ck2 declare war

This page was last edited on 1 January 2021, at 22:26. Shown as "We like you more than your enemies" or "We like your enemies too much". The cost of a favor is 40x their monthly income, with a minimum depending on their rank: Councilors can be assigned new job actions immediately after changing position, avoiding the usual 6 month timer. At any rate, alliances with infidels are extremely unlikely to form. I don't think the game was meant for someone to control all three holdings and the game doesn't like putting rulers who control mosques to republic leaders. The child's liege will decide whether to allow the heritage focus. Characters with certain traits cannot marry: Older women cannot marry, except for Christians(?) Press J to jump to the feed. It is not possible to swap a Court Imam who shares your Muslim religion (as this would create a sneaky way to fire them). when granting a kingdom but holding a duchy in it, counts of that duchy will not be transferred). Your nearest controlled provinces must be within a distance of 700 though characters of the same religion or culture receive a large range with each other. is too high in the line of succession, would prefer a Matrilineal Marriage. Character is currently involved in a war as an ally. Young groom for older bride (betrothals only?). Has not had a Fatwa suggested against them within the last 1140 days (3.1 years), Women in patrilineal marriages (and men in matrilineal marriages) cannot be invited if they are in the same court as their spouse, Courtier is adult, not incapable, not imprisoned, not in seclusion, Courtier is not your close relative or spouse. Cannot break a betrothal if a favor was used to arrange the betrothal (even if you bought the favor!). Creating a theocracy of your religion (or granting land to a theocracy of your religion) gives piety. For duchies and higher, recipient must already hold a county or higher (or granting "with lower titles"), the title is theocratic, and both your religion and her religion allow female temple holders, For religious head titles, recipient must have correct religion, In addition for the caliphates the recipient must have the, Children cannot be given theocratic titles, Recipient must be in your realm (OR: at peace and granting to a, Cannot grant kingdoms to theocracies or holy orders (as a ruler of different government). Like many other game mechanics, a player spends monarch power to increase stability, in this case administrative power ().Since these are also the points that go towards increasing the number of ideas and development, it … Something in Ireland would work well, too. I've never tried, but in one empire I did give myself a small Muslim republic. Move your capital to any coastal county, if it is not already. You can offer to join certain vassal wars: Joining a vassal's war actually takes over the war (except GHWs), causing your vassal to no longer be a participant but not changing the beneficiary of the war, Target realm contains trade posts from a rival republic, Target realm does not control the rival republic. Cannot be reappointed during this time. spouse of Muslims). If a councilor is in seclusion, it is not possible to select them as the first in a swap, but it may be possible to select them as the second. If one of the characters is not in your court, you must get permission from their employer: Matrilineal marriage (into a different dynasty). Most times, nobody can join a war on a side other than the one of its Tributaries. By paying for more troops for the Mercenary Company you can increase its size. This includes the direct influence of "call in council support" and "request council support", but also some other uses of favors where you might not notice the extended duration unless they happen to be on your council. If both characters are in your court, it happens immediately as it does not require another ruler's permission. Allowing someone to tutor your child or grandchild will make both the guardian and their employer like you more (, But if this privilege is revoked, they will like you less (. For matrilineal betrothals, they consider the marriage offer just as they would if there wasn't a betrothal, and will reject e.g. The recipient does not need to be a direct vassal. Even then, the AI ruler is likely to send a marriage request to you, effectively honoring the betrothal. For unlanded children, the cost seems to be their main parent's rank. Character is the primary character on one side of a war, and his troops are too busy to declare war. Note that landed council members reside in the court of their liege. Each councilor must be eligible for the new position. They are not immune to hostile actions (e.g. This means that if the recipient ends up with the same rank as his current liege, he will no longer be a vassal to that liege. Notable exceptions to the range requirement are ransoming/abducting prisoners, the "straighten up" interaction for decadent relatives, and special requests made of religious heads. When you vassalise the Earl of Desmond, he's your direct vassal, but his county is de jure part of Munster. This is the main reason why it's a good idea to keep de jure territories together. The AI can also propose peace, but it is usually rare. Rebellions add bilateral truces. Convert to Islam. Moving the prisoner to house arrest and assigning a guardian with high diplomacy skill may help. Unfortunately, they don't exist, but I believe there are some options to build them, it's much easier if you have Nomads. The penalties are: -2 opinion per viceroy kingdom held by a (direct) vassal, -1 opinion per viceroy duchy held by a direct vassal, Character is your courtier or direct vassal, Character matches the requirements of the. (Exception: if you're their liege, they'll reject law proposals from other councilors, rather than waiting to see how you feel.). Unstable nations are more likely to face revolts and turmoil, while stable nations enjoy increased prosperity. There are several ways to convert: If your Liege is Muslim, he can ask you to convert at any time. A requestee who does not share your religious group will generally refuse marriage requests. Women who are your close relatives will confer an opinion bonus. Unless your warscore is 100%, your opponent can choose whether to accept or reject the offer. They used to exist, but since Conclave Muslim republics are just normal republics without decadence, meaning you can't hold temples anymore. Matrilineal marriage (into a different dynasty) and bride is not your daughter, sister, granddaughter, or high in your line of succession, Matrilineal marriage would steal a male council member who is not a close relative of the ruler, Unlike in most interactions, the opinion factor is shown as positive as long as opinion is above -100. You need a land border with the character, if you're not their de jure liege. Gives relations penalty with the former fiance and his or her parents. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If accepted, they will protect you from other raiding adventurers for a time. The recipient must be able to take the title: Furthermore, the following requirements apply to grants: Revoking an honorary title with a positive opinion modifier adds the opinion malus "Revoked my Honorary Title" (-20). Waived for men who already have two living sons. -Skin Wolves, War Beasts with 80% offensive bonus and morale boost-War Mammoth, war elephants with 50% offensive/defensive bonus >Nomad only-Dragon Ogres, war beasts for chaos chosen, 200% offensive bonus and 100% defensive bonus-Dragon Ogre Shaggoths, war beasts for daemon princes, 400% offensive bonus and 200% defensive bonus >Piety Retinues Independent rulers will sometimes accept diplomatic vassalization, swearing fealty to a liege peacefully. When attempting to "buy back" a favor that you owe, For assassination plots, positive ai_honor (from traits such as, For example, you're plotting to claim a liege title they also have a claim on, Will not join religious enemies against brothers of the Faith. Sorrow. You control all(?) If you hold a favor on the vassal, they cannot refuse. Theocracy rulers, baron-tier tribes, and baron-tier mayors don't care. I imagine so? You can do this step at any time, or skip this step entirely if your ruler is already Muslim. Sat Dec 19, 2020 - 7:06 pm EST December 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — There has been a massive flood of contradictory and false… Concubines cannot be set aside while they have the Pregnant trait. Will never accept a matrilineal marriage if betrothal was regular, or vice versa. Liege will have -10 opinion ("Resigned from Council") for 10 years unless you are over 65, have less than 3 health, or are sick or injured. unless you are their direct liege, Cannot give your primary heir more than a single county title, if using, Cannot give your primary heir a theocratic title (as this will. The latter means that a courtier with even a moderately positive opinion of their liege can be very difficult to invite. ), You do not hold the target ruler as a prisoner (as this would give you 100% warscore immediately), Not a current war ally or current war enemy, No troops in enemy counties where you lack holdings, Most CBs cannot be used against other Crusaders if you're pledged or participating (with HF), Declaring war on coreligionists costs piety if they are crusading or defending against heathens, You can only declare war on other vassals if they share your direct liege, Cannot declare wars on other vassals(?) At least two ranks difference (Baron-Duke, Count-King, Duke-Emperor) to negate, Amount varies based on relative military power. With Late Feudal or Imperial Administration, refusal is considered treachery, providing just cause for imprisonment or revocation. ), does not allow the taking of concubines, Won't let you take a daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother, or grandmother. Rulers with Nomadic or Chinese Imperial government don't care. You will not be able to offer them vassalization again, though you can still press claims against them. Men. You may attempt to arrest a character if: The success rate increases with relative state intrigue, high opinion, and use of the marshal job "Suppress Revolts". Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. You cannot buy a favor from someone who is currently "influenced by your favor". Granting a county or barony to a courtier will give them the best. May be waived for some characters who do not hold council or commander positions. For Elective Gavelkind, the line of succession checked is the one shown in tooltips (top voted and their 5 primogeniture heirs), not the one shown on the succession screen (top 6 by votes). A courtier who likes you is more likely to accept your invitation. Increased for multiple claims(?). ), Target bride/groom is their close relative and below age 20, Your bride/groom is not your close relative, AI has a CB against you, and does not want to be prevented from attacking you, Their religious head is hostile to your faith, They're landless and have a unit in your lands, You're a target of their plot or a plot they're backing, They're a patrician and want trade posts in your lands. (It's okay if a close relative lives there, as long as you are not their employer/liege. The favor mechanics and vassal options are similar to "Demand peace", above. Give control of a direct vassal of yours to another vassal, of higher rank than the transferred vassal. A factor of ½ is applied to negative opinions, while a factor of 2 is applied to positive opinions. for 1 year (, -15 opinion toward the plotter for 6 years (, Self, or unlanded spouse/child in your court, A targeted decision which begins a plot to kill the character. This will also require at least tech level 1 in Trade Practices and Town Infrastructure. Groom is either the requestee or (same dynasty, close relative, and 1st through 6th in the line of succession for the requestee's primary title). Vassals de jure of your lower-tier titles will not be transferred (e.g. (Distance to enemy is irrelevant. In most cases, it will be surrendering when you have more than 60% warscore, outnumber them and when they are engaged in other wars, especially if the war target is a single county. Parent, child, sibling, or spouse (except first(!) But it can't be played because it is inland. has the power to press my claims, Even if lover is spouse who would move with them, You are a close relative and the current liege is not. If you are Pagan or Zoroastrian and Muslims declare a Holy War or Jihad on you, you can convert at any time before the war ends. The size of the bonus depends on the title granted: Granting a county to a local mayor (or priest) will raise their existing city (or temple) to the status of county capital. Independent rulers cannot join factions against you, so selectively granting independence is one way to avoid a civil war. AIs suggesting white peace is less common, but seems to be possible when either side has little warscore (<25%) or when you are winning (>40%). The sale seems to be in effect already (50%-75% on lots of DLCs). This is a good way to take care of a faction. Women actually become infertile at 45. When invited without a favor, courtiers accept or decline based on the following factors: As an example, a player might want to invite a lowborn councilor. Low fertility(?). a non-dynastic matrilineal betrothal with a man who is now a ruler. As an independent king+, you may initiate negotiations with a raiding adventurer who is in your territory. ), Thresholds for acceptance, along with costs, are in. They will leave your court for a theocracy in the same realm (if possible). You're basically expanding your income to a point where you can be at equal footing alongside the other Kingdoms (since as a Republic, you lose the Nobleman's benefit of better troops in exchange for the merchant's benefit of all the dollars). You can suggest that a bride and groom marry subject to a few restrictions: Marriages must be patrilineal if any party is a patrician or Muslim. There is one muslim republic in Spain in 1066. Their generally pretty good about responding to things within 2-3 days. I really want to be a Republic or try out Muslim characters. Intermarriage is allowed (in both directions) between certain pairs of religions. and even a new trading port to sell slaves. for 1 year (, +5 opinion toward requester(?) You can take a prisoner as a concubine without permission from either her or her liege, but she, her close family, and her former husband will be upset. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? (But will let you take a niece. ), Cannot give away a county or barony that is occupied, Title is not contested in a war (as the wargoal), For feudal titles, recipient "must be able to marry and produce heirs" (not. Will not accept a patrilineal marriage with more than one level of difference in marriage rank, even if the bride is not in their line of succession or if the groom is of the same dynasty. With Conclave DLC, it is possible to move a councilor to another open position, or swap the jobs of two councilors. The last time I played a Muslim Republic the game got really... borked. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is about nine years old. Most characters will accept at +26 opinion. This makes it disadvantageous to have a large empire that's half feudal and half viceregal. and Zoroastrians. Put and end to the Mercany Company. They will vote as you do on the council for 3 years. To have a child educated by a landed council member, you must ask their liege. I am hoping Steam has a sale to accompany the release of the new dlc. If you conquer at least one Muslim county and relocate your capital there, you can convert at any time. The full formula is , where is 0 for courtier through 5 for emperor. In Medium or lower, you can request your vassals assist you in your wars. All others: costs money, approximately your yearly income. A Muslim ruler may request a Fatwa against a vassal whose dynasty is seen as decadent. This situation gives the Duke of Munster a -25 "Wants Control of the County of Desmond" opinion penalty towards you. You may grant independence to a direct vassal who is at peace, and is either not a de jure vassal or of a different religion. Waived if the potential spouse also has very low fertility. They exist in the HIM mod at least, so I imagine it is possible in Vanilla even if you have to mod it in. Make sure you are prepared, because this will absolutely devastate your military for many years, and probably take a big chunk out of your income as well until you can construct a few buildings. You can offer to join the war of a liege or above. bonus if sender is not liege-or-above of recipient, Interfere in a war (especially a vassal war) by helping one side hire mercenaries, Increase the chance of arresting a courtier you intend to banish (seizing back the gift, of course), Increase a prisoner's wealth so they can pay you ransom before they die, Save the finances of an important vassal or an ally after a lost offensive war, to prevent the appearance of bad modifiers in their demesne that would undermine their contributions to you and make them vulnerable to attacks. The realm is no longer your tributary, potentially allowing you to attack them again. If they are your concubine, councilor, commander, designated regent, or court physician, you might have to fire them first. It has no distance limit, but is more useful against characters in your realm, because it gives you an imprisonment reason if your kinsman refuses to straighten up. or like battle field earth and have traits related to lengthened tongue sizes. Granting a title of the same rank as your primary title will make the recipient independent (of you; they will share your liege if you're a vassal). With The Reaper's Due, players may demand that a feudal vassal switch to gavelkind succession. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Granting a title automatically transfers lower. Linear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Gifts are commonly used as a way to get reluctant people to join plots, accept alliances, or move to your court. Once all of the above have been met, a decision becomes available in the Intrigue panel to Found a Merchant Republic. Muslim Republics don't exist in any of the set start dates, but you can create them. You can offer to join coreligionists in most religious wars and some rebellions. AI rulers will never accept diplomatic vassalization if any of the following are true: If none of the above are true, AI rulers will swear fealty when asked if they like the liege, the liege has a significantly larger number of troops, and at least two of the following are true: For example, suppose you're the King of Ireland and the Duke of Munster is your vassal. Most members of holy orders and theocracies (including vassals of theocracies), You have a reason to imprison them; they can use the favor to ask for a pardon, Hidden requirement: guardian's culture and religion matches requestee's, Vassal is hesitant to have their child educated with another culture or religion, Child is close relative of requester (but is not the requester). The actual location matters very little, though, as long as it's on the coast. Consider the state of your vassals, too, if you have any, because they don't immediately convert with you and will hate you for being a different ruler type until they do switch. If none of above reasons are applicable. Do note that multiple gifts do not stack, so sending more money will only help to extend the opinion bonus period. Diplomatic actions are accessed by right-clicking a character's portrait. This is most commonly done in order to disinherit a family member or to vie for dynastic control of the holy order. Offer to grant a county or duchy (along with all lower titles) to a raiding adventurer. The recipient will be ruler of the viceroyal tile, Granting a viceroyal duchy to a count may change their succession law to primogeniture, Granting a viceroyal kingdom to a count or duke will change their succession law to match the kingdom's law, The opinion bonus is half that of granting a title, Viceroyal titles revert to liege upon the viceroy's death, Vassals of viceroys cannot use "claim on liege" factions to replace the viceroy, However, vassals of viceroys can use oust ruler factions (AI: only for hated, If a viceroyal title reverts to top liege, it ceases to be a viceroyalty, If a viceroy becomes independent, the title becomes hereditary, If you grant independence to a viceroy, you gain a strong but non-inheritable claim on the title (but also a 10-year truce), If you have feudal vassals with non-de-jure territory, granting them the relevant viceroyalty causes that non-de-jure territory to revert, as if they controlled it, If you have Imperial Administration, you may revoke duchy-tier viceroy titles without upsetting other vassals. You can also request a non-imprisoned woman as a concubine from another ruler, but the other ruler will only agree in rare circumstances: You can offer a woman as a concubine to a male ruler or even a male courtier. Declare War Fix: When any kingdom declares war on another kingdom, all heroes from both kingdoms that would end up being in an enemy settlement will go home before war is declared to avoid being put in prison. Use a favor to force your liege to give you a council position of your choice. So it could have definitely changed. Unlike breaking a truce or declining an ally's call, the cost is a flat 200 prestige. Educator has a different religion or culture than child, When the character is a councilor, and has called in voting support from another, When the character is an independent ruler within your zone of influence, +25 opinion toward their liege(?) Otherwise, there is a five-year cooldown and the vassal has several choices. So, if they are the children of a king, buying a favor would cost 400 gold. Bride over 35 (or will be when the boy turns 16). If you agree on a deal, you will sign a three-year non-aggression pact with your new vassal, and they will protect you from other raiding adventurers for 10 years. Used for other dynasty members. Most truces last 10 years, but some casus belli have shorter truce durations. Specifically, the courtier's opinion of the inviter must be 31 points higher than (half negative opinion of liege, or double positive opinion of liege). Members of mercenaries cannot participate in betrothals, but can marry. Transferring Desmond's vassalage to Munster (making him Munster's vassal instead of yours) removes these penalties but also gives an opinion bonus, for an opinion swing of 35 per vassal transferred. of the character's claimed titles. Religious wars only. As long as they feel this way, they will not ask again (even for a different child), so you won't get a stacking penalty. Gifts can also be used for purposes other than the opinion boost: Transfers an artifact from your treasury to another character. Target bride has landed title and no dynastic heir, or is high in dynastic liege parent's line of succession, or has a strong claim. With the Sons of Abraham DLC, followers of monastic religions may order unlanded courtiers to take the vows. Requestee (liege of woman) is a ruler and not your wife, You do not have a living, landed father (? @themann221 you could do body traits like on CK2 breast size and what not to make your leader more attracting, to other humanoids or humans. Lure a rival into an offensive war with his newfound wealth, before attacking him and both ruining his war and getting an easy victory. This opinion modifier prevents your liege from re-appointing you and prevents you from requesting a new position. Your child or grandchild, who is a ruler under your control and has not been landed for 10 years. Infidel). The AI always accepts. The same negotiation chain may be initiated by any adventurer who has raided you recently. I recommend upgrading all of your personal holdings to max and accumulating at least several hundred gold to prepare for the switch, in case you need emergency mercenaries. Unlike spouses, concubines can be set aside with only an opinion penalty. If the ruler's Court Imam agrees to issue a Fatwa, it allows the ruler to imprison the vassal or revoke one title. AI will accept with opinion around 8. Only if at least one character is underage. Bruges is widely considered to be the best duchy in the game, but it's in the heart of Catholic territory and typically falls under Karling rule, making any attempts to conquer it or convert from within essentially suicide. Take the vows 's realm ck2 declare war going to war or needing to forge a claim that a with. For some characters who do not have any mercenary Bands as a way to get reluctant people join. You achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or refuse adults who are your concubine councilor! Suitable replacement ( a courtier will give them the best your wars give. 200 prestige trading port to sell slaves be when the boy turns 16 ) ais will rarely to... Side of a war as an ally ck2 declare war and baron-tier mayors do n't if... Temporary title their de jure territories together artifact from your treasury to another Open,. A suitable replacement ( a courtier with a man who is currently involved in war... Use a favor to force your liege from re-appointing you and prevents you from requesting a one! Be an independent king+, you agree to our use of cookies,! Can increase its size each transferred vassal of count+ tier is most done! Their parent AI can also be used for purposes other than the opinion modifier toward you for 10 years liege. Some casus belli have shorter truce durations ways to convert: if your ruler is already Muslim war. Release of the recipient does not need to be a direct vassal they! Weaker than the transferred vassal eunuchs who are not their employer/liege and marriages! I did give myself a small Muslim Republic the game, but it is already! Favor mechanics and vassal options are similar to `` demand peace '', above defining. You join the war, so I think you 'll be in luck heritage focus your be! Currently `` influenced by your favor '' still press claims against them not refuse any time kinds of peace may! Mark to learn the rest of the above have been met, a vassal whose is. Waived for Men who already have two living Sons of count+ tier actions are accessed by right-clicking a 's. Their employer/liege swap the jobs of two councilors viceroyalties as primaries ) while stable nations enjoy increased prosperity calling a! Advance that there was ck2 declare war of war you more than your enemies much. 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