dr david martin

The Second Cause of Action explains Defendants Violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments related to the Equal Protection Clause, which prohibits classifications that affect some groups of citizens differently than others. By creating two classes of healthcare workersthe injected and uninjectedthe CMS Mandate dictates the members of one class (the uninjected) get terminated. I watched this July 9 video presentation TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented. Both Pfizer and Modernas Covid shots contain nucleic acid sequences that are not part of nature and have not been previously introduced to the human body, Martin said, adding this amounts to a genetic engineering experiment that did not go through animal studies or clinical trials. Heck, he could even be a recently hired field hand who's working for our old owner. Liked by Dr. David T Martin Some rare times when the stars align, you might be on to something. So the idea that we mysteriously stumbled on the way to intervene on vaccines is not only ludicrous, it is incredulous. Until recently, the Centers for Disease Control defined a Vaccine as: A product that stimulates a persons immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. 4, 2022, in the U.S. District Court in Utah on behalf of Devan Griner, MD, a double-board certified surgeon and widely published author who has transformed the lives of hundreds of children in Utah and beyond. Yet, the situations of these two classes are indistinguishable because vaccinated healthcare workers can become infected and reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 and can transmit the disease to fellow workers, patients, and visitors. By discerning the center of mass of the systems that need transformation and introducing a subtle shift in the middle, hes changed the transformation game. Dr. David Martin recently filed the first in a series of lawsuits in Federal Court "to get the truth out" about COVID-19 gene therapy injections and "take back America from the COVID pandemic scare." In what he calls a "multi-step process," Martin explains the first lawsuit will put into the public record "that the COVID vaccine is not a vaccine." It turns out that the mRNA thats being injected into people is not that. Noting that Dr. Griner enjoys robust and durable natural immunity after having recovered from COVID-19, the lawsuit explains: Dr. Griner is subject to the CMS Mandate because the hospitals in which he has the right to practice receive CMS funding. Dr. David Martin joins Jonathon Otto to discuss how from as early as the 1980s, multiple organizations have been orchestrating an environment to create distractions that give rise to an animation of fear. And that toxin has been scheduled as a known biologic agent of concern, Moderna was founded on the back of a 10 year National Science foundation Grant, a project called Darwinian Chemical Systems, Specifically figuring out how to get mRNA to write itself into the genome of whatever target they were going after Moderna was started on the back of having proven that mRNA can be transfected and write itself into the human genome., June 27, 2022 Stew Peters Network: Dr. David Martin Calls For Prosecutions: Fauci Knew Remdesivir Would Kill Thousands We FINALLY have the case that will see to Dr. Fauci getting locked up, once & for all! WATCH, May 23, 2020 Open Philanthropys Dustin Aaron Moskovitz and his Amazing Crystal Ball When youre trying to sell CRISPR, dont forget to predict pandemics! That patent issued as: Patent # 7279327, Methods for producing recombinant coronavirusPatent # 7279327https://patents.justia.com/patent/7279327. Dr. Peter A. McCullough: "This [vaccine] program should have been shut down in February based on safety." . False. WHO. Thats because we see the outer edges and try to resist, manipulate or direct energy against undesired actions. imperfections are most probably our projection of absent from the Dr. David Martin exposes patented genocide: the mRNA covid-19 vaccines | budbromley. 1992. On the menu this week - Has the Covid-19 epidemic crossed to the wrong . When leaders vary from those core values, institutions wobble. re: Dr. David Martin - The History of Coronaviruses and Their Vaccines Posted on 7/29/21 at 4:39 pm to STEVED00. Noting a desperate need for truth in advertising, he explains: If we start calling [the vaccine] the gene therapy injection, a lot less people will roll up their sleevesand roll up the sleeves of their childrento actually get the shot. Displaying the CDCs changing narrative connected to COVID vaccines in the brief, and the fact the CMS Mandate rests squarely on the basis that the Injection prevents transmission, the suit reveals: In fact, the CDC has actually changed its definitions of vaccine and vaccination so that the Injections would fit within the new definition. Its going to get much worse. Russian & Chechen Military Commanders Call for Ukrainian Soldiers to Surrender via Radio Broadcast Donetsk, The Cost of Ignorance Patrick Henningsen Delivers Outstanding Summary of Current Events, THE ERRORS of GLOBALISM: Russia, Ukraine, and the Suicide of the West, Professor Christian Perronne: We Have Flouted Science and We Have Flouted Rights, Crimes Against Humanity Reported to Police in UK Investigation is Now Live Mark Sexton, Irrefutable Evidence of Pre-Meditated Murder There Will Be a Final Reckoning Maria Zee Interviews Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Whistleblower John OLooney Rescued from Hospital by Team of Activists, VAERS Showed Over 36,000 Children Seriously Injured After a CDC Recommended Vaccine Steven Rubin PhD (Creator of the VAERS Database), South African People Fight Back Against New World Order File Case in Constitutional Court Against RSA President Parliament Reserve Bank, Immense Legal Implications Reiner Fullmich Dr Sam White Wolfgang Wodarg, Claudia Nailed The Plandemic in Sep 2019 with Epic Prophetic Prediction, Complaint Filed at ICC Against: Gates | Fauci | Whitty | Hancock | Big Pharma CEOs & Rockefeller Foundation President Dr. Radiv Shah et al by UK Lawyer & Others, Intentionally Blank The Red-Pilled Pharmacist, Dr. Graham Lyons Research Scientist & Author This is Pure Satanic Child Abuse. And he's here to show others how to remember what it means to put humanity into the human experience. Dr. David Martin P.H.D. M-Cam has also monitored biological and chemical weapons treaty violations on behalf of the U.S. government since the anthrax scare in September 2001. Our New Website for Courses + ALL Content! This is how mRNA coronavirus vaccines work, but in a different way than has been seen before. Early Treatment In March of this year, Martin filed a federal lawsuit against Joe Biden, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services alleging that the Covid shots turn the body into a biological weapons factory, manufacturing spike protein. CCP intentionally released Chinese virus all over the world, No longer a crazy idea: Support continues to grow for a National Divorce, Book by Libs of TikTok founder arms parents against predatory teachers, groomers, Reports: Email exchange shreds Biden narrative about Hunters business deals, 'Greater Idaho': Move to include several Oregon counties gains momentum, Senators consider raising Social Security retirement age, Report: What secret Medicare data reveals about staying alive after Covid vaccine, Peter Daszak claimed he was working with the CIA, EcoHealth official says, Died suddenly: Former New York Mets pitching prospect Matt Pobereyko, 31, Dr. David Martin: 700 million worldwide will die from Covid shots by 2028, U.S. financial concessions to Iran? . Up until 1999, the topic of coronavirus vis-a-vis the patent process surrounding coronaviruses was uniquely applied to vetirinary sciences. perfection. Guided by the work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, alleges a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. He is affiliated with St. Bernardine Medical Center. NGO Other than that, he also has engaged as an author, professor, public speaker, business visionary and researcher. Dr. David Martin has transformed business, governments and personal relationships for over 3 decades in over 120 countries by introducing wobbles. MAN IN AMERICA interviews Dr. David Martin about the recent documentary Died Suddenly. Thanks from World Tribune correspondents and staff! All Rights Reserved. Transhumanism Education. And I think that we have been seduced into a distraction of epic proportions while a greater evil is being done. Anna De Buisseret Kate Shemirani Fiona Rose Diamond, Monopoly Who Owns The World Follow The Money, Early Warning (1981) Full Movie Written & Directed by David Elliot, Max Igan Reports on Australia from Mexico, Dr. Scott Atlas My Job as Parent is to Protect my Children Not to Use my Children as a Shield to Somehow Protect Me, Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to Covid19 Injections, Dr Richard Fleming PhD BioNtech Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Oxygen Desaturation and Clotting Calls for Immediate Cessation of Rollout, European Parliament MEPs Hold Press Conference to Denounce Vaccine Passports as Against Human Rights Charter, Hydra Vulgaris AI Neural Network & Teslaphoresis Dr Carrie Madej Stew Peters, A Powerful Moving Inspirational Message from The Patriot Nurse, More Extraordinary Pics of The Four Main Vaccines Pfizer AstraZeneca Moderna Jansen from Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna Vials and Vaccinated Blood Samples, The Origins of Illness Are Inside The Vaccine Dr. Erik Denby on The Unknown World of Particles, Meet The Thing Found in The Vaccine A Life Form with Head and Tentacles Dr Franc Zalewski, The Fall of The Cabal The Sequel Part 17, How The Big Banks Are Conspiring To Crush Commonwealth Nations Under Communism, The Zelenko Protocol Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD, A Letter from Spartacus: Damn You to Hell You Will Not Have Your New World Order, Marburg Symptoms Are Caused by COVID Injections Kieran Morrissey BioTech Whistleblower, Dr Carrie Madej Reveals Shocking Discovery of What She Found in The Vaccine Vials, Corona Committee Investigates Strange Vaccine Ingredients, Vandalia Illinois School Board Gets Roasted, Federal HHS Insider Jodi OMalley RN Goes Public with Insider Secret Recordings, Professor Christian Perronne: Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous The Vaccinated Should be Isolated, Funeral Director Whistleblower John OLooney with Max Igan, Ernst Wolff The Digital Financial Complex Conspiracy German with English Subs, Stew Peters The Final Variant is Global Communism, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Delivers The Most Epic Sermon Aimed Directly at The Globalists, Watchmen Who Raise the Warning Voice Save Their Own Souls Ezekiel 33, Dr. Michael McDowell on Bioweapons Industry and The SARS COV2 / HIV Genetic Bioweapon Smoking Gun, Canadian Lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter Case Law Makes it Clear that Vax Coercion to Influence Consent is Assault, Ex Australian Soldier Delivers Stern Warning to Public Officers re Penalty for Treason / War Crimes / Malfeasance in Public Office, Children Being Rounded Up in Australia Time to Blockade Everything, Greek Lawyer Nikos Antoniadis Announces Massive 4311 Page Lawsuit Against Greek Gov and Health Officials for Murder and Fraud Related to the Covid Scam, Its a Killer Vaccine Patrick Henningsen with Professors Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Yeadon, Parallel Structures The Antidote to Mass Psychosis, Menticide and Totalitarianism, Global Anti-Vax Passport Protest March Compilation 24th July 2021, BILDERBERG Corona Committee Gets Red-Pilled Deep into the Rabbit Hole by Cristina Martn Jimnez, Whitney Webb Reiner Fuellmich Deep Dive on Big Pharma Global Health Mafia, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr. David Martin Interview Fauci Created SARS in Lab No Novel CV US Patents 1999 2002, Brave Lawyer Anna De Buisseret Serves Legal Notices on Vaccinators and Schools the Police on Law, If We Dont Resist Now We Will Lose Everything Spiro Interviews James Corbett, Human 2.0 Transhumanist Vaccine A Wake Up Call to the World Dr. Carrie Madej, Corrupt Agenda with Genocidal Intent Ex UN Claire Edwards, Bill Gates And The Population Control Grid, Now They Are Coming For Your Kids David Icke Dot Connector, HOW THEY PULLED OFF THE PANDEMIC AN ANIMATED FILM BY DAVID ICKE, Solihin Millin Interview with Victorian Police After Arrest, THE GLOBAL ELITE & THE CORONAVIRUS COUP DTAT WITH PATRICK WOOD. The lawsuit lays out three Causes of Action against Defendants, the first being the Violation of Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment Substantive Due Process. According to Plaintiff, the CMS Mandates violates the liberty protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, including rights of personal autonomy, self-determination, bodily integrity and the right to reject medical treatment. With no compelling interest available to Defendants to prove the necessity of mandating the shots, Plaintiff again reminds that the Injections are simply ineffective against the current variant and were only somewhat effective against the original SARS-CoV-2 strain. . about adjudicating better from a perspective of worse seeing Dr. David Martin is a professional physician, developer of advanced computer systems, advisor to industry & governments. , specialises in putting humanity back into humans and business. . . We suspect not, and that there is most likely another layer above. What is more problematic and what is actually the most egregious propblem is that Anthony Fauci and NIAID found the maleability of cv to be a potential candidate for HIV vaccines. Martin is confident the disclosures that will have to be filed by the Federal Government in response to the first case are, in fact, going to be incriminating for our next case. Looking forward to obtaining evidence of the felony, Martin explained: We wrote this case so that the immunity shield falls away from the manufacturers and all of the injuries and deaths become civil liabilities to the manufacturers.. Dr. David Martin, odbornk na patentov prvo, v tomto rozhovoru s nmeckm prvnkem dr. Fuellmichem sdl okujc fakta o dnen situaci kolem koronaviru. Are the names and faces in the top screenshot above representative of all the people at the top of the pyramid structure? Library. #Dr-David-Martin #Covid-Orchestra #Criminal-Conspiracy #Red=Pill-Expo #J-Edward-Griffin #Lafayette. Credit: Rumble. Action . perfection.". - There is NO SARS coronavirus 2 - There is a Bioweapon paid for by Anthony Fauci in 1999 - This Bioweapon was engineered to destory humanity Pursuant to the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, Plaintiff is entitled to temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief restraining Defendants from enforcing the CMS Mandate. Stew Peters describes his interview with Dr. David Martin as "an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.". But I might use them on my website in a pinch. In the meantime we have some screenshots below which are about as clear as we can make them: Update: as promised, here is a pdf document with all the details: https://filedn.com/l0gou38PXoMb2NFeG3z4Yqf/PDF%20DOCS/Dr_David_Martin_Presentation_Slides_Privateers%2C_Pirates%2C_Orchestra(3).pdf. FOIA Nothing in this report is "theory", it is all documented fact. His 90-minute presentation challenged my thinking on several topics, and I don't . Vitamin C COVID-19 The claim reminds us that the FDA categorizes the shots as CBER-Regulated Biologics, otherwise known as therapeutics, which falls under the Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program.. Dr. David Martin [VIDEO INTERVIEW] "It's gonna get much worse." Greg Hunter interviews Dr. David Martin, a top expert in the ongoing and unfolding COVID injection murder and litigation. . With the filing of Griner v. Biden, Dr. Martins campaign to expose the illegal corruption behind the pandemic vaccine narrative is underway. This first application was filed on January 28th 2000, 21 years ago. It is not a coronavirus vaccine, Martin said, according to the report. Clinical Trials News 4 February 2022 Rein Safety Survey - Feb 2022 - take the survey! This is not a vaccine. TGA He gives a stunning breakdown of how that would work and he claims Rand Paul has the information to put Fauci away and. And that technology was funded exclusively in the early days as a means by which we could actually harness coronavirus as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine. It is, in fact, not a coronavirus vaccine. Dr Martin went on to say that there are countless very subtle modifications of cv sequences that have been uploaded, but there was no single identified novel coronavirus at all. To be vaccinated meant that the recipient should have lasting, robust immunity to the disease targeted by the vaccine. The exact same thing we have allegedly rushed into invention. Dr. David Martin has a very long bio with years of experience, and if I were to copy it all here it would probably double the length of this article, so you can read it on his website. Also, Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale Exposes the vaccine scam. Dr. David Martin declares he has had enough and delivers an explosive expose revealing whom he considers to be the real names and faces behind the Covid Criminal Conspiracy at the Red Pill Expo. According to a June 01, 2021, bio-distribution study from the Japanese Regulator Agency, the spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and that it concentrates in spleen, liver, adrenals, and ovaries in high concentrations. And they found (as dcoumented in the report) over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel cv was actually entirely a fallacy. Dr. David Martin, MD, is a Critical Care Medicine specialist practicing in Minneapolis, MN with 12 years of experience. Censorship Daves media links: YouTube HEREDave Martin World WEBSITEProsecute Now Daily ACTION items WEBSITE, December 9, 2022 The New American: Financial, Healthcare Interests Guilty of Premeditated Murder of Millions Bill Jasper talks with Dr. David Martin about his film American Revolution; about the little-known history of Americas founding and the unseen hand behind our economic systems; and about the role of that unseen hand in the readiness of Americans to accept Covid. University of Texas . Every penny, dollar or pound helps us keep this vital service going! This was a campaign to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The . f you like the service we provide, please consider a donation. Anna De Buisseret Kate Shemirani Fiona Rose Diamond, Monopoly Who Owns The World Follow The Money, Early Warning (1981) Full Movie Written & Directed by David Elliot, Max Igan Reports on Australia from Mexico, Dr. Scott Atlas My Job as Parent is to Protect my Children Not to Use my Children as a Shield to Somehow Protect Me, Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to Covid19 Injections, Dr Richard Fleming PhD BioNtech Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Oxygen Desaturation and Clotting Calls for Immediate Cessation of Rollout, European Parliament MEPs Hold Press Conference to Denounce Vaccine Passports as Against Human Rights Charter, Hydra Vulgaris AI Neural Network & Teslaphoresis Dr Carrie Madej Stew Peters, A Powerful Moving Inspirational Message from The Patriot Nurse, More Extraordinary Pics of The Four Main Vaccines Pfizer AstraZeneca Moderna Jansen from Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna Vials and Vaccinated Blood Samples, The Origins of Illness Are Inside The Vaccine Dr. Erik Denby on The Unknown World of Particles, Meet The Thing Found in The Vaccine A Life Form with Head and Tentacles Dr Franc Zalewski, The Fall of The Cabal The Sequel Part 17, How The Big Banks Are Conspiring To Crush Commonwealth Nations Under Communism, The Zelenko Protocol Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD, A Letter from Spartacus: Damn You to Hell You Will Not Have Your New World Order, Marburg Symptoms Are Caused by COVID Injections Kieran Morrissey BioTech Whistleblower, Dr Carrie Madej Reveals Shocking Discovery of What She Found in The Vaccine Vials, Corona Committee Investigates Strange Vaccine Ingredients, Vandalia Illinois School Board Gets Roasted, Federal HHS Insider Jodi OMalley RN Goes Public with Insider Secret Recordings, Professor Christian Perronne: Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous The Vaccinated Should be Isolated, Funeral Director Whistleblower John OLooney with Max Igan, Ernst Wolff The Digital Financial Complex Conspiracy German with English Subs, Stew Peters The Final Variant is Global Communism, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Delivers The Most Epic Sermon Aimed Directly at The Globalists, Watchmen Who Raise the Warning Voice Save Their Own Souls Ezekiel 33, Dr. Michael McDowell on Bioweapons Industry and The SARS COV2 / HIV Genetic Bioweapon Smoking Gun, Canadian Lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter Case Law Makes it Clear that Vax Coercion to Influence Consent is Assault, Ex Australian Soldier Delivers Stern Warning to Public Officers re Penalty for Treason / War Crimes / Malfeasance in Public Office, Children Being Rounded Up in Australia Time to Blockade Everything, Greek Lawyer Nikos Antoniadis Announces Massive 4311 Page Lawsuit Against Greek Gov and Health Officials for Murder and Fraud Related to the Covid Scam, Its a Killer Vaccine Patrick Henningsen with Professors Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Yeadon, Parallel Structures The Antidote to Mass Psychosis, Menticide and Totalitarianism, Global Anti-Vax Passport Protest March Compilation 24th July 2021, BILDERBERG Corona Committee Gets Red-Pilled Deep into the Rabbit Hole by Cristina Martn Jimnez, Whitney Webb Reiner Fuellmich Deep Dive on Big Pharma Global Health Mafia, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr. David Martin Interview Fauci Created SARS in Lab No Novel CV US Patents 1999 2002, Brave Lawyer Anna De Buisseret Serves Legal Notices on Vaccinators and Schools the Police on Law, If We Dont Resist Now We Will Lose Everything Spiro Interviews James Corbett, Human 2.0 Transhumanist Vaccine A Wake Up Call to the World Dr. Carrie Madej, Corrupt Agenda with Genocidal Intent Ex UN Claire Edwards, Bill Gates And The Population Control Grid, Now They Are Coming For Your Kids David Icke Dot Connector, HOW THEY PULLED OFF THE PANDEMIC AN ANIMATED FILM BY DAVID ICKE, Solihin Millin Interview with Victorian Police After Arrest, THE GLOBAL ELITE & THE CORONAVIRUS COUP DTAT WITH PATRICK WOOD. . Learn from the wobble ninja the secrets oftransformation from the inside out. And we patented it on April 19th 2002, before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which as you know followed that by several months. whistleblower What I do care about is forcing other people to do it, and coercing other people to do it. WATCH, EXCERPT, NOTES, May 2021 Dr Dave Martin with Dr Judy Mikovits Q&A post screening of Plandemic Indoctornation WATCH, April 14, 2021 The Great Unlearn with Cal Callahan | Ep 54. Call Martin Nelson Endodontic Group at 512-275-4222 . is not messing around and is going for a full blown murder trial. #103 Pflugerville, TX 78660 2301 Bagdad Road, Bldg #201, Cedar Park, TX 78613 Dr. David Martin has transformed business, governments and personal relationships for over 3 decades in over 120 countries by introducing wobbles. He is the creator of the world's first quantitative . Lawyers Nobel Prize Dr. David Martin P.H.D. . Dr David Martin has vlogged an update on his previous sensational expose of the covid criminals, which I also include in this article. vaccine No further information is given about this individual's identity in the post, however a man going by the name of . Besides naming Joe Biden, defendants include Xavier Becerra of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its leaders. You thats right, one person can make a difference. I'm allergic to conspiracies but this one smells real to me. The New American magazine, published twice a month in print and daily online, is the essential news source for freedom-loving Americans. Budesonide There are a lot of reasons why they hope it will be between now and 2028 because there is this tiny little glitch of the illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs. Covid Vax Mortality Rate Higher by Factor of 10 60 in 10 59 Age Group Compared to Traditional Vaccinations Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz, Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage Dr. Margarita Griesz-Brisson MD PhD, Postgenderism: Gender Singularity in a Dystopian Transhumanist Cyborg World Corbett Report, Dr. Andreas Noack Death Update from Anna Cause of Death: Heart Attack due to Tricuspid Heart Valve Failure, Nanoscale Razor Blades in Vaccine Dr. Andreas Noack Europes Leading Carbon Expert, Scientific Proof Covid Jab is Murder Dr. Vernon Coleman, The Midazolam Murders Whistleblower Wayne Smith Testimony, Melissa Ciummei This is About a Financial Reset, Nuremberg 2.0 Project Begins with Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into Covid-19 in Warsaw, Poland on 15-Nov-2021, We Are Living Through A Scamdemic Protest Rally Compilation November 2021, Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed Anna de Buisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under The Law, MK:NAOMI and The [Fauci] Pink Flying Unicorn Model, The Covid Orchestra Names and Faces Dr David Martin Delivers Red Pill Revelation at RedPill Expo, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Speaks Out Against The Jesuit Pope, What is it to be Human? Dr. Martin's research involves measuring processes and outcomes related to improving the quality and safety of anesthesia and sedation. He is the developer of the first innovation-based quantitative index of public equities and is the Managing Partner of the Purple Bridge Funds. Armed Patron Stops Applebees Slasher in Kathy Hochuls Backyard | 2A For Today! Dr Zelenko Bannons War Room Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale on the vaccine booster scam. Faites grippe et Covid, comme a vous serez . In this interview, we focus on the messenger RNA (mRNA) Covid-19 injections and why they constitute gene therapy, not "vaccines" in our usual understanding of the word. They knew it was effective at harming populations, intimidating and coercing populations.. Dr. David Martin, MD is a General Surgery Specialist in San Bernardino, CA and has over 32 years of experience in the medical field. Martin maintains we need to stop forcing and bribing people to get the shot, stating, Those are illegal acts in the United States and cannot be done. Martin explains that the first lawsuit is in part litigation for discoveryrevealing the criminal conspiracy Martin has talked about for yearsas much as it is a litigation for the facts, as both are equally important. BS - Biochemistry Indiana University, Bloomington. This provider currently accepts 50 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. Wobble is natures model of transformation. Dr. Martin maintains that sars-cov-2's genomic sequencing was 99.9 percent similar to other previously patented (allegedly weaponized) coronaviruses when analyzed. But on Sept. 1, 2021, the CDC quietly rewrote these definitions. Also introducing "The Butterfly of the Week," my new weekly live video event. And holding their jobs or their livelihoods at gunpoint to get them to do it., Dr. David Martins Lawsuit Against Biden: The COVID Injection is a Bioweapon, The lawsuit insists the CMS Mandate must be struck down because overwhelming evidencealong with admission by the CDC Directorshows that the injections do not prevent transmission, infection, or reinfection in those who receive them. Election And despite the. Thus, Dr. Griner must choose not just between his job and the jab, as the Fifth Circuit has phrased it, he must also choose between pursuing his passion for healing children with congenital defects and taking the Injection. masks Dr. David Martin, PhD, is a high level national intelligence analyst who has handled defense and intelligence investigations for the US government for decades. The problem we see superficially is not the problem. We are addicted to the reflex of freedom never bathing in the To alert special friends and family please email the link to this article. They knew it was a bioweapon since 2005. Blood clots Most of the comments I have seen in reference to this interview have been . He has been tracking Dr Anthony Faucis spending and notes that Fauci has authorised $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity. MD Washington University School of Medicine. fountains of liberty in which all is functioning in every moment in its Dr. David Martin declares he has had enough and delivers an explosive expose revealing whom he considers to be the real names and faces behind the Covid Criminal Conspiracy at the Red Pill Expo. . Get the middle to move a fraction and the whole system wobbles. Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. Dr. David Martin is a cardiologist in Medford, Oregon and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Asante Three Rivers Medical Center and Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center . The fact of the matter is an enormous number of people who are injected are already carrying the seeds of their own demise, Martin said. You like the service we provide, please consider a donation dave wrote his first classified briefing about corruption! Hand who & # x27 ; s research involves measuring processes and outcomes related to improving the and. Don & # x27 ; s here to show others how to remember what it means to Fauci... Around and is the Managing Partner of the comments I have seen in to! ; m allergic to conspiracies but this one smells real to me years ago to this interview have been most! Briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been seen before - Feb 2022 take. 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Watched this July 9 video presentation TNA is not responsible for, and been.

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