john mark comer gospel coalition

But if in all our ambition we forget to rest, well miss an unparalleled opportunity to preach the gospel to ourselves and to those around us. A legion was the largest unit of the Roman army, numbering up to six thousand soldiers. Second, regarding history, Jesus resurrection fulfills Gods promises to raise up and restore Israel (Hos. 2:10). Rather it was Peters mind-set and worldly thinking, thinking that rejected suffering as a viable path for the Messiah. God first dwelt with his people in Eden. WILDERNESS TESTING. It requires very little training and can be easily run by volunteers. 8:13; see also Hos. . The Beginner's Guide. Think, for example, of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (Rom. We will then review some questions for reflection in light of Marks entire account, with a final identification of Gospel Glimpses, Whole-Bible Connections, and Theological Soundings, all with a view to appreciating the Gospel of Mark in its entirety. He was starting over. Rather, our condition is one of defilementmanifested by what comes out of usand is thus in need of cleansing. On the other hand, some early and many later manuscripts contain Mark 16:920, and many church fathers (such as Irenaeus) evidently knew of them. 13:14 15), John (John 12:39 40), and Paul (Acts 28:2527) to explain rejection of Gods gracious salvation as blindness. Jesus is not only the son of David, he is the Son of Godand thus he is included in the divine identity. has been my shepherd all my life long, said Jacob (Gen. 48:15). This is somewhat perplexing. REFUSING TO SAVE HIMSELF. Although Adam and Israel were both Gods son, to neither of them could God finally say, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:11). Grace fuels obedience. 8:6; Rom. Note also what happens with the Spirit in Mark 1:10. Comer defines the world as a system of ideas, values, morals, practices, and social norms that are integrated into the mainstream and institutionalized in a culture corrupted by the twin sins of rebellion against God and the redefinition of good and evil.As the poet William Butler Yeats so aptly described contemporary society:The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity.According to Comer, fighting the world requires the spiritual discipline of gathering with your church. Church is the place where truth and rightly ordered desires form a counter anti-culture that has the potential to not only survive but also flourish as a creative minority, loving the host culture from the margins.At least thats the way its supposed to be. What comes out of a person is what defiles him. The same holds true when God calls men and women to be his disciples today (see 1 Cor. Would definitely recommend. Today, too, fellowship with him, communing with him, learning of him through the Wordall this does not make Jesus less holy but makes us, despite our sinfulness, more holy. This whole-Bible motif first shows up in Genesis 3, as Adam and Eve take of the forbidden fruit and the eyes of both were opened to experience what sin, guilt, and shame really are (Gen. 3:7), and the motif runs right through the Bible to the end of Revelation, where the new Jerusalem is described as requiring no created light by which to see, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb (Rev. 10:22; see also 1 Kings 3:1013; Job 42:12; Prov. A denarius was a days wage for a worker, so when the woman (probably Mary the sister of Lazarus) in Mark 14:39 breaks an alabaster jar and pours over Jesus head nard worth more than three hundred denarii, she is squandering almost a years salary for a worker. Jesus response to the Syrophoenician woman is perplexing at firsthow could Jesus withhold mercy from her, even calling her a dog (Mark 7:2430)? The king theme is heightened with the setting up of the kingship in Israel, and especially with David, to whom God promises a lasting dynasty (2 Sam. For Jesus was forsaken so that you and I never have to be. Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 3:136:6. . With this understood, I draw to your attentionSeeker-Driven Pastor Brings Polytheism into the Mainstream byChristian Research Networkassociate editor Erin Benziger ofDo Not Be SurprisedShes right as she says: It is shocking to think, then, that the pagan idea of polytheism would ever begin to creep into mainstream evangelicalism. 7:1216). . In light of Jesus earlier statement in Mark 1:15 that the kingdom of God is at hand, how do we see this kingdom advancing in Mark 1:29 34? Yet he underwent condemnation on the cross so that you and I, who unlike Jesus truly are guilty, can silence the voice of accusation that bubbles up within. 5:2; Eph. Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 6:78:26 for your own life today. In what way does Jesus reconstitute or transform the community of faith in Mark 3:3135? The main effect of these chapters is to continue to develop the positive reception Jesus receives from the masses, which will come to a crashing halt halfway through Marks Gospel. Either a local Jewish tribunal (council, Matt. The kingdom of God arrived, and with it its rightful ruler (Mark 1:14 15). God sent his own Son, however, to do what his people had always failed to do. Marriage between one man and one woman, in permanent mutual faithfulness, was built into the fabric of the world from the start. Jesus did not come for the religious elite, the socially privileged. Unholy. What do we learn of the nature of the kingdom of God here? . Due to Israels repeated faithlessness, the prophets spoke of a coming day when even for Israel the sun would become dark (Joel 2:10, 30 31). Moses then brought these down to the people of Israel. Second, Jesus speaks of heaven to James and John, commenting that the seating at Jesus right and left is not his to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared (Mark 10:40). She simply believed, humbly and persistently, that even the crumbs of mercy from Jesus would provide the help she so desperately needed. 5:32; Rev. A few chapters later Jesus is crucified, and the curtain of the temple was torn in two (Mark 15:38), thus opening the way back into Gods presence. In Mark 4:3032 Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a tiny mustard seed which, when full grown, becomes the largest plant in the garden, in which the birds find rest and shade. And perhaps most significantly, temporarily suspending any productive conversation. In the New Testament, God in Christ once more calls out twelve men, whose task it is, once again, to bring Gods blessing to the world (Mark 6:713; note Rev. . How does the first garden, in which mankind plunged through sin into ruin and death, culminate in a restored garden, in which Gods people enjoy restored fellowship with him? Observe the key phrase that is repeated in both. Jesus is indeed lord even of the Sabbath.. We have to read the deed to our souls to see if Christs name is there. Note the personal implications for your walk with the Lord in light of (1) the Gospel Glimpses, (2) the Whole-Bible Connections, (3) the Theological Soundings, and (4) this passage as a whole. 11:13; cf. Not with a foreign government or domestic terrorists or a creepy new artificial intelligence hell-bent on taking over the world. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed that, if possible, the hour might pass from him (Mark 14:35). The Messiah therefore came to mean the anticipated coming king who would liberate Israel once and for all and bring in the kingdom of God. The message of the Bible, at its core, is what has been done by God in Christ for sinners, as the first verse of Mark underscores: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Mark wrote to recount good news. An offering to God, often to signify forgiveness of sin. The Pharisees are asking why Jesus and his disciples are picking grains on their Sabbath walk. We are told that the Spirit descended on him like a dove, and a voice from heaven affirmed Jesus sonship. Picking up on this event, Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples in anticipation of the greatest liberation, in which another lamb was slain to save those who take refuge under its blood (see also 1 Pet. 13:5). What is Mark showing us about Jesus in this opening event of Jesus ministry? Consider the significance of the entire Old Testament sacrificial system and reflect on the significance of what was happening when Jesus Christ was crucified. Yet, when these incentives are more important than the presence and glory of Christ, were really no different than the celebrity using Jesuss name for personal profit. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 1904 1910, available online at Honestly, it wasnt until I re-read that verse a year ago that I began to see the Sabbath as a gift. At the Passover meal, the Jews remember and celebrate the beginning of Israels deliverance from slavery, when the Lord brought judgment by killing the firstborn in every Egyptian house but passed over the Israelite houses where the blood of the Passover lamb had been applied (Ex. Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 10:152 for your own life today. 51:3; 58:11; Ezek. ESCHATOLOGY. (2) Ibid., 95. Here in Mark 10:32, the author makes a point of telling us that Jesus was walking ahead of them in the march to Jerusalem and the cross. Sovereignty over all things is a distinctive attribute of God (1 Tim. GOD-FORSAKEN. Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 6:78:26. Just simple, quiet, sacrificial giving. The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all things, including the actions of human beings as moral agents, and yet moral agents are also responsible for their actions. In Mark 68 Jesus again demonstrates his authority and warns his disciples against hard hearts. This website is the official site of the URCNA. Jesus sought them out. In Mark 11:112:44 Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly, cleanses the temple, and authoritatively teaches both opponents and disciples. 33:9; 40:34 38), and proclaims his name in a cloud (Ex. They will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues . Second, Jesus speaks of heaven to James and John, commenting that the seating at Jesus right and left is not his to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared (Mark 10:40). It's not something I'd usually listen to or read, but overall it was a really interesting experience. We see this in the back-to-back accounts of Jesus warning about the scribes glamour (Mark 12:3840) and the widows offering (Mark 12:4144). Our salvation is a gift of grace from first to last. He is the author "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges. 8:13; see also Hos. 9:10, 16; Joel 1:7). This presents a puzzle for scholars who specialize in the history of such manuscripts. . Five times in Mark 8:279:50 Jesus refers to himself as the Son of Man (Mark 8:31, 38; 9:9, 12, 31). How do they contribute to Jesus portrayal of what the kingdom of God is like? GOOD NEWS AT ITS CORE. In Gods sight, however, her tiny gift was greater than the showy generosity of many rich people (Mark 12:41). Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 8:279:50 for your own life today. Someone who speaks authoritatively for God. What does this tell us about Jesus priorities in his ministry? During the last of the ten plagues God sent on Egypt, in which God killed the firstborn of every Egyptian family, the angel of God passed over any Israelite houses that were marked with a lambs blood. This also rings true for preachers and teachers. 3:7 4:13). Matt. Also, the trickle of opposition against Jesus from the religious authorities begins to increase; it will turn into a flood of hostility in the second half of Mark. What is Jesus teaching his disciples through these contrasting examples? Thus in Mark 15:39, when the centurion exclaims that Jesus was the Son of God, we are to join the centurion in seeing that Jesus is not only the Son of God in that he is the Messiah, but also that he is the Son of God in that he is divine. First, for Christ himself, his resurrection vindicated him and established him as the Messiah he claimed to be (Rom. 5:5; 1 Pet. The unique contribution of Mark 10 to the Gospel as a whole is the way in which it shows how Jesus connects his own path to that of his followers, turning upside down our expectations of what it means to be his disciple. Along the way, we see a hope for a restored garden in which God will once more dwell in happy fellowship with his people (Isa. Note the personal implications for your walk with the Lord regarding (1) the Gospel Glimpses, (2) the Whole-Bible Connections, (3) the Theological Soundings, and (4) this passage as a whole. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. As Jesus breathes his last, the Roman centurion standing nearby exclaims, Truly this man was the Son of God! (Mark 15:39). THE PASSOVER LAMB. And when God gave his people the law, the curses resulting from disobedience included horrific sickness and disease (Deut. 3:20). Jesus experienced rejection not only horizontally, by men, but also vertically, by God. 4:1023). John Mark - Author of the Gospel of Mark. The Law of Moses gave detailed instructions regarding various kinds of sacrifices. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you engage in this study of Mark. Because of his obedient sonship, God is pleased to adopt into his own family those who are united to the Son by faith (Rom. (NIV), 1 Peter 5:13She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark. The disciples assume that the destruction of the temple will coincide with the end of time, but Jesus corrects their thinking (Mark 13:7, 13). . Throughout Mark we have seen the grace of God in the gospel. Then review the following questions and write your own notes on them concerning this phase of Jesus life and ministry. (4) Based on Bridgetown Church's "Developing a Personal Rule of Life Workbook." (5) I'm counting Scripture and prayer as one practice for the sake of convenience. What might be the reason for this? While the kingdom of God is outwardly unimpressive, the nations are gradually being gathered into it, and one day this kingdom will be unmistakably triumphant. . He is an avid runner and has completed twenty-three marathons. Faith is more than a composite of books, podcasts, YouTube teachings, quippy Instagram quotes, and other information about Jesus (although these can be helpful). Meanwhile, the gospel will be proclaimed to all nations (Mark 13:10). Jesus himself settles this debt with the payment to the Father of his own blood on the cross as our substitute. 11:3234) and suffering (Heb. 13:7 in Mark 14:27), how does the whole passage in Zechariah shed light on broader events in Marks Gospel? Barnabas took John Mark back to Cyprus, while Paul traveled with Silas instead. A special building set aside as holy because of Gods presence there. . Both considered themselves first. But Jesus says, the first will be last, and the last first (Mark 10:31). The councils and synagogues are Jewish locales. I specifically loved when he talked about the choices we make and how they shape our character. Mark recounts how Jesus preaches and teaches, and also how Jesus has authority over demons and sickness. What were these Old Testament writings looking forward to? (NIV). One I will keep going back to. While there are distinctions of persons within the one Godhead, Jesus Christ is as much God as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. We must, as Willard went on to say, Ruthlessly eliminate hurry.. As a result, people decide issues by their feelingsif they take a position at allbecause theyre wary of anyone claiming to know the absolute truths taught in Gods Word. We know from Mark 1:23 that Mark sees his Gospel account as building on the Old Testament, so what might Mark have in mind in Mark 1:8? Mark 10 shows us that the path of Christian discipleship is glory through suffering, as was the path of Jesus. Its punchy, engaging, deep and cuts to the heart of things. Carson. This picks up a theme that travels through the Old Testament: Moses spent 40 days on barren Mount Sinai (Ex. The coming of the kingdom of God means that Gods rule over peoples hearts and lives is being established in and through Jesus. What are ways in which the Romans ridicule Jesus? 34:28); Israel was tested for 40 years in the desert (Deut. In light of what Jesus goes on to say in Mark 8:31, what did Peter and the disciples not yet grasp about Jesus? Judgment over godless nations was likewise described in terms of the sun and the moon ceasing to give light (Isa. Gentleness. Why might Mark have wanted to make this clear? 15:20), the first instance of the resurrected body all believers will one day have, and Jesus resurrection body was thoroughly physical. The afterlife is mentioned twice in Mark 10. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Upending Our Assumptions about Marriage and Divorce (Mark 10:112). In light of the way Mark views Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, what is the significance of this? . While the Bible is filled with commands, and these commands must unquestionably be heeded by believers, the overarching story line of the Bible is one of rescue and deliveranceof gospel. Read Mark 10:152 and consider the following questions. They knew the Scripture well. Time and again Jesus has upended our intuitive expectations as to who receives the attention of God and who does not. Jesus says that the gospel must . RELENTLESS COMPASSION. For Jesus was forsaken so that you and I never have to be. What doctrine does Jesus see this text affirming, and what is the reasoning he uses to get there? READ MORE 2023 United Reformed Churches in North America All Rights Reserved Skip to Main Content. Baptism relates to entrance into the new covenant community, and the Lords Supper relates to ongoing participation in that community. What light might these Old Testament texts shed on who Jesus is and what he has come to do (note also John 10:11)? 1 John 4:19). Through his life and teaching, but especially through his death and resurrection, Jesus fulfills all the Old Testament hopes and promises, bringing in the long expected new age. 33:7) and the storm (Job 28:25; Ps. To touch such uncleanness would make oneself unclean. But at a deeper level, on the cross Jesus felt himself rejected by his own Father (Mark 15:34; Rom. . Walk by the Spirit, Paul concludes, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (verse 16).When deceitful ideas build on disordered desires, they normalize sin throughout society. How do we understand Jesus agenda in light of the fact that healing this woman delays his visit to a young girl on deaths doorstep? The Bible teaches that in Jesus death on the cross, he suffered the penalty for all the sins of his people as their substitute. John Mark was not one of the 12 apostles of Jesus. Several of the events of Mark 13 take place on the Sabbath, climaxing in Jesus declaration that he is lord even of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). Jesus affirmed that he was the Messiah sent from God (Matt. IDOLATRY. The impartation of restored life to a dead person. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. But our choosing of him is rooted in his even deeper choosing of us (cf. Mark 9:14 29 recounts an episode of a demon-possessed boy whom the disciples seek to liberate but cannot. John Mark had a servant's heart. Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 11:112:44. Im currently starting a non-profit called Practicing the Way. . Having called the first four disciples, Jesus begins his ministry. All sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin (Mark 3:2829). Mark is writing, above all else, about the gospel, as the first words out of Jesus mouth reiterate: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). 21:23). He came for the tax collectors and sinners, with whom he ate (Mark 2:15). Indeed, the one place in all four Gospel accounts where Jesus tells us about his heart is Matthew 11:29: I am gentle and lowly in heart. Burrow in to the very core of what makes Jesus tick, and this is it. What we learn of sin here is that sin manifests itself in two ways: sinful real unrighteousness (the tax collectors and sinners) and sinful bogus righteousness (the scribes and Pharisees). Jesus provided a resurrection from death to life. Peter and the disciples seemed to be in much better shape than the rich young man, for they had sacrificed everything the rich young man had refused to sacrifice; yet Mark compares the rich young man with Peter to show that both, in their own way, failed to grasp the grace of the kingdom. 7:1216, reign forever (and note Bartimaeuss crying out to Jesus as the son of David in Mark 10:4748). To me, the Sabbath had always had legalistic connotations, prompting me (and I suspect many other millennial Christians) to write off the Sabbath entirely. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. On 13 January 2013, Comer taught a sermon entitled, Yahweh Elohim from the text ofExodus 34:6. Here Jesus uses parables to explain what the kingdom of God is like. What do we learn about the nature of their mission from the instructions they are given here in Mark 6? 8:2); and Elijah spent 40 days in the desert, too (1 Kings 19:8). 5:8; 1 Thess. In these opening chapters his ministry is one of both word and deed. CHOSEN IN GRACE. In responding, Jesus affirms the resurrection that is to come, saying that believers will then be like angels in heaven (Mark 12:25). I missed the labels and thought it's a science-pop around psychology, but it's a book from a Christian pastor on how lies, flesh and the world around mess with our lives. He was doing more than this, though. Note: Your Bible may have in brackets what is known as the Longer Ending of Mark (Mark 16:920). Salvation, which is purely a work of Gods grace, can be received only through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. What is the significance of Jesus calling Levi (Matthew) in Mark 2:1314? . Then review the following questions and write your own notes on them concerning this phase of Jesus life and ministry. What is the essence of Jesus critique? For Jesus was accused and condemned on our behalf. 107:2530; Amos 4:13). . Or, as Paul would put it, God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. This king was called Gods son in the Old Testament (e.g., 2 Sam. Yet such a transgression recently was committed by John Mark Comer, pastor ofSolid Rock Churchin Portland, Oregon. Do The Gospels Marginalize Women? 26:26 29; Luke 22:1820; 1 Cor. How does Marks Gospel uniquely contribute to our understanding of Jesus? Owning and ultimately building a house requires more than enticing blueprints and financial payments. In answering the Pharisees testing question about divorce, Jesus goes all the way back to the beginning to establish the foundation for marriage. The New Testament teaches that Jesus is included in the divine identity (1 Cor. In the course of teaching on temptation, Jesus calls hell the unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43) and the place where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:48). The insiders reject the gospel; the outsiders hear it and, as often in Marks Gospel, receive it (e.g., Mark 7:24 30; 15:39). Any speech, writing, or action that slanders God. But we must always have the same perspective that Jesus hadthat is, confidence in Gods power but also submission to his will (see Mark 14:36 for a prayer that even Jesus had turned down). Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 1:213:12 for your own life today. For clarification read Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; Ezekiel 11:1819; and Joel 2:28. In the early 1970s, he moved to California and over the next 35 years, he owned and managed several successful Bay Area restaurants, including Henry Africas in San Francisco, Santa Fe Bar and Grill with Jeremiah Tower in Berkeley, and TRs in Concord. You can run our Practices in almost any setting in small groups, dinner parties, Sunday school classrooms, affinity-specific ministries, mid-week courses, or with your entire church on Sundays. Several of these voices were advancing Critical Race Theory. Is he implying that some of the people living at that time would see Christs second coming? He has exposed and confounded the emptiness of the religion of the scribes and Pharisees, earning their opposition as a result. The mocking religious authorities taunted Jesus, saying, He saved others; he cannot save himself (Mark 15:31). When Adam and Eve fell, that fellowship was fractured, and in the centuries following, Gods presence with his people was restricted to a tabernacle and then a man-made temple. Yet Israel, too, failed. Those who did not obey this command suffered the death of their firstborn. . How does this parable develop what has already been happening in Mark 11:1225? Believers are those whom God chose. With these words Jesus gave his disciples the secret key to true greatness. This is why we pray in Jesus namebecause his rejection on the cross means that believers can have free access to the Father. 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