centennial peaks indeed

You are strong. Lord today we specifically say thank you for Larry, Chris and the rest of the Stromberg family. Worthy to be feared. We seek to praise you with our whole life. We pray also for those who struggle with addictions and habitual sin – it is so easy for us to become discouraged by our repeated failures, and to rely on our own strength to change. Help Christ followers in their lives to show them the love of Jesus. With the psalmist today, we praise you for your good gifts. May we not be pulled off course by pursuing money or relationships or success or anything else at the expense of our love of You, but only as an overflow from it. Mary’s song reminds us that your desire is for us to be people who are humble and that you will deal decisively with pride. As we seek to spread your Word, we ask that you would look upon us with favor and cause your name to be magnified. Father, be with the eldest among us. The psalmist says, “I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people.”  When we see the writer of this psalm rejoicing in your promises by means of listening, we are all reminded of what poor listeners we are. You offer us, mere mortals, the dust of the earth, your eternal self. And this treasure of knowing you as our Shepherd, a treasure too valuable to horde—may we share this treasure with others. We pray for our leaders—president Kevin Kompelein and district superintendent Brian Farone. No matter how messy our lives may seem, you are willing to instruct us in how to follow you. And God, ultimately, help us hear the words of this Psalm not as our words, but as the words of Jesus, great King David’s greater Son. Grant us wisdom from you, grace for one another, and open dialogue about what our community is and what it could be. And we do this because we have seen your sure and true hand at work for you are righteous and just. To acknowledge the hard things but to press on with endurance, knowing that You also faced pain and loss and did so for the joy set before You, and for love of us. Our gracious Father, with the writer of this Psalm, we say to one another this morning, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord, in this Psalm we stumble on how it is that weather itself praises you. We pray all of this because of Jesus and in His name. As we approach our nation’s elections next week, we ask You, Father, to forgive us for our tendency to trust in our own wisdom rather than looking to You for counsel. May this humble us and cause our affections for you to grow. Not only were you mighty in creating the mountains and stilling the seas and subduing enemy nations; you are mighty in your new creation, the renovation of our lives—and heaven and earth—through the gospel. We put our trust in You, but we ask for more faith because we know our own weakness. We intercede this morning for the children of our church and our communities. Father, we ask for protection for our hearts. Your words tell us that you are good. Search and apply for the latest Exhibit manager jobs in Centennial, CO. Competitive salary. Comfort those who mourn. Father, we ask for protection for all of our front line medical professionals who are facing the Covid-19 virus head on. We are also thankful for the relationship you are starting to form between Ben and Tiffany. May we rejoice in experiencing the blessedness that you promise in this psalm. There are people here today that are in constant battle with their health, some who have unbearable financial stress, and some who are struggling relationally. We praise you for your glorious grace, which did not abandon us in our sin, but compelled you to send your only Son to this world, to rescue us from our sin. It seems every week there is a new reason to mourn, a new tragedy to remind us just how fallen our world is and just how deeply humanity is broken. We pray for strength and faithfulness unto the end. Use this event to remind us all of the transitory nature of all the stuff with which we have surrounded ourselves. You delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt. In this psalm we see the relentless love you have for your people, how you are constantly giving opportunity for us to turn from our idols and redirect our worship towards you. Finally, Lord, give us spiritual alertness as we hear the Word of God today. Our hope in the future and our trust in you enables us to live confidently here and now in our world. We ask that you would continue the healing process as Nathan and the family are due to go back to Asia next month. The stunning realities of this familiar psalm, Lord, should prompt our patient trust and sturdy courage, but we admit that we often worry and complain and are fearful. We pray that you would work through us individually to draw people closer to you. Help us to make good use of the days you have blessed us with. And we are quick to go to other sources to find temporary comfort and escape. They feel like their cries to you for mercy go unanswered. We pray for those in this room who feel far from you today. Forgive us, Lord, and open our eyes and hearts to worship you in the splendor of your holiness. wn lives up against this psalm, we fall very short. who had forgotten, denied, and executed you. Sometimes it feels like we arrive barely arrive in this place physically, but mentally and emotionally we are somewhere else. As she enters a new vocation of retirement, we pray that you would give her an even stronger passion for the local church and for global missions. Truly, Father, all nations will come to you because of glory like this. Father, we ask You to have mercy. We adore you for without Christmas, there would have been no child in the temple impressing the rabbis, there would have been no man miraculously feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and raising the dead; there would have been no perfectly lived life of complete obedience to you His father, from the heart; there would have been no conversion of the Passover to The Table, no betrayal, no arrest, no condemnation in innocence, no death on a Roman cross, and no victorious resurrection. Teach us to respond to all this tragedy in prayer and lead us to action from our knees. “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”. But we are grateful You are our Father. We thank you for the unity you have been building into our global partners Ben and Tiffany. importantly you promise us yourself in the midst of COVID-19. We are so thankful that You are near to all those who call on You. We pray today for those in our community who are suffering. In all of these things, remind us of Jesus and remind us that it is through his life and death and resurrection that all these things will eventually be made right. Teach us to open up and allow others into our messy lives and hearts; may we learn to serve and how to be served. Direct our attention to the Cross which demonstrates your love for us, and bring comfort to those who need encouragement and hope today. Help us to truly believe that and live in light of it. We love your king but we are unlike your king. O God, this is not our home, but while you have us here, please help us to make this world a better place for your glory. Too often, we look to our own strength instead of yours, and our cleverness instead of simple, trusting faith. Continue to help him model servant leadership to his staff, and in a broader sense to all of the churches in our denomination. Today’s Psalm instructs us to fear you, God. Continue to make us a safe community for people who are hurting and feel weighed down by the difficulties of life. May they reflect you brightly. Remind us in these times that you are in total control and never caught off guard. Father as we walk through this Lenten season, thank you for the many suggested ideas we have been given to make this a meaningful time. We ask, O God, that Your face would shine on us, that Your blessing to us would continue, so that all the peoples of the earth will see, and will bring the praise due to You. May we realize that as we move through life and encounter people, that you could be using us to bring about your will. Sometimes, it may be through the spoken words and prayers from those in our local congregation or gospel community. Help us to practice remembering you and your works in the midst of doubt. This morning we’d like to specifically pray for our Columbia Heights Gospel Community. You, O Lord, shone your light upon us when we were living in and loving the darkness of our self-centeredness. Help us to lay down our defenses and to listen. We pray that you would continue to increase our community and love for one another intergenerationally, keeping Centennial a safe place for kids, teens and adults to encounter Jesus, ask questions, and grow deeper in faith. Your simple presence and rule, in behalf of your Old Covenant people, delivering them and providing for them, was enough to make your created order do unheard-of things. We pray for deep community and relationships to be formed and for these families to catch a vision for opening up their homes and lives to others. Thank you for the blessing they have been to us and for the friends that they have become. How striking it is to think of every single thing, animal and inanimate object, as being personal and joining with every human being in lifting a resounding chorus of praise to you! Make Sunday gathered worship a joy and something we long for, rather than a chore where we are only going through the motions. To thee all Angels cry aloud : the Heavens, and all the Powers therein. Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what to pray. God of justice and truth, we know that as good Minnesotans we too often value keeping the peace as a supreme good. You, Lord, are the one who does all those things for us. We pray for students, teachers, parents—for educational dynamics, employment dynamics, and family dynamics that are pressing on folks with enormous stress. In the meantime, sometimes our most truthful Give them the heart and wisdom to follow new leadership, even if it means changes that are uncomfortable. As we reflect on this message, and as your Spirit drives it deep into our heart, we pray that we would grow in our identity as stewards. God, you promise to bring justice; you will “strike down once and for all (NLT).”  David tells us that the “righteous will see it and be amazed (NLT).”  While we live in a world filled with injustice, we know the end of the story. When we wander and are lost, when we have no hope, remind us of your goodness. Today’s 60,000+ jobs in Denver, Colorado, United States. We praise you, Lord Jesus, for your perfect life. As we begin an exploration today into the subject of knowing you and trusting you, grant us both mental and spiritual alertness. Yet even in this unseen realm, you are providing for every one of their needs until they are satisfied. Help us to embody resurrection when we see death; to be joy when we experience sorrow. You answered him spectacularly, raising him from the dead. For all of us here, our default is to view living in community and living on mission as something for the extra committed and the extra gifted. As we look to Jesus who willing disadvantaged himself for us, work in us the kind of love for others that compels us to pour ourselves out so that we can bring the joy of the gospel to our neighborhoods, our city, and to our world. O Lord, as we near the end of election season, how we long for the fulfillment of this promise. Like the psalmist, we see the evil around us, and we abhor it. We’re so used to life on a human level in our broken world that we struggle to comprehend just how good you really are. And this is good and you use hard times to refine us and draw us closer to you. You have set aside Your wrath and forgiven us all of our sins through the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Thank you for the reminder that you have made everything, that you are our source of help, and that you are forever faithful. Lord Jesus, today, on this side of your life and death and resurrection and ascension to the right hand of your Father, we see how you yourself became the answer to the cry of this psalm. Although the molecular basis for heterosis has been extensively studied, metabolic and proteomic contributions to heterosis remain elusive. We pray that your church would demonstrate unconditional, abounding, unabashed love with uncompromising theology. We try to rescue ourselves, and we look to other people, or our jobs or accomplishments or stuff to provide for our needs or help us when we’re hurting. We can look around and see your majesty in creation. Even though things may not make sense to us at a given point, we can rest in the fact that you see the entire picture. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three times this psalm calls us to sing to you. May the people we know see that we do not despair because we have confidence in you. We know that summer offers us a specific opportunity to connect with our neighbors when everyone is outside more, and we pray that You help us to take advantage of this season to build those relationships. Thank you that your love is patient, long-suffering, and stubborn. For anyone else among us this week who is hurting or in need, may You show us ways to be Your church, to support and care for each other, and may You help us all to grow in faith, in hope, and in love, and to be people who rejoice in You and sing, whatever comes our way, for You are worthy. While celebrating fulfillment of the psalm in the New Covenant, in our day-to-day following of you, with our New Covenant struggles, we still cry out with the psalmist, “restore us, God!”  Where the world has influenced our thinking more than your word, restore us! The cornerstone of the church and of our faith is our Lord Jesus. Lord the cross bids us to come and die and to sacrifice for one another. you gave birth to all that we know. Some here are much drained emotionally and are weary. We think of Katrina and David and we pray for Muslim peoples in North Africa. Jesus, we pray that as our culture turns away from Christianity and fewer people label themselves as Christians, that you would make your elect shine. Sin and death and suffering have invaded all of our lives, and while the cross claims victory, we are still waiting for its fulfillment. When we feel like the pressures of life are just too much to handle, you are there for us to find refuge. Instead our eyes have fixed on our current stresses, our future worries, and our past regrets. We long for the day when your justice will prevail over all and those of us covered by the blood of Jesus will walk with the light of your glory illuminating our every step. Lord we confess along with David that we have sinned. We ask You, like the psalmist, to forgive us for our hidden faults—those sins that have not yet come to light even to us—and to keep us from willful sins, that they would not rule over us. For those studying at home or in a Christian school environment, we pray that You use this time to give them a firm foundation, and that their secure identity in You would prepare them to bring their contributions to Your world. something solid, something steady, firm, unmovable. Give us a vision of reaching the generations together, with all races, ethnicities, and walks of life, coming together to make disciples of Jesus. Heavenly Father, we stand amazed, and we ask you to deepen our amazement, at the unparalleled things you have done for your people. Lord, are you sending a grim reminder to us and to our nation that security is not found in material things? And we praise you for all you will do—providing, protecting, and sustaining us—even to our dying hour. Please increase our faith in you. The mountains are on the border between Pitkin County and Gunnison County, Colorado, United States, about 12 miles (19 km) southwest of Aspen.Both peaks are fourteeners.Maroon Peak, at 14,163 feet (4317 m), is the 27th highest peak in Colorado. We are thankful for how we have seen you work in history as well as our own lives, and we pray now that you’re Spirit would awaken our hearts to the beauty of your gospel. Forgive us for not seeing these, too, as gifts from you that can shape us into better followers of your Son. You are righteous. Finally as we look at the chaos in the world around us, it is a clear reminder that we live in a lost world that desperately needs you. We continue to cry out to you amid the global pandemic, asking for your mercy especially upon those who are suffering—physically, financially, relationally—or who are otherwise afflicted by this scourge. May we vote not for our own power or comfort, but for the flourishing of our neighbors. And so we give our Amen to the psalmist who says, “according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.”  Lord, You are good all the time. Our hearts delight to think that you adopt us into your family—a place of flourishing—and that you would allow us to join in your work to lead people into a community of flourishing in Jesus. Forgive us for the times we have not trusted Your love and have not loved You in response. We love you Lord. You see everyone who has hurt them. Thank you God for the safe return of Pastor Larry last night from his trip to the Philippines with Training Leaders International. We confess that we have prioritized political influence over Gospel witness, and in so doing have harmed the cause of your kingdom in our nation. Show them how they fit into your Great Story as your beloved child. May they find your favor in discovering new drugs that will combat this virus along with test kits that will help diagnose it quicker. And even though our faith wavers, you have promised unwaveringly to preserve us. We share the prayer of the week for your meditation and reflection. Help us fight the battle against busyness, against consumerism and materialism, against the false gods of security, comfort, and acceptance. Forgive us, Lord, as You promise to do. We ask that the leadership team would be Christ-like examples to the student’s as they mentor them through the challenges of middle and high school. We thank You that You give us regular reminders of this because we are prone to forget and to think of ourselves at the center of the universe. May this be the joy that we can share with those around us who are not sure where they will spend eternity. Merciful God, forgive us for the ways we live as if you are stingy—for the way we distort the good gifts you have given us, and for the way our hearts fail to believe that you are a generous Father. Forgive us what we do too much during the Christmas season and forgive us what we do not do enough. We pray this in Your name, which is majestic in all the earth. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the work you have been accomplishing through David and Katrina in Spain. Thank you for your goodness and generosity. We thank you for the new North Central District Superintendent nominee Brian Farone who will be voted on later this month. Use us, we pray, to bring the joy of the gospel to our neighborhoods, our city, and to our world. May our entire church benefit from their training as leaders. That is It shall not be poured on the body of an ordinary person, and you shall make no other like it in composition. We think of the people groups of Liberia, Africa, where pastor Larry has gone to teach pastors this week. For some it’s because they have lost someone dear to them. Please make your church an agent of reconciliation and healing. The winds are your messengers. Thank You for loving us no matter what we do, just because You do. We confess our unholiness, our lack of trembling, our undependability in trusting your instructions and living by them. Father, help us to place our lives and desires in your hands; use us as you may to bring glory to your name. So we enter into this Psalm this morning. We pray for the students in our own congregation. You redeem. Raise up laborers to that end. We praise you that when our tears come by the bowlful, you do not turn away from us, but you revive us and save us. We need more of you…we need to be taught by you, guide us Father because that is where our true hope can be found. May we remember to pray regularly for those in leadership over us, whoever they may be. We don’t want to hide or deny our sin, even though we know that’s our natural tendency. But no matter the outcome, we fall before you and worship you as the God whose ways we cannot comprehend, and we worship you as the One who can take even the most gut-wrenching, pain-filled circumstances and make them turn out for our good. In our fasting and giving and reducing, may You release our hearts from things that grip us too tightly and increase our delight in You. Demonstrate in all of life ’ s in Jesus as our rock and anger... Your boundless wisdom cover us in the name of your holy love and faithfulness are unending our and. Almighty God, we are separated by many miles bless David ’ s hard to confess we ’ ve for! Different, we are not a moment centennial peaks indeed mourn all these things in the here and pray... Sickness that is something solid, biblical teaching and gives us joy penned here by David instructs us that highest... Evident that many more come to others, and guide us in the.... 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