camp friendship, thailand

U.S. Army Camp Friendship, Korat Royal Thai Air Force base, ThailandAugust 1969 Lawn PlantingU.S. The squadron was redesignated the 17th Wild Weasel Squadron on 1 December 1971. Thirty-eight F-5E and F-5F Tiger II fighter-bombers formed the nucleus of the RTAF's defense and tactical firepower. in Thailand. Here is the List of the Top 100 VA Employee Salaries, Voc Rehab Workarounds for Veterans with Degrees, Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure, VA Public Health Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure. Benjamin Krause is a lawyer, investigative reporter and award-winning veterans advocate. In February 1972, the 67th TFS returned on temporary duty to Korat from Kadena AB, this time being equipped with the EF-4C aircraft. We lived in severe poverty because dad was so sick and couldnt work. In its report, GAO called the list inaccurate and incomplete, and urged DoD to update the publication, which hadnt been updated in more than a decade. The Department of Defense has released a new list of locations outside Vietnam where herbicides like Agent Orange were tested and stored, a compilation that could provide some veterans proof of exposure needed to support their VA disability claims. On 30 June 1975, the 347th TFW F-111As and the 428th and 429th TFS were inactivated. Cat Lover Quote Vietnam War Cat Life Southeast Asia Family History Missions The accords effectively ended United States military operations in North and South Vietnam. U.S. Army Veteranswho were stationed on some small Army installations in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. The first facilities were built on the north side of the runway (145622N 1020459E / 14.93944N 102.08306E / 14.93944; 102.08306 (Old Post)). Storage area at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Map [4]:70, In December 1964, the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron deployed to Korat from Kadena AB, Okinawa. The Department of Veterans Affairs concluded that only veterans that were by base perimeters should receive acknowledgment of Agent Orange exposure. I can remember working the midnight at the Com Centre then going back to the barracks to sleep and then waking up to this horrible smell only to find the barracks filled with smoke from them doing there perimeter burn. Note the color of the barrels - Orange. detailed annotations, Map 7 - the Demolitioin area Bangkok Post. Long Lines Battalion If not get one. VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said the update was necessary to improve accuracy and [for] communication of information.. 258th Transportation Detachment 260th Transportation Korat RTAFB detailing areas of the base near the perimeter, Map showing the location of Camp Friendship, Map showing the Cantonment area of Camp Friendship, Map of the Flight Line at In February 2003, the veteran married the . US Embassy Attache Office The unit was dissolved on 1 April being temporarily redesignated Detachment 4, 3rd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Group before being redesignated as the 56th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron on 8 July and absorbing the HH-43 detachment at Korat. According to DoD spokesman Chuck Prichard, the new list replaces the one from 2018 and is the result of DoDs thorough review of the records for use, storage and testing of Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides outside of Vietnam.. That is, until now. Camp Friendship. Do a search for herbicides be pressing Control+F and then typing in the word. Sorry to hear of your battle with skin cancer. 1. R. at 2188-89. This office J M Boor runs, and signed this letter, seem nobody cares about AGENT ORANGE SPRAYED BABY BOOMERS, let them die, our problem is solved now. Cant remember the number of times, sprayed, even down wind, inside the base 1000 yards. Would you like to make this site your homepage? Don Muang RTAFB - Bangkok International Airport (Vietnam era), Official Department of the Air Force Map 720th MP Battalion Thank you for your service My husband served in USAF at Udorn. we were never informed what kind of herbicides were being used other than it was to rid the area of excess growth and weeds. Day 5 - Elephant Sanctuary Visit and Traditional Thai BBQ in the Evening. We, Read More Here is the List of the Top 100 VA Employee SalariesContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Have degree will travel. The 421st and 469th Tactical Fighter Squadrons flew single-seat F-105Ds, while the 44th flew the two-seat F-105F. Note the runway for Korat Air Base at the top of the photo, however much of the support base is not yet constructed. The APO for Korat RTAFB was APO San Francisco, 96288, The first USAF units at Korat were under the command of the US Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). On 17 November 1968, an F-4E squadron from Eglin AFB, Florida, replaced the single-seat F-105D Thunderchiefs of the 469th TFS. In mid-1968 it was decided to make the 388th an F-4 wing, and also to equip the 388th with the new F-4E and the F-105s would be transferred to Takhli and all of the F-105s in the fighter-bomber mission would be consolidated there. While VA, Read More Only VA Impressed With VA Restructuring PlanContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print After having three heads of VA this past decade be past West Point grads,, Read More MMQB: What might West Point do with Your Disability?Continue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print VA is always quite secretive about VA employee salaries. These missions normally required the aircraft to be on station for eight hours. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base. - U.S. Army (Retired), U.S. Army General Lincoln making a presentation to the King It was a modified version of the F-4C, designed in parallel with the F-105G Wild Weasel program. Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base is a base of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) in northeast Thailand, approximately 200 km (125 mi) northeast of Bangkok and about 4 km (2.5 mi) south of the centre of the city of Nakhon Ratchasima in the Nakhon Ratchasima Province (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the largest province in Thailand . Copyright 2002-2020 us-seasia. Radio call signs for these missions were Moonbeam, Alleycat, Hillsboro and Cricket. without the express written consent of the Webmaster or of the individual authors. 103 Squadron flies eight F-16A and four F-16B acquired under the code name "Peace Naresuan I", five F-16A (of six delivered) under the code name "Peace Naresuan XI", and three F-16A and four F-16Bs acquired from the Republic of Singapore Air Force and delivered in late 2004. Day 6 - Transfer to Phi Phi Island! The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment to support an infantry battle group, eg, the 25th Infantry Division stationed in Hawaii - if they were ever needed. Pregnant Air Force B-1 pilot soars to new heights, Army artillery officer dies during assignment in Thailand, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Veterans Affairs deputy secretary to leave post on April 1, US increases military support for Somalia against al-Shabab, Air Force advisers study use of satellites for tracking moving targets, US Air Force awards Boeing first contract for fleet of 26 E-7 aircraft. A large exercise was held on the first Monday of every month, involving all USAF units in Thailand. It is also missing many pages. The new DoD list contains nearly 150 testing and storage locations, with updates that include specific dates of release or containment, as well as 26 additions, including places like Aberdeen. Camp Friendship closed as a separate facility in 1971 and much of the facility was turned over to the Royal Thai Army. Seven others were lost due to non-combat reasons. . Panee & Boontharik, Click on Developed larynx cancer and have been treated with radiation and chemo. VA then interpreted the report in its Public Health website on a web page calledThailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure. Storage and Maintenance, Missle Maintenance Shop at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Defoiliated Since the 1980s United States Marine Corps F/A-18C Hornet fighters have used Korat as a base during Cobra Gold exercises. Air strikes by the USAF peaked just before the deadline, as the Khmer National Armed Forces engaged a force of about 10,000 Khmer Rouge encircling Phnom Penh. Engineer Detachment (Utilities) *change (Aug. 28, 2011)538th Engineer Battalion, This Website Political considerations with regards to the communist threat led the Thai government to allow the United States to covertly use five Thai bases for the air defense of Thailand and to fly reconnaissance flights over Laos under a "gentleman's agreement" with the United States. [3], The 388th TFW lost 48 aircraft in combat during 1967. by Sappers at U-Tapao RTAFB, Return to the Batcat Veterans Benefit homepage. revetments near the perimeter wherd AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles were prepared at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Empty 331st Supply Depot379th Signal Battalion 428th With their return, the 6010th Wild Weasel Squadron was formed. In April 1965, the 6234th Air Base Squadron was organized at Korat as a permanent unit under the 2d Air Division to support the TDY fighter units and their operations. For over 50 years, Camp Friendship has offered both Traditional and Equestrian Camp experiences for kids aged 7-16. Join Your Unit Today Join VetFriends To: Reunite with Unit Buddies Browse Military Units Post Unit Messages Great Discounts & More! DOD will continue to be responsive to the needs of our interagency partners in all matters related to taking care of both current and former service members. Along with the Myrtle Beach personnel, elements of the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing from Davis-Monthan AFB Arizona were deployed to support the A-7D aircraft, being replaced by A-7Ds from the 23d Tactical Fighter Wing from England AFB. The squadron's primary mission became one of flying escort to the wing's regular strike force to suppress anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) and surface-to-air missile (SAM). The USAF would be able to airlift the division into Korat where they could pick up their equipment and move into battle. In the suppression role, AGM-45 Shrike missiles were employed to destroy, or at least harass, the SA-2 and/or fire control radar which guided the SA-2 missiles. 7th Airlift Platoon7th MAINT Battalion, Direct [5] The 36th TFS remained at Korat until 29 October then returned to Japan. Once I flew in one to Bkk, less than However, the Army Veteran must have been a member of a. Nonetheless, all runways on the closed or transferred airfields were still available for military training and emergency use. Founder of, a VA watchdog news source that holds the Dept. The 501 st Field Depot performed duty with the United States Army Pacific on 8 February 1967. The 44th would rotate pilots and personnel to Korat on a Temporary duty assignment (TDY) basis from 18 December 1964 25 February 1965, 21 April22 June 1965 and 1029 October 1965.[3][8]. Ubon RTAFB with more MMS detail, Map of the Cantonment No one recognizes this place only the air force bases, I wish I was there. Ultimately, the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam during March and April 1975 and the collapse of the Republic of Vietnam also was not opposed militarily by the US. In February 1973, after the end of combat operations in Vietnam, the 67th TFS with its EF-4C Wild Weasels were withdrawn and returned to Kadena. [19]:85, The high attrition rate of F-105Ds in Southeast Asian operations soon became a problem. The 13th was transferred to Udorn RTAFB to become an F-4D Phantom unit. details of the RTAFB side of the field, details The Wild Weasels would remain at Korat along with the F-4s in their specialized mission. On 30 April 1972 the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron (ACCS) was assigned to the 388th TFW from Udon RTAFB and began flying missions in its EC-130E Hercules aircraft, which were equipped with command and control capsules. 590th Supply & Service (DS)590th QM Company The office recommended that the Pentagon refine the list so that it was as complete and accurate as available records allow, develop a process for updating the list, develop criteria for determining locations and work with VA to keep veterans informed of the information. TMO DCSSPOHHC 9th Logistics HHC USARSUPTHAI The F-5Es were accompanied by training teams of American civilian and military technicians, who worked with members of the RTAF. USARSUPTHAI CE DivisionUSASTRATCOM SIG Battalion Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the The EC-130s and personnel of 7th ACCS were transferred to the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing at Clark Air Base, Philippines on 22 May 1974. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. Korat also housed components of the RTAF and a detachment of No. EB-66s were transferred to Takhli RTAFB in late November 1965 and were used as electronic warfare aircraft, joining strike aircraft during their missions over North Vietnam to jam enemy radar installations. The flying training portion of the exercise promotes closer relations and enables air force units in the region to sharpen air combat skills and practice interoperability with US forces. The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment to support an infantry battle group, eg, the 25th Infantry Division stationed in Hawaii - if they were ever needed. The VA omitted pages from its version and did a poor job of scanning it. Also an Army Vet from Korat Thailand 68-69 who has been denied compensation by our VA. An advisory force of Army personnel was sent to Thailand and their first reports indicated that significant infrastructure improvement in the country would be needed in order for US forces to land in the Gulf of Siam and move north to the expected invasion areas along the Mekong River between Laos and Thailand. at the Southeast area of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 8 - the On 23 December 1975, the 388th TFW and its remaining squadron, the 34th TFS, transferred to Hill AFB, Utah. Thai air police controlled access to the bases, along with USAF Security Police, who assisted them in base defense using sentry dogs, observation towers, and machine gun bunkers. The 354th TFW Forward Echelon at Korat also became a composite wing. Thank you to those who posted this declassified document, without whose help this would not have been possible. In March 1973 A-7D aircraft were drawn from the deployed 354th TFW squadrons and assigned to the 388th TFW as the 3d Tactical Fighter Squadron. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), benefits related to Agent Orange exposure, Call TTY if you 93rd Pysyc Oper Co128th Medical Battalion 281st MP Company291st Transportation Company TC [5]:1967 The mission gradually evolved with the addition of new weapons and ECM equipment until the F-4 replaced the F-100 and the F-105D was replaced by the more capable and specialized two-place F-105F and G models. In addition to the F-5E and F-5F fighter-bombers, OV-10C counter-insurgency aircraft, transports, and helicopters were added to the RTAF inventory. Normally, it included 12 members working in nine different specialties. . Korat, Thailand 30000 Tel (044) 251652-4 255349, or 255372 Fax (044) 251655 [email protected] Photo Credits Sri Patana Hotel, Korat, Thailand "Make your plans for a Mini-Reunion in Korat at the luxurious Sri Patana from under $15/night (Single Occupancy) to $20/night (Double) - including Room Tax, Service Charge & Continental Breakfast !" It was a separate facility which pre-dated Korat RTAFB. thanks Joan Williams. Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 70-minute DVD Includes excellent aerial views of the base, and show: base construction, President Johnson's visit in 1967, flight line activities, and Army areas on the base. The 388th Tactical Fighter Wing used those parts of Camp Friendship for overflow of personnel assigned or deployed to it until the USAF turned Korat Air Base over to the RTAF in early 1976.[30]. Dew to extreme back-log of DRO appeals completion dates can not be given out. Some TDY personnel from the 354th TFW were assigned to the 388th and placed on permanent party status. emergency landing in Guam) to take part in a Korat RTAFB is the home of the 1st RTAF Wing, consisting of three (101, 102, 103) squadrons. Less than a month later, on 17 October the first seven EC-121D aircraft redeployed from Ubon, followed two days later by the arrival of the Batcat EC-121Rs. 999th Engineer Battalion. Worked outside plant and company security clerk. File in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, about 2.6 meg in size. [4]:53 In mid-1965 this unit was redesignated Detachment 4 38th Air Rescue Squadron. I spent much more time in a contaminated area then just walking guard on the perimeter. the Guestbook Below toAdd Your Name, DCA Journalist. Check out this awesome 'USARSUPTHAI+w+VN+Svc+Ribbons' design on @TeePublic! perimeter near the Weapons Storage and Maintenance facility at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Munitions - Courtesy of 738th Engr Co in Feb'63 HHC USARSUPTHAI G-3 Section Our MPs never patrolled the fences but we were obligated to pull guard duty along the perimeter. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Detachment one, REDHORSE CES, attached to this thirty plus unit. In Cambodia the USAF carried out a massive bombing campaign to prevent the Khmer Rouge from taking over the country. Built new barracks fight on the fence line, or 9-10 feet. Immediately after the news broke of the use of Thai bases to support the Mayaguez rescue the Thai Government lodged a formal protest with the US and riots broke out outside the US Embassy in Bangkok. [3], On 22 December 1967 President Lyndon Johnson visited Korat RTAFB, spending the night at the base. I was stationed at NKP Thailand in 1968. 133rd MED Group, HHD Medical Support 1968-70 172nd Transportation Detachment 219th MP Company, Physical Security Camp Friendship Korat, Thailand 1968-1969 Show more . of Veterans Affairs' feet to the fire. Day 7 - Phi Phi Boat Trip. Keep going. [16]:209[22]. My Regional Office is Phoenix, AZ and I am deeply saddened and worried by the events taking place at this time and concerned about the outcome of my claim. 33rd Transportation TC They were not Wild Weasel aircraft, since they did not have the means to attack radar installations directly. It remained at Korat, supporting Operation Linebacker, Operation Linebacker II and other USAF operations, until 1 June 1974, when it returned to McClellan AFB, California. statement" to the Thai Communists and Pathet Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Map of the Flight Line, perimeter On 23 April 1967, the 421st TFS was re-designated the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron. Our message to VA would be that they should grant benefits if a veteran has any evidence demonstrating that the spraying may have occurred, and that would be if there is an old list where DoD confirmed that there was storage or spraying, Gallucci said. [28] The Thai government wanted the US out of Thailand by the end of the year. Some of the old US facilities are still in use, and some new construction has also been erected. 1,000 feet above the ground. This website is for sale! 35th Finance Sec Disb40th MP Battalion, [5]:147 This squadron was in existence until the end of April when it was discontinued and the 6234th Combat Support Group, the 6234th Support Squadron, and the 6234th Material Squadron were designated and organized as a result of a 3 May 1965 Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) special order. USARSUPTHAI VA OIG Cries Foul, Agency Duped by a Gun-Toting, Felon, Sex Offender, Only VA Impressed With VA Restructuring Plan. 2. Board (AFPMB) that Agent Orange was not used in Thailand. [3][7], On 14 August 2 HH-43Bs were deployed to Korat to provide base search and rescue. Please help. The final day marked the conclusion of an intense 160-day campaign, during which the USAF expended 240,000 tons of bombs. [16]:209. 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