how to become a cult specialist

Take time for meditation. She is a regular presenter at conferences and a published author, including a co-authoring a chapter entitled Pathological Spirituality for a medical text book entitled Spirituality and Psychiatry, published by RCPsych Publications in UK 2009. We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent especially those . Linda can be reached at Rule #6: Be Open, Inviting and Inclusive. They have earned that label due to their propensity to describe cults or cult-like groups in a positive light, while summarily dismissing the claims of ex-members and other critics. Editor and co-author of the book Sektsjuka (Cult Illness) and a former lecturer for the psychology department at the University of Gothenburg on the subject of manipulation, influence, and cult illness. After defying the cult leader and marrying Wendy, they eventually left the cult and Doug began the task of rebuilding his life. Rod co-founded the Re-Entry Therapy Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) UK in 2004 with Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall, where he serves as a consultant in helping individuals and families who have been adversely affected by destructive or damaging cults and other extremist and high demand/manipulative groups or relationships. Some hygiene routines take longer than others, especially if you need help maintaining your hair, say, or struggle with acne. Over the years she has participated in numerous TV-programs and radio-programs to spread awareness about cultic groups and processes. Some cult observers market themselves with great titles. I do not ask for a fee for initial calls, which may involve a discussion about counselling and training, signposting or just provide a listening ear. You and your loved ones deserve better. Rick Ross, a longtime . Linda has been a member of ICSA for years and continues to educate herself on underlying causes of and treatment for mental health difficulties including those involving undue influence. Are they respectful toward followers of other religions? ), is Research Coeditor of ICSA Today and is a cofounder of RETIRN (please also see, a private practice that provides services to individuals and families who have been affected by cultic influence and abusive relationships. Keep your thoughts and feelings to only those you trust. A graduate member of the British Psychological Society, Rod is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Cultic Studies Association and is also Chair of the ICSA Research Committee and Network and he is co-Editor of the International Journal of Cultic Studies (since its inception in 2010). If you have any questions or need to discuss your situation, please give me a call. ! She has spent most of her career in the mental health field.Wendy and her husband, Doug, are former members of a pseudo-Christian, Bible-based cult and several years after leaving, they became active in cult awareness activities. differences between sociological and theological definitions, difference between theological and sociological definitions, Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control, Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective, differences between theological and sociological definitions, John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning). Rosannes private practice specializes in the treatment of cult survivors and their families. Credentialing Specialist salary data. Cults may even offer a commune or place to stay for its members, which can be an . This is when adulthood was finally reached after many difficult experiences including exploitation by a trusted college professormore opportunity for empowering growth and change. [2] [3] Ross has intervened in more than 500 deprogramming cases in various countries. The term 'cult' comes from the Latin cultus, meaning 'worship. You and your friend or loved one need professional help from a licensed psychotherapist not an unlicensed cult expert. It should be noted that the majority of them refer to Christians and Christian organizations particularly those that participate in evangelism among Jews as cultists and cults. (After all, when defined theologically, cults depart from the essential doctrines and practices of a particular faith). Pursue a bachelor's degree. Beginning in 2003 and continuing to this day, Colleen developed and successfully facilitates an on-going exploratory/educational/supportive therapy group for former cult or high demand group members. They think they are following the Lord, but they have become like a mannequin trying to pass for a live body. Answer (1 of 9): Steal the teaching of another religion, make a few changes, and then claim that you received it through some sort of revelation. Focus on your hygiene. A Billing Specialist manages the billing processes of a corporation or institution; processing payments, generating and delivering invoices, documenting and keeping track of payment information. Ms. Lofgren received treatment by Wellpring, when they came to Sweden in 1992. The word "cult" is burrowing through the Las Vegas faith community on the eve of a visit from an international specialist in controversial religious groups. Announce that this teaching is the only hope for saving the world. Choose the right SEO Training. Most employers seek network specialists with bachelor's degrees in information technology, computer science, computer engineering or a related field. Newark, DE 19711 She attended and assisted in organizing conferences and served as president of the local CAN affiliate, Free Minds. Hassan, Ryan, and Shaw are part of the small field of cult experts who focus on the experiences of people who join intense ideological movements. Licensed professional counselors (LPCs), also called licensed clinical professional counselors or licensed mental health counselors in some states, focus on mental, emotional, and behavioral issues in a variety of healthcare settings. Their teachings . 302.368.9136 (Office) The group, which drew on communist teachings, isolated her from her family and made her feel guilty for her privileged upbringing. He and his wife Vicki wrote Damaged Disciples: Casualties of Authoritarian Churches and the Shepherding Movement, published by Zondervan. Are they recommended by recognized experts in the field? Dr. Whitsett also has a specialty in Sexuality and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Scholarship in 2016 to study, teach, and do research on this topic in China. Understand the true meaning of SEO. Get FTB and become a Cult Analyst. While working and raising two children she earned a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Communication from Ohio University Scripps College of Communication. If a person is especially vulnerable, it makes it easier for a "charismatic leader" to recruit them to a cult, an expert said. Cult influence is designed to disrupt a person's authentic identity and replace it with a new identity. She has attended four ICSA conferences, as a former member and mental health practitioner. Avoid people who have a track record of blustering, bullying and stalking. Not to mention, a passion for fitness! ]Many manage to leave on their own or with the help of friends and family. Certain sites and their operators have even been known to actively whitewash groups that are widely considered cults. Instead, you will find designations such as exit counselor, thought reform consultant (or counselor), mental health counselor, intervention specialist, etc. They are frequent presenters at churches, civic groups, and conferences, as well as facilitators of a support group for former members of cults and high-demand groups. In evaluating lay and professional experts, take into consideration demonstrable ability, a proven track record, and their standing among peers. She is also a former member who is establishing a Boston area practice designed specifically for ex-cult members: The Gentle Souls Revolution, Healing Arts. She worked in the advertising industry and managed a radio company before earning her degree in psychology at the university of Oslo and becoming a psychologist and eventually seeking therapy to deal with her traumatic experience. She realized she had been in a cult in 2004 after talking with a former member, reading Margaret Singers Cults in our Midst, and visiting the ex-member website. Bill has published numerous articles in books and professional journals, and he is one of the editors of a soon to be published book, sponsored by ICSA, which will focus on clinical work with former cult members. It takes 4 years of professional experience to become a specialist. Some are helpful; a lot are not. Be especially wary of sensationalists and self-promoters. 4. Harder to spot: one cult specialist with a knack of self promotion tends to talk in soundbites generally communicating basic information that did not originate with himself. She is also a member of the Working Group of the European Commission Radicalisation Awareness Network, RAN-EXIT, and she is involved in countering violent extremism with several projects. Much of his work involves counseling, leading support groups, working with those born or raised in groups, and helping former members rebuild their lives. Her website:; email: Step 6: Apply for an application support specialist job. Some cult experts view cults primarily from a theological perspective, others from a sociological perspective, and still others consider both perspectives. Website: Email: Phone: +39 3384440566. Often when this expert addresses a cult or cult-like group he sounds like an authority on the movement, even though most of his information is a rehash of various media reports. In 1999, he received the John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Cultic Studies from the International Cultic Studies Association, and he has been involved in research with former cult members since 1993. He works primarily with Catholics who seek psychological services grounded in a Catholic worldview. She has presented at multiple ICSA conferences and webinars on a variety of topics, interviewed on several podcasts, as well as published an article forICSA Today10.2 / 2019on, The Genesis, Text, and Implications of Utah House Bill 214: Office for Victims of Crime Amendments. Professional help may be provided by psychologists, counselors, or other mental health professionals. If you are interested in any of these services, please Email:info@hopevalleycounselling.comWebsite:www.hopevalleycounselling.comPhone:+44 1433 639032. This can give him or her a different perspective on the group and its leaders. Colleen Russell, LMFT, CGP, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) since 1992, and Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) since 2008. First, a few comments regarding this list: Note: This list is not exhaustive. See also our own list ofrecommended experts. In 1983, she and her husband, Noel, left their associations with est, The Hunger Project and Sterling Institute and began a personal search for information to aid their recovery process. He and his wife, Lorna, co-lead a support group for former cult members, which has been meeting for over forty years. Her talks have included The Psychobiology of Trauma and Child Maltreatment (2005, Madrid) and Why Cults Are Harmful: A Neurobiological View of Interpersonal Trauma (2012, Montreal). Cathrine Moestue, Cand.Psychol., grew up in Oslo, Norway in an upper-middle-class family with four siblings. This course is a great way to increase your skillset and better your chances of employability. Worse, they believe they are going in the right direction! They're masters at expressing their feelings and making their followers relate to them. Ashlen is featured in Season 3 of the BET+ Original Series: American Gangster: Trap Queens. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. . He is currently involved in a project aimed at high schools in Sweden together with a professional magician with the purpose of educating and vaccinating teenagers against manipulation. Freedom From Coercive Control in High Demand Groups and Relationships (2019). Shelly teaches trauma-informed psychotherapy at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, the Training Institute for Mental Health, and the National Institute for the Psychotherapies. Lorna joined ICSAs Board of Directors in November 2003. Bavarian Illuminati. And as mentioned, understand the difference between theological and sociological definitions of the term cult)Questions to research: Observe the general behavior and attitude of the organization, ministry or individual you have under consideration. Having gained a good reputation, they come recommended by many other reputable experts in the field. Ms. Wehle was invited to guest edit ICSAs special issue of Cultic Studies Review in 2010. Ron is a former president of the Wellspring board and is a clinical advisor to both Wellspring and Meadowhaven, a treatment center near Boston. Start out by learning thedifferences between sociological and theological definitionsof the term cult.Knowing from which background and perspective a cult expert operates is important.Issues to understand: Cult research organizations tend to operate from a non-sectarian or secular perspective. Hkan Jrv,Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. 5, No. So you want to be a Cult Leader? There are no specific requirements to join. Rachel spoke numerous times at the former Cult Awareness Network conferences and then became involved with the International Cultic Studies Association, speaking to attendees and participating in panels and workshops. Certification and education are essential in cybersecurity specialist positions. When you are looking for help for yourself or for someone else you come across various terms and designations. Whatever you ask of your followers you should chip in 3-fold. or nave people. Top: Trump supporters hold a QAnon sign at a rally on Jan 5, 2021. Target people wi. She works as project planner and Director of the Helping Centers for Job Harassment in the Workplace of the Udine Province and of CISL- Pordenone Province. Shincheonji Church of Jesus Cult of Christianity, the teachings and practices of groups and movements often referred to as cults, the ways in which such groups (and individuals) recruit followers, how they convince members not to leave (and to reject their parents, friends, and former way of life), how members can be encouraged to reevaluate their involvement in such groups, How to help former cult members recover from their experiences, to a licensed professional who is accountable to professional and ethical standards, or, to someone who is not subject to formal accountability, Many cult experts deal with cults and cult-related issues primarily from a, Most experts in this group work from a Christian point of view, with specific expertise in addressing. Image source. You may opt to take additional training and become a computer systems analyst or independent consultant. Even if you recognize someone from their sound-bites on TV or self-aggrandizing online behavior, its worth doing a little research: Is this intervention specialist, cult expert, lecturer, or institute executive director well-connected? In 2011, the World Mission Society Church of God in New Jersey filed a lawsuit in Virginia in response to accusations that the group was a religious cult that destroys families, ruins marriages, and takes all of the members time and money. In1989, Lorna and Bill received the Hall of Fame Award from the authentic Cult Awareness Network and, in 1999; they received the Leo J. Ryan Award from the Leo J. Ryan Foundation. 409 Nottingham Road 1) Let the people come to you. Watch short videos about #cultspecialist on TikTok. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. Peter Malinoski, PhD, has been a clinical psychologist in private practice since 2001. cult specialist | 13.9K people have watched this. First, the most dastardly, insidious mark of a cult is that it ignores or distorts the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You don't have to earn your way into a Cult Brand by proving you're cool enough. ICSA is an open membershiporganization. These may, in fact, include religion scholars who have become known as cult apologists (cult defenders). There is a common misperception that you (as a cult leader and founder) have to brainwash or "force" members to join. Some experts deal not only with cults, but also with other abusive relationships with a high degree of control, such as those that involve domestic violence or human trafficking. Note: Many experts on cults do not refer to themselves as cult experts. She co-authored a book with personal stories, and a book about Influence for students Sect disease (edited by Hkan Jrv). Some work only with referrals from other experts in the field. To be a successful data scientist, you need to understand the customer market. Ashlen can be contacted at or via And you actually go through a conversation between two Scientologists that, to people outside, would be completely unintelligible. Email:, Phone: +46708197777, Linda Dubrow-Marshall, PhD, Reg. He established ICSAs online resource (1995-2013), and has presented 50 programs about hypnosis, inner-experience, trance-induction techniques, communicating with cult members, conversion, cult intervention, exit counseling, intervention assessment, mediation, religious conflict resolution, thought reform consultation, eastern groups, transcendental meditation and workshops for educators, families, former members and mental health professionals at ICSA workshops/conferences. Make sure the expert you are evaluating is such a professional themselves not just someone working with (or referring to) a licensed counselor. That is the time it takes to learn specific specialist skills, but does not account for time spent in formal education. There is no such thing as a professional cultural expert license. Cult Experts, Consultants, Specialists, Et Cetera, Buyer Beware: Term 'Cult Expert' Not Protected, International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), What to Watch for When Selecting a Cult Expert, Understand that cult experts operate from various perspectives, Cult research organizations, discernment ministries, and individuals, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, One-on-One Cults. Discernment ministries address cults from a Christian perspective, using apologetics (the logical presentation and defense of the Christian faith) and spiritual discernment. They also help former cult members cope with their cult experiences. new religious movements, alternative religious movements,abusive churches,spiritual abuse, et cetera. She has been working with former cult members and their loved ones since 1991. She has presented at national and international conferences in Madrid, Poland, Canada, and in Australia, where she helped organize two conferences in Brisbane. So I called a cult deprogramming expert, and asked him how to convince Trump supporters to change their minds. Website: (in English) She has facilitated ICSAs Recovery workshops for twenty-five years. In other words,you must still put in the time to research cult experts before selecting one. Co-teaching allows you to gain another person's perspective on how instruction might be improved, how students might be best assessed, what resources to use, and so much more. Implement training to colleagues. With experience comes the opportunity to advance into management or supervisory positions. To Create Your Very Own Cult. Since exiting, she has been active with the local, national and international cult awareness and recovery networks. Monitor the security administrations. These are some of the things we have encountered that should set off alarm bells of a . In addition, though the term has several precise definitionsthe word cult is ambiguous. Editor of the online journal of SOS Abusi Psicologici, Manipulation and Abuse; she is an expert for the Criminal Court of Udine in the branch of education, with a specialization in criminology and problems related to cultic affiliations; Italian Co-correspondent for ICSA Today. Ashlen recently completed her MSc in the Psychology of Coercive Control and conducted research on the relationship between reproductive coercion, psychologically abusive environments, and the extent of group identity in a sample of those who have left cultic groups. That way, you can ask informed questions when you talk to counselors. She has worked in child protection, community mental health, and as a school social worker. Roberta Cobrin Eisenberg, MSW, BCD is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice and a cofounder (1983) and clinical associate of R.E.T.I.R.N. . [The term has different meanings depending on the perspective]. This is a list of questions you can use to interview a therapist to make sure that you feel good about their expertise, their level of professionalism, and whether or not they feel like a good fitfor you. The list is published on the website of Janja Lalich, Ph.D., an international authority on cults and coercion. He is a co-author of Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, published in ICSAs. She presented this paper at the October 2016 Pratt Institute conference: Art of Mentalizing: Communicating the Unknown, with Peter Fonagy as the keynote speaker. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors.Heres what that means: Helping someone leave a cult requires a lot of counseling. He is interested in psychological manipulation and abuse at schools (Bullying), workplace (mobbing), and home (psychological maltreatment). He operates out of offices in Pontypridd, Wales and Buxton, Derbyshire, UK. If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. He offers psychotherapy to former members of cults and is also employed as a consultant by the help organization for former cult members in Sweden, Hjlpkllan, to train their nationwide network of volunteer workers. Ms. Allen gained a breadth of experience volunteering at the Cult Clinic of JBFCS in NYC for three years and has gone on to work as a therapist with former cult members in community mental health. MBACP (Accred. Naturally, theres a fair bit of disagreement between cult experts. Begin by creating your own reality. Keep a polite distance so you are not made into an "enemy" of their group, which can be potentially dangerous in tight knit communities or remote towns. A cult is a group with a particular and often dangerously fanatical ideology that has certain characteristics. At Cult, we want to give our members the best workout experience and, therefore, having the best trainers is a no-brainer. Since 1982, he's worked as a cult intervention specialist, conducting over 500 "interventions" (his preferred term for the cult . He has worked as such in private practice in Barcelona for the last 14 years at Pehun Institute of Psychology with a constructivist and systemic approach, subjects on which he has postgraduate studies, as well as in hypnosis. aLicensed Mental Health Counselor, and/or someone certified by theNational Board for Certified Counselors), and for non-licensed and non-certified people who charge feesin exchange for their services. What is their religious affiliation or perspective, if any? Our certificate course teaches you field-specific knowledge largely unknown by the public about thought control, and gives you the skills of discernment, detachment, and analysis to understand thought-control organizations and their strategies of operation. Shelly Rosen, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with 35 years of clinical experience. Create Dialogue Mechanisms. Dont be fooled by lofty sounding names and titles. She is a Board Certified Diplomate (BCD) of the American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work. With a broad range of professional experience, she has served at community mental health centers, medical centers, and the Jewish Family & Children Service. A mental health day is a great time to get that haircut you've been putting off or to visit a dermatologist to address your skin concerns. She recovered her voice, and life, through writing, songwriting and music. Protect the system against damage, changes or illegal access. TV stations love sound-bites, and thats primarily what some experts provide. A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population. Peter Malinoski, PhD, Reg ( edited by hkan Jrv, former Scientologist and now licensed..., she has facilitated ICSAs Recovery workshops for twenty-five years ideology that certain. Co-Author of Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, published by Zondervan joined ICSAs Board Examiners... And a book about influence for students Sect disease ( edited by hkan )!, having the best workout experience and, therefore, having the best workout experience and therefore! Deprogramming cases in various countries, Phone: +46708197777, Linda Dubrow-Marshall PhD! 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