explain something complicated in simple terms interview

See more from Ascend here. Show more Show 12 tips to help you explain complicated things in a simple way that attracts and holds attention, builds trust, engages your audience His article on the Nova Scotia victim graves appeared in the October 1999 issue of American Funeral Director. In writing it, he interviewed the two principal researchers as well as the clergyman of the granddaughter of Titanic crew member victim Catherine J. Wallis. ), and outline how you'd break it down, make comparisons or analogies, etc. You may even grapple with this complexity when explaining the challenge to a colleague or project partner. But what do you mean by milk?. When you can define key terms and phrases to make them more relevant to your audience, you have skill! More seriously, I find that when I think I can't explain something I know to someone in simple-enough terms it is because I'm underestimating the audience. I gave a presentation once to a bunch of business professionals on our products, and they all appeared to understand the content of what I was sharing., My company put me in charge of detailing the version 1.65 interface improvements and changes to the ICSMBSE server to a group of visiting project managers with little experience dealing with IMTU databases. Remember that that most of an iceberg exists underwater and challenge yourself to say as little as possible. Why? This is where I truly learned how well storytelling can be used to explain complex ideas. Choose resume template and create your resume. WebInterview question for Engineering.Describe a time you had to show leadership. Competency was updated by Christine Pasqueretta on March 7th, 2018. Well, you can always ask themsomething like, OK, before I explain further, how much do you understand about [topic]?, Then, after locking down your audience, you should do the following, One famous attempt to convey very complex information was a military briefing on Afghanistan in 2010. Remember that that most of an iceberg exists underwater and challenge yourself to say as little as possible. We might be able to solve. Make sure the people who heard your explanation truly did understand it. Now, lets explore each in a little more detail. Complex or simple. We bring you news on industry-leading companies, products, and people, as well as highlighted articles, downloads, and top resources. Say, for example, that youre trying to explain memory leaks. Two people can look at that same picture, and they can have opposite views of what theyre seeing. It makes things more tangible. Rhetorical patterns like narrative, process, description, compare & contrast, assertion, or opinion and support fall in and out of favor as a pedagogical tool. Thanks, Lauren! Admittedly, you cant tell what is going through their minds, and one little doubt could make the cookie crumble. Use simple present tense Simple present tense, as its name implies, is the simplest form of the verb used for current Ask HN: How do you explain something complex in simple terms? Good communication requires patience, active listening skills, and a bit of luck, so I tossed the dice and told them about some experiences I'd had in the past with other employers. that shit's complicated. Think of a presentation about a complex topic, as a proposal to solve a challenging problem. Keep your audience thinking and imagining your idea while making use of everyday instances to push your point home. \ Once youve finished explaining your point or answering a question, ask a final question yourself. Dont insult people by assuming that theyre only as intelligent as a three-year-old. In this portion of your answer, degree from Haverford College and an M.B.A. degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Why should they be concerned about this one thing? The CFO probably has little need to know about the specific commands and steps involved in setting up database mirroring. The goal here is to leave a lasting impression on your audience, for the right reason, of course. Having them understand you is important not only for technical reasons, but also to ensure customer satisfaction. However, I learned skills in my previous career that I wouldnt have otherwise learned that help my in me in my job today.. To answer the question, think of something that is surprising about your field, something that most people in the field know but most people outside it don't. Im really passionate about the work youre doing in X, Y, and Z areas, so I was excited to apply. This will help you know how deeply they can dive with you. Il sillonne le monde, la valise la main, la tte dans les toiles et les deux pieds sur terre, en se produisant dans les mdiathques, les festivals , les centres culturels, les thtres pour les enfants, les jeunes, les adultes. Do you want them to have a fuzzy, perhaps-intuitive understanding or bring them up (however many long steps it takes) to a complicated understanding? Simply saying, I had this new idea and it will save us time and effort and I need X budget to get it done might get peoples attention, but there are still going to be (lots of) questions. Simplifying does not mean "dumbing down". Think of a paper or presentation you did in school/college. Hence, simplifying complex concepts should be second nature to you as it will further make things easier. Whether you are a Microsoft Excel beginner or an advanced user, you'll benefit from these step-by-step tutorials. Save these more complex constructions for the brainstorming meeting. In short, they want to know how you got to them. Your questions can be open ended, which gives people a chance to provide detailed information, or they can be closed ended, which generally calls for a simple yes/no response. If my audience will only remember one thing about my explanation, what is that one thing?, And, why should my audience care about this one thing?. If you are working toward solutions in this kind of world, as we are in post secondary education at Western Governors University, you have likely encountered the challenges of explaining complex ideas to a novice audience. But I am also comfortable taking on assignments that require me to work independently. Honesty is the best policy. Whenever you share your ideas, prepare a bag of relatable analogies as well as metaphors to drive your point home. Picture this scenario: You are an economist that one way or the other found yourself at a seminar featuring the great minds in the Physics world. We solve. Discuss a specific instance when you stayed on track. What language do they tend to use? But they might want to know where in the hiring process you are with other companies. Theyre also looking to understand if you have your own system for staying on track with the work beyond the companys schedules and workflow plans. Ideas are like icebergs. I'm a solar guy, (rooftop solar), so explaining things to clients would be right up that alley. If Steve works at the company and suggested that you apply for the job, explain why he thought youd be the perfect fit. have 2 good anecdotes handy, and hope to hell you remember one of them. M5J 2L7. Looking for the best payroll software for your small business? Things like explaining the job to a client are no-brainers. So i sat for a little bit - not too long - and realized I just needed to start covering the basics, and then feel my way forward from there. If the latter does everything the former does, plus more, it truly is a superset of the former, and the former is a subset of the latter. This answer was given by one of my senior during the interview of a reputed MNC. Interviewer: Suppose we switch places, you become the interviewer If possible, I like to have hands-on examples, but that is not always feasible. ", "I try to use written and verbal examples. In the course of your work, you may sometimes need to explain technical concepts to your customers. You could also ask people in the field by reaching out to your community on LinkedIn. millions of Americans quitting their jobs. A benefit, on the other hand, is a way the feature helps a person. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations. The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of explaining complex ideas without being condescending to your co-workers or talking over their heads. Post your jobs & get access to millions of ambitious, well-educated talents that are going the extra mile. Explain how you remain organized and focused on the job in front of you. I provided packets with charts and graphs to complement my presentation, and focus mostly on the how the product would be a beneficial solution to their needs while breaking down how the components worked at their more basic level rather than the intricate changes in technology. Since good schools were a rarity, I started using online learning to stay up to date with the best. You may get further by encouraging people to experience the problem or matter you are explaining. This will help you know how deeply they can dive with you.". I have to target my language to 8-year-olds every single day. Brooklyn is a subset of New York City, because all of it is a part of that city. This is a skill in itself, and this requires some level of practice as much as the ability to think quick on your feet. Remember, the people youre talking to probably lack your specialized knowledge, so you should use readily understandable terms. A series of stock photos or icons from a site like Icon Finder can do wonders. The employer wants to know: Do you hold down the fort or crumble under pressure? Consider a similar question which is frequently discussed on HN -- how to describe a business concept as easily as possible. Maybe you had to explain "dabbing" to your aunt? Sometimes you simply need to tell a story that shows you have some idea what the interviewer is talking about. Know that you dont have to feel scared about answering this question if you didnt spend your time brushing up on skills or taking courses. First, you need to understand it thoroughly. An extremely complex idea will only serve to confuse your audience without passing the information across to them. He stood up and said he was walking with a friend of his, who was blind. Example:I come from a small town, where opportunities were limited. Previously, I may have defaulted to panicking in that situation, so being calm and collected was definitely a step forward and helped me approach the situation with more clarity.. Resume, Interview, Job Search, Salary Negotiations, and more. Tapping into them can help get to common ground faster. While some interview questions are standard and can be expected, many interviews and sales recruiters are now asking a variety of questions to test your knowledge and skills. How often do you want to say this when you are explaining your work, or your ideas, or your passion? The same way you pick up girls: become Richard Feynman. When its impossible to avoid, make sure to define any complex terms. How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? https://youtu.be/e7EfxMOElBE. I feel it brought me closer to myself and has been really great for my mental health and productivity.. Talk about the importance and urgency of the projects you were working on and how you allocated your time accordingly. So, paint a verbal picture. Conversely, New York City is a superset of Brooklyn, because the former contains, in addition to all of the latter, other boroughs as well. Now, you are excited, but there is just this one thing dampening your happiness. I thought of this as I watched the following video, which was the winner of Stories have power. Can the explanation be delivered interactively, confirming understanding of explained (or assumed) bases along the way? Then, choose something from real life that illustrates that principle. The bottom line is you cannot appreciate what you do not understand. Contact us here. Why milk is a white fluid,explained Einstein. WebExplain something complicated in simple terms. WebHome Uncategorized explain something complicated in simple terms interview Uncategorized explain something complicated in simple terms interview You have tremendous clarity on what the one thing you want the team to remember is. 15 most common behavioural interview questions, Describe When You Had to Present Complex Information, Making The Right Decision When You Have Multiple Options, 5 Types of Decision Making Skills You Need To Know, How To Answer Behavioral Interview Questions, The Secret to Setting Goals and Achieving Them, Start by explaining how it was complicated, End by explaining how you simplified it and presented it. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. Good. Example, I work in radiology, so my example would probably be along the lines of how I answer patients questions on radiation dose or 'how does this thing work'. Youre sitting in a conference room with all the big bosses. Calvin has written on customer service for many publications including Entrepreneur, Law Technology News and Medical Office Management. ", "If a concept is difficult to explain, or understand, I will find visual aids to help. Susan Fawcett has helped countless people improve their writing through her popular books Grassroots and Evergreen. Learn more here. Login form Give the interviewer an example of how you break down information to make it more easily digestible for the average person. This is because not everyone will understand at the same level; thus, use this as a method of turning your complicated ideas into simple concepts. But humans like to think, solve problems, and make connections. So, below are some questions you should answer before proceeding: If you blandly put your point across, yes, you will get their attention, but there will still be unanswered questions going through their heads. We all need a quick reminder sometimes. Web12 tips to help you explain complicated things in a simple way that attracts and holds attention, builds trust, engages your audience and moves them to act. Whether you use the user experience or marketing approach to personas and whether yours are fictional or research-based, these representative heroes can make your explanation friendlier and more accessible. Its also better to err on the side of caution and quote a slightly higher number as its easier to negotiate downward than upward. The quantification of each element of the explanation is going to be relative and arbitrary, but it's still easier to decide how far you're willing to go if you have numbers to base it on, even if they're made-up numbers. If you sought out the role yourself, be clear about what caught your eye extra bonus points if you can align your values with the company and their mission. It could also be in your interest to answer this question by highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both situations. How would you do it? One famous story that accurately describes this point is one of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal. An analogy involves explaining an unfamiliar concept in terms of a familiar one. Organize a number of different applicants using an ATS to cut down on the amount of unnecessary time spent finding the right candidate. ", "Keep it simple silly! simple is something the is easy to do. All interview questions are created by MockQuestions.com and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on MockQuestions.com. The mode with which you elaborate your points will also determine the impression you give your audience. If you use a term, phrase, or acronym regularly, you might forget that it is unfamiliar to others and needs to be defined. ", Our Professional Interview CoachRachelle Enns Reviewed the Above Answer. A feature is some inherent property of an object. \ You dont want to turn your response Explain something to me is a challenging question, and the truth is very few sales candidates are prepared for it and can offer a great answer to the question. Nevertheless, you should expect that most work environments will have some team aspect. You start by focusing on what was difficult, and end with the basics of how you simplified and presented the information. Get your audience to co-create the knowledge or solution you wish to share and guide them as they do. Tell me about yourself and your qualifications The employer is seeking to understand your qualifications and generally why you think you'd be a good fit. This goes to say that as much as your delivery is necessary, the information being passed across needs to be apt. A structured search through millions of jobs. Someone whos planning a party probably doesnt care how the cup provides insulation. Good job. Whats their background? For example, one of the features of a Styrofoam cup, because of the material used, is insulation. Imagine I sat you down and asked you to complete a jigsaw puzzle. \ Within a few minutes, They wrapped up the question with a compliment about how well I handled myself, and I politely said "Thank you, I do enjoy my special brand of brilliance.". He always explains it in terms that the audience can understand. Career and life advice for young professionals. Example: Im used to juggling projects at my current job where Im often moving between Your answer should be concise and direct. You might stop reading in the next sentence becauseTelling someone I'm a system engineer using agile methodology to facilitate the realization of business needs is eye-glaze inspiring at about the word "agile". An example/analogy might be the consequences of pouring a cup of pancake batter into successive measuring cups, or the consequences of lending money to your brother-in-law. Example: Last year, my team won an award for most innovative process improvement. If you force your audience to understand a bunch of ideas at once, youll only leave them confused and probably forgetting everything you said. Second, you need practice explaining things to people for whom this is pretty alien. You want to give your audience something to think about; thus, painting a mental picture is vital. Make sure your story has a great beginning, a riveting middle, and an end that makes the interviewer root for you to win the job. This is because they will not see the importance if you do not explain your idea. Dr. Emily Grossman said, You cannot hide poor or boring content behind a charismatic delivery technique, and expect your audience to let you get away with it.. He was shown a PowerPoint slide intended to show the strategy of the American military strategy but ended up looking like a bowl of spaghetti. Explain your thought process for choosing the actions you did, being as specific as possible. And if they change, then you can use my favorite past perfect verb: We have learned. Think of it as your MVEyour Minimum Viable Explanation. (They prefer star responses), "So this one time i was in an interview, and I was asked to talk about a time i needed to explain something complex. We have compiled some easy steps to follow if you want to share those complex ideas with your colleagues and bosses. E-mail is already registered on the site. The questions include: Where your work meets your life. When conveying complex information, your content needs to be right and adequately researched. WebRegardless of field, a key point in explaining something complex is how you'd simplify it for others to understand. Interviewer- Describe yourself. Neal- Its all in my CV. Interviewer- Tell me something which is not in your CV. Neal- I am a greedy person. Interv Now fluid, I know what that is, said the blind man, but what is white?, Oh, white is the color of a swans feathers., Feathers, now I know what they are, but what exactly is a swan?, Neck, I know what that is, but what do you mean by crooked?, At this point, Einstein said he lost his patience. Here are 19 of the most common interview questions youll likely be asked in your next interview: 1. 1. Tell me about yourself. Your interviewers will likely start with a question about you and your background to get to know you. Start by giving th What is that one thing I want my audience or listeners to remember about my presentation? are you in insurance? It comes down to keeping it simple and talking in their terms while remembering what motivates them: sales, operations, or what have you. Find your dream job. and only you know that answer. Therefore, we make assumptions about our audiences knowledge and take shortcuts in our explanations or use jargon. Copyright 2023 SalesForce Search. Most people are visual learners who will better understand if they see the concept in action. As soon as this is done, heres what to do next. You may have invented the MVC: (Minimum Viable Comment! A perfect representation of this step is an example from the world-renowned Physicist, Albert Einstein. When we understand that slide, well have won the war, was the generals response to deciphering this information. If you chose to work on your personal development, you could say something like the following. Before starting his own practice, Calvin worked for IBM as a programmer and systems engineer, and for KPMG Peat Marwick as an information technology consultant and manager. 3 Actions to Take to Avoid a Counteroffer Situation With Sales Talent. All rights reserved. This shows the interviewer that you understand when Below is a list of 10 common job interview questions, along with answering techniques that will help you dazzle your prospects, and hopefully, secure the role you want. WebEven something about technical information so well that support more worth living thing could explain something complicated notions about and moves from a branch off and medical terminology. They go to the teller and identify themselves; the teller makes sure they have enough money; and then the teller gives them the money. What does the 'child' already know that can be leveraged? Be honest and tell them how you would find out the answer. So an interviewer asks you a question and you have no idea what the answer is, but they The next step is elaborating on the one thing in an easy-to-understand manner. ), The Plain Language Action and Information Network, website with good advice on using plain language. And your comment is brief, visual and tells your story. The story itself is not necessarily the way employers will learn about your simplification skills. They key is how you respond to explain something to me. Use these tips to formulate an effective response: Perhaps the most important thing is to collect your thoughts before you start talking. I took a course on creating effective info-graphics and will often implement those in my presentations. An Impactful Guide on How to Rise Up from Common Startup Failures, How To Turn Complicated Ideas Into Simple Concepts. Theyre meeting to discuss the annual budget, and its your job to pitch them your case for more money for your team. After checking the spelling and using the grammar checker, you can easily simplify text online, summarize and generate content. Keep it short and sweet. Use The Muse to find a job at a company with a culture you love. WebI would explain how to explain something complicated. Please use the Interviewers like to hear stories about candidates. IT workers must keep up to date with the latest technology trends and evolutions, as well as developing soft skills like project management, presentation and persuasion, and general management. To conclude your answer, you may present what you learned and how you plan to apply it in future scenarios. Simply, they want to know if youre their top choice. What would be a good example, or how would you answer this? Now, you know the speakers are renowned in their various fields, but you cant make out what they are saying. Scenario: A panel of three interviewers siting in an interview room. With a chair empty on the other side of table. A candidate enters the room sit \ They want to make sure that you wont have a meltdown when the pressure becomes intense and deadlines are looming. This question may come up as a result of the pandemic. Lastly, if you were recruited, explain why you took the bait. But practicing first really helps. Online resources to advance your career and business. SalesForce Search is a sales recruiting company which specializes in the recruitment and placement of sales professionals. I had to explain complex economic theories in very simple terms. Telling the story of a user experiencing an idea, or problem, or solution makes it real and approachable. Compare that to: We are going to write. Following this, I send out an email blast that summarizes what we talked about, the questions asked, and asking for feedback or questions. What motivates them? You entered an incorrect username or password, I find myself opposed to the view of knowledge as a passive copy of reality." Jean Piaget This is the name in taxi to explain complicated situations than most irrelevant piece, which is one. When you explain things to people, do their eyes glaze over? Press J to jump to the feed. Now, I know what milk is.. They simply make sense. It depends deeply on the audience, and the level of understanding you're targeting. 4. Comparing things creates a visual or reference point for the audience. I think I get better at it with every new experience. Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. To make a winning impression, youll need to answer each question with poise and passion. The world-renowned Physicist, Albert Einstein expect that most of an iceberg exists and... Friend of his, who was blind recruited, explain why you took the.! I have to target my language to 8-year-olds every single day in explaining something complex is how would! Schools were a rarity, I started using online learning to stay to... ; thus, painting a mental picture is vital, son, and the level understanding! A site like Icon Finder can do wonders School of the most important thing is to a... Was excited to apply it in terms that the audience can understand simply, they to. 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