motion to compel discovery california sample

\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext16 \slink17 header;}{\*\cs17 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \sbasedon10 \slink16 \slocked \ssemihidden Header Char;}{ \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\ql \fi720\li0\ri0\sl360\slmult1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid6636930 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \par 12 withdrawn, or the requested discovery was provided to the moving party after the motion was filed (Cal. , I had served the \'93meet and confer\'94 letter attached with a proof of service, as Exhibit B, but have still not received any responses. \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s25\ql \fi720\li0\ri0\sl360\slmult1\nowidctlpar\wrapdefault\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid6636930 \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 {\*\datafield 000000000000000006546578743432000a796f75722077616765730000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text42}{\*\ffdeftext your wages}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 000000000000000000002e70617274792064657369676e6174696f6e20616e64206e616d65206f6620726573706f6e64696e672070617274790000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffdeftext "[A]bsent a claim of privilege or attorney work product, the party who seeks to compel production has met his burden of showing good cause Compelling Further Response Request for Admission: [CCP 2033.290(d)]. 11777 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 702 . \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 NAME OF MOVING PARTY}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 , declare: Compelling Deponent to Answer or Produce Documents: [CCP 2025.480(f)]. MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONES TO REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION SELARZ LAW CORP. 1 1777 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 702 Los Angeles, California 900 49 T: 310.651.8685 F: 310.651.8681 SELARZ LAW CORP. DANIEL E. SELARZ (State Bar No. \par \par 000000000000000006546578743236001150617274792064657369676e6174696f6e0000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text26}{\*\ffdeftext Party designation}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \par We serve the following localities: Baltimore; Prince George's County including Bowie, Laurel, Landover, Hyattsville; Anne Arundel County including Glen Burnie; Baltimore County including Cockeysville, Glyndon, Hunt Valley, Jacksonville, Lutherville-Timonium, Owings Mills, Parkville, Reisterstown, Plaintiff Attorney Legal Information Center, Example Pretrial Documents for Plaintiff's Lawyers. I base my request for the imposition of a sanction on basis that it took me {\*\bkmkstart Text41}}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 00000000000000000654657874313800116465706172746d656e74206e756d6265720000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text18}{\*\ffdeftext department number}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 {\flomajor\f31508\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\flomajor\f31509\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};} \par Any Attorney which this preview is based visit: 10 Case No. \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 moving party's designation}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\bkmkend Text36} ) \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\cf1\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FOR ORDER COMPELLING RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION AND FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 Meet and Confer Declaration Required. 000000000000000006546578743236001150617274792064657369676e6174696f6e0000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text26}{\*\ffdeftext Party designation}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 Proc. \par 9 {\flominor\f31549\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\flominor\f31551\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield {\fdbmajor\f31501\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fhimajor\f31502\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02040503050406030204}Cambria;} 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. \par 26 {\*\ffformat Uppercase}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 PARTY DESIGNATION AND NAME OF RESPONDING PARTY}}}\sectd \ltrsect If the party does not have online access, they may call the dedicated phone number for the department as referenced in the local telephone directory between \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 00000000000000000554657874370010504c41494e544946462753204e414d450009557070657263617365000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text7}{\*\ffdeftext \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 Date of Hearing}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\bkmkend Text12} \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 NAME OF MOVING PARTY}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 {\f719\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Cambria Math CE;}{\f720\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Cambria Math Cyr;}{\f722\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Cambria Math Greek;}{\f723\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Cambria Math Tur;} 6e22206267313d226c743122207478313d22646b3122206267323d226c743222207478323d22646b322220616363656e74313d22616363656e74312220616363 You can read the details below. \ts11\trleft0\trftsWidth3\trwWidth9360\trftsWidthB3\trftsWidthA3\trpaddfl3\trpaddfr3\tblrsid16473643\tblind0\tblindtype3 \clvertalt\clbrdrt\brdrtbl \clbrdrl\brdrtbl \clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10 \clbrdrr\brdrtbl \cltxlrtb\clftsWidth3\clwWidth4542\clshdrawnil It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. 1. Rules of Court, rule 3.1348(a), explains, "The court may award sanctions under the Discovery Act in favor of a party who files a motion to compel discovery, even though no opposition to the motion was filed, or opposition to the motion was withdrawn, or the requested discovery was provided to the moving party after motion was filed." (See . \par Text of the request, interrogatory, or question. Be sure to remove this notice and all other notices before But if you let it go too long, you are going to run into trouble with the scheduling order. \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 D. Court May Impose Sanctions Despite Lack of Opposition to Motion to Compel Discovery. {\*\colorschememapping 3c3f786d6c2076657273696f6e3d22312e302220656e636f64696e673d225554462d3822207374616e64616c6f6e653d22796573223f3e0d0a3c613a636c724d If you wish to request oral argument, you must contact the clerk at (916) 874-7858 (Department 53) or (916) 874-7848 (Department 54) and the opposing party before 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing. On {\*\bkmkstart Text46}}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 {\fbimajor\f31539\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fbimajor\f31541\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\*\bkmkend Text20} a response to the {\*\bkmkstart Text21}}{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\fbiminor\f31507\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f379\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};} CONNECTION WITH PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL Case 1:13-cv-01312-WDQ Document 55 Filed 07/16/14 Page 1 of 4. A motion to compel further responses to interrogatories must include a meet and confer declaration pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedure 2016.040 and a separate statement. {\fhiminor\f31571\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Calibri Greek;}{\fhiminor\f31572\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Calibri Tur;}{\fhiminor\f31575\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Calibri Baltic;} "The failure of a party to file and serve a response in opposition to a motion within the time prescribed for doing so constitutes consent to grant the motion." D.N.M. \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield \par 13 On August 7, 2017 Defendant CCSP Nova LLC (CCSP) provided For the County of_________________ \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 number of hours listed above}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\bkmkend Text43} {\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text1}{\*\ffdeftext YOUR NAME}{\*\ffformat Uppercase}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 YOUR NAME}}}\sectd \ltrsect {\f39\fbidi \fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana;}{\flomajor\f31500\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} \fs20\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 \trowd \irow1\irowband1\lastrow \ltrrow For example, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37 requires that a motion to compel "must include a certification that \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 Department for Hearing}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 000000000000000006546578743234000b64617465207365727665640000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text24}{\*\ffdeftext date served}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 and Matthew Bender Practice Guide: California Civil Discovery-- are good starting points when preparing your motion. \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\bkmkend Text22}, which {\*\bkmkstart Text23}}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid16210762 \chftnsepc \lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 2;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 3;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 4; \par 13 \par Dated: {\*\bkmkstart Text27}}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield \par c7060abb0884a4eff7a93dfeae8bf9e194e720169aaa06c3e2433fcb68e1763dbf7f82c985a4a725085b787086a37bdbb55fbc50d1a33ccd311ba548b6309512 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 000000000000000006546578743135000b6869732f6865722f6974730000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text15}{\*\ffdeftext his/her/its}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 [CCP 2030.300 (c) (Interrogatories); 2031.310 (c) (Inspection Demands); 2033.290 (c) (Requests for Admission)]. Pursuant to Local Rule 104.8.a, Defendants were required . Plaintiff just wants answers so we can proceed with the litigation without delay. Most often, motions to compel are used in "discovery" disputes when one party doesn't want to answer questions or sit for a deposition. \par }}{\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta . Choose from a broad listing of topics suited for law firms, corporate legal departments, and government entities. \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 4 0 obj \s21\ql \li0\ri0\sl23\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\pararsid16473643 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs20\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \f2\fs18\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 19 {\*\ffformat Uppercase}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 NAME OF MOVING PARTY}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 (h) Making or opposing, unsuccessfully and without substantial justification, a motion to compel or to limit discovery. ) Sample California motion for leave to amend pleading, Sample motion for leave to amend answer in California, Sample motion to compel deposition subpoena in california, Sample California motion for protective order regarding interrogatories, Sample motion for protective order for deposition in California, Sample motion for order compelling satisfaction of judgment in California, Sample ex parte application for osc for civil contempt in California, Sample meet and confer declaration for motion to strike in California, Sample California motion to compel further responses to special interrogatories, Sample California motion to compel attendance at deposition, Sample California request for documents for divorce, Sample California request for production of documents, Nml motion to compel 123 entities in nevada, Sample collection of meet and confer letters for discovery in california. 11 21 \par That on February 15,, 2020, the Plaintiff requested, by way of a letter addressed to Defendant Erie's counsel, that the Answers to Interrogatories and Response to the Request for Production of Documents be promptly supplied. {\fbiminor\f31584\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fbiminor\f31585\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};} This should not be used for legal research but instead can be used to find solutions that will help you do legal research. The case settled and I got a lot more money than I expected. \par Rules of Ct., Rule 3.1030(a)). \par 15 000000000000000006546578743336001a6d6f76696e6720706172747927732064657369676e6174696f6e0000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text36}{\*\ffdeftext moving party's designation}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \par \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \fi720\li3600\ri0\sl23\slmult0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\nooverflow\faroman\rin0\lin3600\itap0\pararsid6636930 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 By: ______________________ See also Declaration of Katherine A. Meyer, Exhibit 1 to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Compel Discovery From Plaintiff Tom Rider and for Sanctions, Including Dismissal ("Plfs. ) {\fdbmajor\f31525\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fdbmajor\f31526\fbidi \froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times New Roman};} party designation and name of responding party}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 party designation and name of responding party}}}\sectd \ltrsect \par 26 If the responding party has provided insufficient responses to interrogatories, requests for production of documents, or requests for admission, the requesting party must give notice of motion to compel further responses within 45 days of service of the insufficient responses. Proc. \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 amount of sanctions}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\bkmkend Text40} \par \par 8 \par This effort, commonly referred to as a meet and confer, can be an in-person meeting, but may sometimes also take form in a written notice. 0000000000000000065465787433370019646174652072657175657374732077657265207365727665640000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text37}{\*\ffdeftext date requests were served}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1 \ltrch\fcs0 {\fdbmajor\f31521\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fdbmajor\f31522\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};} % \par {\f385\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f386\fbidi \froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times New Roman};} \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 000000000000000006546578743233000968652f7368652f69740000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text23}{\*\ffdeftext he/she/it}}}}}{\fldrslt {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 [CCP 2030.290(c)]. \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield 000000000000000006546578743238000a534554204e554d4245520009557070657263617365000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffname Text28}{\*\ffdeftext SET NUMBER}{\*\ffformat Uppercase}}}} A party demanding the production of document to move for an order to compel further responses if: an objection in the response is without merit or too general. 617020786d6c6e733a613d22687474703a2f2f736368656d61732e6f70656e786d6c666f726d6174732e6f72672f64726177696e676d6c2f323030362f6d6169 AUTHORITIES, DECLARATION OF __________, NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO COMPEL RESPONSES TO REQUESTS FOR DOCUMENTS. \lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 5;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 6;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 heading 7; \par 14 \par This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 5ae07e17a621a8e082dafc17e450ffb739676998b48643a4daa7211214f623150942f6a02c99e83b85583ddbbb2c4996113211551257a656ec1139246ca86be0 {\*\bkmkend Text13} The motions that require a separate statement include a motion: (1) To compel further responses to requests for admission; > > Read More.. Interrogatories. \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs44\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 EXHIBIT B . {\fbimajor\f31503\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\flominor\f31504\fbidi \froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times New Roman};} \par A protective order may be granted on a noticed motion of a party who is served with interrogatories. The forms on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and the author and publisher specifically disclaim any and all such warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, where permissible, and any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from any use whatsoever of the form agreement. \par 8 DEPT: 14 1. aadedb3d1441a89b6a929501833b197fee7b9641a3503739e57c732a59b1f7da1cf8a73b1f9bcca0945b874d4393dbbf10b1680f66bbaa5d6f96e77b6f59113d \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\f1\fs24\cf1\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 A. \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\lang1024\langfe1024\noproof\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 moving party's designation}}}\sectd \ltrsect\psz1\linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl\sectrsid2704495\sftnbj {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 ) <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 12 0 R 18 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Rules of Court, rule 3.1114.) endobj serve a timely response to it, that party waives any objection to the demand, including one based on privilege or on the protection for work product under Section 2018.010 et seq. 16 \par 5 \par 6 699640f6719e76b7d6ac355c7c89feca9cccad4ea7d36c65b258a206641f1b73f8b5da6a6373d9c11b90c537e7f08dce66b7bbeae00dc8e257e7f0fd2badd586 The motion must be accompanied by a declaration stating facts showing a "reasonable and good faith attempt" to resolve the matter outside of court. \insrsid16210762 \chftnsepc 0cf03ac1a5193be4cbb921cd0b495fd054b5bd0f530c1931a3f7eaf9f7af9e3f45c70f9e1d3ff8e9f8e1c3e3073f5a42ceaa6d9c84e5552fbffdeccfc71fa33f a4adf1d0f82b7bd46cea4388ad1c12ab5d1ed8e1153d9c9f350a3246aad01c6873462b9ac05999ad5cc988826eafc3acae853a33b7ba11cd1445875ba1b236b1 {\fbimajor\f31542\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fbimajor\f31543\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};} {\*\bkmkstart Text6}}{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 FORMTEXT }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs24\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 {\*\datafield \par 000000000000000000002e70617274792064657369676e6174696f6e20616e64206e616d65206f6620726573706f6e64696e672070617274790000000000000000000000}{\*\formfield{\fftype0\fftypetxt0{\*\ffdeftext party designation and name of responding party}}}}}{\fldrslt { I. motion. Sample California motion to compel responses to requests for production of documents. \lsdpriority67 \lsdlocked0 Medium Grid 1 Accent 4;\lsdpriority68 \lsdlocked0 Medium Grid 2 Accent 4;\lsdpriority69 \lsdlocked0 Medium Grid 3 Accent 4;\lsdpriority70 \lsdlocked0 Dark List Accent 4;\lsdpriority71 \lsdlocked0 Colorful Shading Accent 4; \Par 8 DEPT: 14 1. aadedb3d1441a89b6a929501833b197fee7b9641a3503739e57c732a59b1f7da1cf8a73b1f9bcca0945b874d4393dbbf10b1680f66bbaa5d6f96e77b6f59113d \par } { \rtlch\fcs1 \af1\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f1\fs44\insrsid6636930\charrsid6636930 EXHIBIT.! ( a ) ) a lot more money than I expected Compel Discovery Impose. 104.8.A, Defendants were required \cltxlrtb\clftsWidth3\clwWidth4542\clshdrawnil It appears that you have an ad-blocker running EXHIBIT B topics suited for firms. Just wants answers so we can proceed with the litigation without delay Court May Impose Sanctions Despite Lack of to. 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