mexico crime and safety report 2022

Government officials stated that the harassment of Catholic priests and evangelical Protestant pastors reflected high levels of generalized violence throughout the country and not targeted attacks based on religious faith. As of 2023, the crime rate hit an all-time high of 80.29%. Security experts said government candidate protection programs, which did not cover all those eligible, had a negligible impact on curbing political violence. Conflicts arose from the interpretation of indigenous communities self-governing normative systems. Uses and customs laws apply traditional practices to resolve disputes, choose local officials, and collect taxes, with limited federal or state government involvement. Some NGOs alleged individuals who organized campaigns to discredit human rights defenders at times acted with tacit support from government officials. Physical Conditions: According to the Federal Prison System, as of June there were 220,393 inmates in 288 state and federal facilities with a designed capacity for 217,064. Under the Lpez Obrador administration, serious gaps remain in protecting the rights of people with disabilities. There were numerous instances of criminal armed groups extorting, threatening, or kidnapping asylum seekers and other migrants. In 2021, a total of 625 cases of. State commissions do not have uniform reporting requirements, making it difficult to compare state data and therefore compile nationwide statistics. In July 2020 the Supreme Court agreed to analyze the case but as of August 23 had not issued a ruling. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Mexico State. Amidst this systematic weakening of Mexicos institutions,the effort by Lpez Obrador and his Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero to gut and reverse Mexicos judicial reforms toward an accusatorial system andweaken judicial independenceare among the most detrimental. Last Updated: Reissued with updates to health information. Moreover, security is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Thats not always the case. In most states alternative justice centers employed mechanisms such as mediation, negotiation, and restorative justice to resolve minor offenses outside the court system. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. Since its creation in 2010 through August 2021, the federal Special Prosecutors Office to investigate crimes against journalists has opened more than 3,362 investigations, brought 265 charges for crimes, and obtained 25 convictions. Federal law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. Many companies evaded taxes and social security payments by employing workers through subcontracting regimes or by submitting falsified payroll records to the Mexican Social Security Institute. The law criminalizes sharing, distributing, and publishing intimate sexual content (including photographs, audio, and videos) featuring individuals who have not explicitly given their consent, with penalties of up to six years in prison. The CNDH reported that assailants killed 12 human rights defenders from January to July. From January through August 2021, Mexico received nearly 78,000 asylum applications but resolved just over 23,000. Criminal cases related to such violations were rarely carried out. On June 17, while journalist Gustavo Sanchez Cabrera was riding his motorcycle, two unidentified individuals in a car crashed into him, exited the car, and fatally shot him. State and federal prosecutors are independent of the executive branch and have the final authority to investigate and prosecute security force abuses. In June 2020, Mexico was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2021 to 2022. As of August 16, authorities had not arrested any suspects. Of the 32 states, 24 criminalize sexual harassment, and all states have provisions for punishment when the perpetrator is in a position of power. There were 50 hate-crime homicides and four forced disappearances committed against the LGBTQI+ community in the first eight months, according to the National Observatory of Crimes Against LGBTQI persons. The Prosecutor Generals Office owned a previous genetics database, which consisted of 63,000 profiles, and was responsible for the new database. This requirement was not followed in all cases, particularly in remote areas of the country. Federal funding assisted the operation of more than 69 shelters, external attention centers, emergency houses, and transition houses. Occupational Safety and Health: The law requires employers to observe occupational safety and health regulations, issued jointly by the STPS and Institute for Social Security. Six allow it for any reason up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. But what I heard from interlocutors in Mexico wasa most problematic vision of the U.S. Mexico Bicentennial Framework by the Mexican government namely, that the United States should only take care of its own territory by reducing drug demand and retail in the United States and the flows of drug money and weapons to Mexico, while Mexico will do whatever it wants, without U.S. input, in Mexico. Some cases dated back to the 1960s, but the vast majority occurred since 2006. Informal Sector: According to INEGI informal workers represented 56 percent of total workers in the country as of the second quarter of the year. Observers noted that it also increased the likelihood of work-related illness and injury. Mexican immigration officials have refused to follow court rulings ordering them to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in immigration detention centers. After almost seven years in the role, Dr. Jennifer McEntire will step away from her role as Chief Food Safety Officer at the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) on May 5, 2023. Inspectors generally were permitted to examine the informal sector only in response to complaints. Most internal affairs units, however, were insufficiently staffed and funded. The government has an established procedure for determining refugee status and providing protections. While on average informal workers earned less than the minimum wage, in some areas, such as near the northern border, informal employment could pay more than formal employment in the manufacturing sector. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S government employees in Nayarit state, including tourist areas in: U.S. government employees may not travel to other areas of Zacatecas state. The law establishes a requirement to observe parity in the designation of public officials at every level (federal, state, local) in all three branches of government. Only 7.5 percent of the members of the executive boards of publicly traded domestic companies were female, and men held 64 percent of managerial positions throughout the country. Many suffered abuses from criminal cartels or Mexican authorities. The overarching bipolar rivalry between the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG spans not just Mexico but violently all the way to Colombia and non-violently into the Asia-Pacific. In January. The states of Guanajuato, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas, plus Mexico City, accounted for 76 percent of reported disappearances from 2018 to June 30. In August 2020 attackers fired multiple shots at the building housing the printing facilities of El Diario de Iguala. Individual employees or unions may complain directly to inspectors or safety and health officials. Posted 10:45 a.m. As of August 18, authorities had not confirmed whether the threatening video was genuine. Mexico endorsed the World Health Organizations Solidarity Call to Action for the Covid-19 Technology Access Pool, an initiative to realize equitable global access to COVID-19 health technologies through pooling of knowledge, intellectual property and data., Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in close to 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808, Military Abuses and Extrajudicial Killings, Attacks on Journalists and Human Rights Defenders, Key International Actors and Foreign Policy. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping. They lack access to buildings, transportation, and public spaces. As of November authorities held Emilio Lozoya in pretrial detention. The report noted 40 state prisons experienced overcrowding. As of September no alleged perpetrators of the disappearances had been convicted, and 78 of those initially accused were released due to lack of evidence, generally due to irregularities in their detention, including confessions obtained through torture. This was a common practice in the maquiladora sector, in which employers forced workers to take leave at low moments in the production cycle and obliged them to work in peak seasons, including the Christmas holiday period, without the corresponding triple pay mandated by law for voluntary overtime on national holidays. Nuevo Leon state Exercise Increased Caution. In 2019 the Prosecutor Generals Office opened a corruption investigation against Lozoya for receiving up to $10 million in bribes from the Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht. According to the Mexican Commission for the Promotion of Human Rights, from 2006 to 2020, federal authorities issued 27 sentences for torture. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but the vast majority remained uninvestigated and unprosecuted. In August Yucatan passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage, increasing the number of states making it legal to 22 of the countrys 32 states. The country may be the top destination for U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring, leaving travelers questioning whether Mexico is safe to visit. Government officials were mostly cooperative and responsive, with the president and cabinet officials meeting with human rights organizations, such as OHCHR, IACHR, and CNDH. Share this via Twitter Zeron led the investigation of the case by the former criminal investigations unit in the Attorney Generals Office at the time of the students disappearances. Share this via WhatsApp Although authorities generally maintained effective control over the security forces, there were instances in which security force elements acted independently of civilian control. Communities and NGOs representing indigenous groups criticized the government for failing to consult indigenous communities adequately when making decisions regarding extractive industry and natural resource development projects on indigenous lands. Politicians publicly discredited and criticized such journalists, however. But the boys merely paid off or intimidated the hair salons into certifying the boys participation in the training without actually attending it. The decline in homicides is welcome. Ramos had been searching for her missing husband for the previous seven months as a member of two search collectives. The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System reported more than 1,889 killings of women, including 672 femicides, from January to September. The CABs were widely alleged to administer these elections with a bias against new, independent unions. The constitution allows any person to arrest another if the crime is committed in his or her presence. There were 46 female candidates for governor; from 2012 to 2018, there cumulatively only 42. Country Summary: Violent crime such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery is widespread and common in Mexico. Nevertheless, only 2 percent of schoolteachers in the country were trained to teach children with disabilities, according to the civil society organization Yo Tambien. Especially for visitors, divers, cruisers, and all tourists. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. The reforms call for the creation of independent labor courts to replace the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards (CABs) that favored corporatist unions in the resolution of disputes and facilitated the registration of protection contracts. Wage and Hour Laws: The tripartite National Minimum Wage Commission is responsible for establishing minimum salaries. Also see the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at as well as the Department of Labors List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor at There were credible reports that members of security forces committed some abuses. Low turnout invalidated the results. Mexicos asylum system is severely overstretched. The UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented cases in the states of Mexico and Chiapas in which detainees remained in pretrial detention for more than 12 years. According to INEGIs 2016 National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships, 22 percent of working women reported experiencing labor discrimination within the previous 12 months. The Interior Secretariat registered 224 verbal and physical attacks against journalists in 2020 and a total of 1,052 between 2015 and 2020, 41 percent of which the secretariat attributed to public servants. Independent Monitoring: The government permitted independent monitoring of prison conditions by the International Committee of the Red Cross, CNDH, and state human rights commissions. The color of the circles corresponds to the homicide rate and the size to the number of homicide reports (which may refer to more than one victim). Rape and Domestic Violence: Federal law criminalizes the rape of men and women, including spousal rape, and conviction carries penalties of up to 20 years imprisonment. 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Mexico, An official website of the United States Government,,,,, This practice violated federal law and restricted workers rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. The government increased efforts to target human smuggling organizations. The NGO also reported the existence of multiple unregistered private institutions without licenses operating as orphanages. The state search commission paused all search efforts between May and June due to increased levels of insecurity for family search collectives, according to civil society groups. Impunity and extremely low rates of prosecution remained a problem for all crimes, including human rights abuses and corruption. Seventeen states have passed laws creating a procedure permitting transgender people to change their names and gender markers on birth certificates through a simple administrative process. In March authorities in Mexico City opened an investigation based on allegations of rape against Andres Roemer, a prominent writer, producer, consular officer, and former UNESCO goodwill ambassador. Of particular concern is the high number of murders in the southern region of the state associated with cartel-related violence. In July an arrangement was reached on a course of remediation, which included a new collective bargaining agreement legitimization vote under the supervision of the STPS, with observers from the National Electoral Institute and the International Labor Organization. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. As my fieldwork showed, in Baja California Sur, Baja California, and Sinaloa, criminal groups, often the Sinaloa Cartel, are muscling their way into new economies,systematically seeking to dominate both legal and illegal fishing, fish processing, and seafood sales along the entire vertical supply chain. The law also provides for the rights of appeal and of bail in most categories of crimes. The constitution provides indigenous persons the right to self-determination, autonomy, and education. Authorities accused the suspects of smuggling 20 to 80 migrants per day through Baja California into the United States for more than a decade. The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System reported 23,907 domestic violence cases in May, an all-time monthly record. The National Population Council estimated that in 2020 and 2021, a total of 1,172,000 women had limited access to contraceptives due to COVID-19. Most are now buried in mass graves. Six female candidates became governors, the largest number in the history of the country. Coahuila state Exercise Increased Caution. Workers argued that the protectionist union holding the collective bargaining agreement pressured workers to legitimize the agreement, offered bribes, and tampered with ballots. Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Durango state. U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions: There are no other restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in Coahuila state. Arbitrary Arrest: Allegations of arbitrary detentions persisted throughout the year. By law attorneys are required to meet professional qualifications to represent a defendant. Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses, as well as private automobiles traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers and demanding ransom payments. It might seem that 2022 is starting off with important positive news about the crime and security situation in Mexico. Between September 2020 and June, the STPS reported conducting labor inspections in 22,350 work centers nationwide benefiting more than three million workers. And indeed, it doesnt respond. Travelers may also use Highways 1 and 8 to transit to and from the Mexicali Airport during daylight hours. Unprecedented numbers of migrants arriving at the countrys southern border and requesting refugee status stretched the refugee agencys capacity to process requests. The federal government created a National System for the Search of Missing Persons as required by law, but as of August it had not established the required National Forensic Data Bank. On May 1, the role of verifying the process for unions to organize a secret ballot vote for workers to approve or reject existing collective bargaining agreements within the four-year period established by the reforms (legitimization process) transitioned from the STPS to the Federal Center. But the size of the decline is just noise in the tempo of Mexicos criminal violence. In November, the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances visited Mexicoits first visit to any country. The Bicentennial Framework is unlikely to restore that. Although 94 percent of Mexican households have television, a lack of affordable internet access left many children, especially those in low-income households or with disabilities, unable to fully participate in education. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees in San Luis Potosi state. On February 19, a constitutional reform eliminated presidential immunity for corruption and other crimes. On January 11, the government ended migratory detention for children. In June authorities sentenced Quintana Roo police officer Miguel Mora Olvera to five years in prison for his role in torturing Cacho. As of July the CNB reported that there were 89,572 missing or disappeared persons in the country. Reforms to the Prosecutor Generals Office split the Office for Combating Violence Against Women and the Trafficking in Persons offices in an effort to elevate these issues by giving each its own special prosecutor general. Political parties nominated more female candidates for public office in the midterm elections than ever before, including half of their candidates for governor in the 15 races up for election. Seeing them with arms and trucks gives people confidence. Well, it didnt to the local people with whom I had a chance to speak. Five states have laws that restrict the publishing of political caricatures or memes. These laws were seldom applied. U.S. travelers are reminded that U.S. government employees must adhere to the following travel restrictions: There are no restrictions on travel for U.S. government employees to other parts of Oaxaca state, which include tourist areas in:Oaxaca City,Monte Alban,Puerto Escondido,andHuatulco. The education system provided education for students with disabilities nationwide. Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Jalisco state. In fact, over 30 million people visited Cancun in 2022 - and the vast majority of them come and go completely unscathed. Instead of using force and judicial prosecution, Lpez Obrador seeks to reduce crime in Mexico throughsocio-economic anti-crime programs, part of his overall vastly popular redistribution strategy for Mexicos many poor and marginalized. The government was reasonably effective in enforcing child labor laws in large and medium-sized companies, especially in the export-oriented factory (maquiladora) sector and other industries under federal jurisdiction. San Luis Potosi state Exercise Increased Caution. In July unknown assailants abducted and killed Aranza Ramos in the state of Sonora. Hidalgo state Exercise Increased Caution. When authorities fail to accept a recommendation, the CNDH makes that known publicly. Journalists reported altering their coverage due to a lack of protection from the government, attacks against members of media and newsrooms, and threats or retributions against their families, among other reasons. Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs. Mexico Travel Advisory Travel Advisory October 5, 2022 See State Summaries K C Last Updated: Reissued with updates to health information See state summaries and advisory levels below for information on your specific travel destination. Abuses of persons with disabilities included the use of physical and chemical restraints; physical and sexual abuse; human trafficking, including forced labor; disappearance; and the illegal adoption of institutionalized children. Some prisons were undersubscribed, while others were overcrowded. The federal government and states continued to implement the law on forced disappearances. Yes, Puerto Vallarta is a safe place to visit right now. In most cases the law requires detainees to appear before a judge for a custody hearing within 48 hours of arrest, during which authorities must produce sufficient evidence to justify continued detention. The INE sanctioned 107 persons for gender-based political violence. The government worked with UNHCR to improve access to refugee status and the procedure to determine refugee status, reception conditions for vulnerable migrants and refugee applicants, and integration in local communities (including access to school, work, and other social services) for those approved for refugee and complementary protection status. Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry. By law a union may call for a strike or bargain collectively in accordance with its own statutes. There were no government restrictions on academic freedom or cultural events. As one of the worlds top 15 emitters of greenhouse gases, Mexico is contributing to the climate crisis that is taking a growing toll on human rights around the globe. The guidelines allow internet service providers to deny access to certain applications, content, and services based on commercial criteria, in breach of their obligations to protect neutrality. Digital media journalists covering stories such as crime, corruption, and human rights violations experienced physical violence and online abuse. The law provides for the right of indigenous persons to elect representatives to local office according to uses and customs law (see section 6, Indigenous Peoples) rather than federal and state electoral law. The army and the navy have human rights units to create protocols and training. Mexico State (Estado de Mexico) Exercise Increased Caution. As of September 13, three municipal police officers from Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos, Jalisco, remained in pretrial detention for the killing of Giovanni Lopez. Twenty-four of 32 states have legalized same-sex marriage. Mexico highlighted that one of its priorities on the council would be the protection of children. Jewish community representatives reported good cooperation with the government and other religious and civil society organizations in addressing rare instances of such acts. Concerns persisted regarding organized criminal groups use of physical violence in retaliation for information posted online, which exposed journalists, bloggers, and social media users to the same level of violence faced by traditional journalists. Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico) Exercise Increased Caution. Most of these complaints were against authorities in the Prosecutor Generals Office, National Guard, Interior Secretariat, and the armed forces. Outsourcing practices made it difficult for workers to identify their legally registered employer, thus limiting their ability to seek redress of labor grievances. Disposition: Inactive Between 2017 and August the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Journalists, a unit in the Prosecutor Generals Office, charged 136 public servants for crimes against journalists. Doctors and nurses regularly attempt to dissuade them from undergoing the procedure or refuse to perform it. The NGO Disability Rights International reported various instances of abuse, including the use of prolonged restraints and isolation rooms for children with disabilities in both public and private institutions. By law the government collected biometric data from migrants. Corruption: There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year. In July the CNB reported it had recovered more than 1,100 pounds of charred human remains from La Bartolina, Tamaulipas, a clandestine cremation site found in 2017. Police occasionally failed to provide impoverished detainees access to counsel during arrests and investigations as provided for by law, although the right to public defense during trial was generally respected. A new survey, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of APA, tells a story of uncertainty and dissolution. This mass displacement elevated the groups risk of malnutrition and health maladies. Mexico endorsed the Safe Schools Declaration in May 2021. Yet the dismantling of the Federal Police also led to a profound reduction in the number of investigators and investigative capacity in Mexico by some 70-75%, Mexican lawyers and security officials estimated in conversations with me. Many women working in the industry reported suffering some form of abuse. The government increased the CNB budget 8 percent over the 2020 budget. Additionally, U.S. citizens have been the victims of both non-violent and violent crimes in tourist and non-tourist areas. A 2016 ruling by the Supreme Court removed the cap on fines for moral damages, leaving journalists vulnerable to exorbitant fines. Elsewhere, same-sex couples must petition for an injunction (amparo) to be allowed to marry. Censorship or Content Restrictions: Human rights groups reported that some state and local governments censored media. Media monopolies, especially in small markets, at times constrained freedom of expression. Discrimination in employment or occupation occurred against women, indigenous groups, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ individuals, and migrant workers. After denying they existed, in 2019 the Prosecutor Generals Office provided evidence of Pegasus licensing contracts in 2016 and 2017. In July Public Safety Secretary Rosa Isela Rodriguez revealed that the Felipe Calderon and Enrique Pena Nieto administrations signed 31 contracts for $61 million to buy Pegasus spy software. Lgbtqi+ individuals, and migrant workers law on forced Disappearances, emergency,. ; from 2012 to 2018, there cumulatively only 42 freedom or cultural events and training represent a defendant in... Government increased the CNB reported that there were credible reports that members security! Women, indigenous groups, persons with physical, sensory, intellectual and... Sensory, intellectual, and transition houses did not cover all those eligible, had a negligible on! 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