said in his last letter to the Mount St. Joseph Community, Brother James Kelly was called home to God surrounded by his sister, Pat, his Brothers, and his friend and Mount St. Joseph Principal, Barry Fitzpatrick. James Bricco '62* John Lally 65 Jean Vandenberg, Class of 1972 This was awarded at the close of the Baccalaureate Mass. Roger Spoehr '71 Gregory Theiss 66 Paul Tarbetsky '70. Not to mention plenty of food vendors. Tony Piacentini Timothy Brough '15received his B.S in Chemistry, with Merit, from the United States Naval Academy in 2020. Nicholas Lockhart '07 Number of students going to both Harvard and Yale. Alumni newsletters are archived on our website, xavierhighschool.org, under the Alumni & Giving section. William Panke '65 John Millhouse "Mr. Xavier. Jacob Siebers, Class of 2006 William Baumann James Noffke Back in 1974, after Xavier beat Mercy, raising more money in the Walk-A-Thon, Cannata and classmates Mark Catania and Jim Connolly rigged up Cannata's 1974 Chrysler with a cardboard Falcon head, tail and articulating wings. Richard Hayes John Clemons 66 : $ 3.5 Billion Charles knew wealth . The team had numerous individuals personal bests in the SCC Coaches Invitational, including the fastest 1000 meters run this season by any Connecticut high school runner (Eamon Burke '22). Applicationsfor theXAFprogram can be foundhere(along with other necessary information about the application process for theXAFprogram). He was chosen as captain of this years hockey team. Cathy Lund Van Thiel Michael Lillge 66 Gary Van Ryzin Mark DeYoung '65 Gerald J. Harvey, father of former Xavier Principal Brother Lawrence Harvey, C.F.X. The Class of 1976 Reunion has been postponed until summer 2022. Xavier High School has been named a Top 10 high school for total number of students enrolled as well as most credit hours taken in the UConn Early College Experience program for the 2021-2022 academic year. Matthew Arndt Rudy Kundert Last season the Falcons won the SCC Championships for the second year in a row. Steve Streck 72 He is the son of Xavier Principal Brendan Donohue. View Xavier Parkhouse-Parker's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Robert Laux '67 Insurance Peter Abendroth '63 Mary Lynn Van Zeeland, Class of 1986 William Zelensky '67 As AP psychology courses emphasize psychology science and research, she integrated pedagogical tips for students on data interpretation and research methods. James Rather '64 Daniel Paltzer '65 Paul Putzer '64 Diane Wirkes Zenke, Class of 1980 Robert Tennessen Ronald Beschta Through the end of June, 10 percent of gross sales to any Xavier alumni, current Xavier family or family of Xavier alumni who mention the DINE TO DONATE program will be donated to Xavier. I have been there, and it is great for a family or for a date. Roger Blink '66 Jane Daleiden Grubnich It also was played in memory of Joe "Stick" Krywinski '70, who died in December 2020, a victim of COVID. Founded in 1847, Xavier High School is an academically rigorous, Catholic, Jesuit, college preparatory school in New York City that educates intelligent, motivated young men of diverse. Jerry Vandenberg '65 was honored in the Connecticut House Chamber in Hartford on April 20 for his service work. Joe Wettengel, Class of 1970 James Sensenbrenner '65 Our extensive, loyal network of 15,000 living alumni and robust alumni programming give Sons of Xavier past and present the opportunity to stay connected, deepen their relationships with their Xavier brothers, and support future generations of students through both their resources and experiences. He was a brigadier general in the Army who recently passed away. Robert Rammer View the video. John Elliott '62 Barry Schmidt Xavier High School carries forth a proud tradition of excellence in Catholic education which has been established by alumni not only from Xavier, Regis and LaSalle High Schools, but also from Immaculate Conception, St. Patrick's, St. Wenceslaus, St. Patrick's (Fairfax), and Mount Mercy Academy. John Grogan D. Stephen O'Donnell, May 12, 1932-Nov. 22, 1999: Bro. As we commit to bringing alumni together this year, we will sponsor social events and reach as many interests as possible. Watch for an invitation by email. Kenneth Zilisch Jr. '82 (Kip), United States Army Kathy VerHoeven Weyenberg Donald Gottschalk Thomas Nudelbacher 67 De Sales. And soccer now Xavier just completed an unbeaten season at 14-0-2 and is the top seed in the SCC playoffs, which start Saturday. Below are the Exemplary Alumni of Xavier School: 2007 FRANCIS CHUA (1967) Amb. Jackie Fowler Ronald Yach, Class of 1968 John Francek Sheeley also was named the CAS Performing Arts winner from Xavier. Alena Frassetto Karen Bushman Rupple Remember Houli Day? Sam O'Hearn '81 Michelle Koy Daniel Sieger Ted Bouressa Wollen will attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. David Kositzke Dennis Malchow '65 Thomas Schueppert '63 Xavier students, in single file, lined the sidewalks in a powerful tribute. This week orientation for sophomores was Monday, for juniors on Tuesday. Daniel Henderson Cross country: Each December the National Honor Society leads a drive to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In the day's championship race, Eamon Burke'22 led the way with an individual title in a blazing 15:35.20 to pace the team to a 21-point victory over Daniel Hand. William Koutnik He graduates in May with a major in Politics and minor in Intelligence Studies. Richard Boya '75* Gregory Lorek Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Classmates.com. Higgins helped start a chapter of the Surfrider Foundation at Xavier. This year at Xavier, instead of the Ad Drive, we renew this tradition. 19/17 Xavier On March 1: The No. Sharon Schaefer Please contact the Alumni Office if you are aware of errors Steven Nigl Mary (Purdo) Peksa Jeff Koshalek Anthony Busch '65 The Falcons are 9-3-0. Sandra Rasmussen Baumann Daniel Deeg If you have any alumni news you'd like to share please email Jeff Otterbein '72, associate director of communications, at. He finished the trip to Oaxtepec, Mexico, with a record of 7-1 against wrestlers from Peru, Brazil, Columbia, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Michael Kumbalek '64 and to those currently protecting us, thank you! "Xavier has loss part of its soul." of Xavier High School find and contact you. "An irreplaceable man with an irreplaceable heart. The school, located on Municipal office street of Luxmibazar neighborhood of old Dhaka, was named after Pope Gregory I (540-604). He is a graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Ben Chase '06will have his first book of poetry, "Here To See It," published this summer. Joseph Ellenbecker A few highlights from that and the Baccalaureate Mass on Friday evening, May 20. after knocking off Fairfield Prep 3-1 on Tuesday. Dennis Pankratz '63 Brian Wenneman, Class of 1987 Tickets can be purchased by mailing a check to Xavier High School, 181 Randolph Road, Middletown CT 06457. did desi arnaz jr have a stroke; moose tracks vs cow tracks ice cream His project at the1960 Reservoir in Wethersfield involved clearing the land, mulching the area and putting out two picnic tables at the recreation area. Xavier is working hard to fill the class of 2026, so please recruit future alumni and connect with the Admissions Director. Carol Pastorelli Hagar 0:57 A Cincinnati philanthropist donated $50 million to St. Xavier High School, in what the school said was the largest gift in its history. Lisa Cullinan, Class of 1989 Ann Schumacher Day Timothy Johnson He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Chicago White Sox, Oakland Athletics, Boston Red, 33 Celebrities Who Ran the New York Marathon, The Greatest Baseball Players Of All Time, The Best Players in the Baseball Hall of Fame, The Best Notre Dame Football Players of All Time. Masks are required at Xavier athletic events on campus. Mark Oliver Homecoming Football Reception & Game, Nov. 6:Please join us for Homecoming 2021 on Nov. 6. Thomas Heegeman '65 Some of our fellow alumni have done just that in participating in a revived and successful Career Night. Richard Gitter Kathleen Koleske Daniel Mullen 67 Prominent graduates from Xavier High School include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. Mark Steidl Amy Herman Wyman, Class of 1978 Wollen West Point Bound:Mitchell Wollen '22 earned an appointment to West Point. As things moved toward the opening of Xavier High School in 1963 Bro. Catholic, Jesuit High School for Boys New York, NY, Keenan Commons, Meditz Library, FD Hall, X-Caf, about Pittaluga-Andrews 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Council for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, Pittaluga-Andrews 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. The swim team remains unbeaten at 6-0. Klasse auf. Rodney Langman Xavier opened the school day on Friday, Sept. 10, by remembering all who died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Derek Lee LaPlante, Class of 2014:For his obituary, please clickHERE. James Kufner Salutatorian: Matthew OConnor of Cromwell, who will attend UConn as the recipient of the STEM Presidential Scholarship to study Actuarial Science. Patrick Neuman 25: Chicago Alumni Service Event. The mission of the Xavier High School Alumni Association is to create a relationship that is mutually beneficial. Register to let other graduates That includes dining in, taking out, delivery, or catering. We invite all alumni to stay in touch with the Xavier as we work to keep their legacy in tact! Lombardo is an Assistant Vice President at Valkyrie Enterprises, in the Washington, D.C., area. Give us a spirit of generosity to respond to the needs of the poor and afflicted and help us to live simply so that all people may share in the bounty of your creation. D. Stephen O'Donnell, May 12, 1932-Nov. 22, 1999: Bro the freshman Class hang in the.! Copy Online at Classmates.com an award to the 19 alumni fathers, grandfathers, and email to update alumni... Neil Moderson this list of distinguished Xavier High School include celebrities,,! Obituary please clickHERE the way to becoming senior leaders derek Lee LaPlante Class... Drive, we renew this tradition numerous service initiatives of his for about 15 years safe., go to xavierhighschool.org Die Schule feierte 2007 ihr Goldenes Jubilum und 2017 ihr 's clubs and.... Steidl Amy Herman Wyman, Class of 1974: for the obituary clickHERE... 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