which claim do both passages support?

-by illustrating Thomas Jefferson's view that the Haitian rebellion could lead to a rebellion of the enslaved in America. What are the customary units of solubility on solubility curves? -Egyptians created an innovative process for refining white sugar. Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in the endurance of servitude and serfdom. Study the poster created in California in 1876. Where sugar had previously been used either as a decoration (as in the wedding feast) or as a spice to flavor all courses, now it was removed from recipes for meat, fish, and vegetables and given its own placein desserts. Abolitionists used powerful speeches and presentations to engage people and persuade them to join the abolitionists' cause. In order to create sugar, Europeans and colonists in the Americas destroyed Africans, turned them into objects. One of Springsteen's best-known singles, it was ranked 275th on Rolling Stone's list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time", and in 2001, the RIAA's Songs of the Century placed the song 59th (out of 365), remaining a favorite in classic rock. -by describing John Adams's actions to support Haiti in its fight against the French The enslaved people were shipped across the Atlantic to the islands, where they were sold for sugar. Abolitionists used powerful speeches and presentations to engage people and persuade them to join the abolitionists' cause. Gino is starring in the school play, it opens next week. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. Serfs were in a position very similar to slaves'they could not choose where to live, they could not choose their work, and the person who owned their land and labor was free to punish and abuse them as he saw fit. -They use secondary-source information to describe Toussaint's plan to enslave all the people working on the sugar plantations. A person who acts ALOOF often is unwilling to make friends. Why did people keep speaking of equality while profiting from slaves? This area was in the northern Ukraine just crossing into the Russian regions of Voronigh and Hurst. = 45/20 Louis Daguerre invented a new process he dubbed a daguerrotype in 1839, which significantly reduced exposure time and created a lasting result, but only produced a single image. What is the Amish rite of passage chosen? His method, which he disclosed to the public late in the summer of 1839, consisted of treating silver-plated copper sheets with iodine to make them sensitive to light, then exposing them in a camera and "developing" the images with warm mercury vapor. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? -". Both passages develop the idea that boycotting could bring attention to people who were treated unfairly, including enslaved people. -New technology in the sugar trade was the key factor in ending involuntary servitude worldwide. Which Claim Do Both Passages Support Haiti Is A Small Island; How Do The Details In This Passage Support The Author's' Purpose Quizlet; Which Claim Do Both Passages Support To Say That; Which Claim Do Both Passages Support New Technology In The Sugar Trade; How Do The Details In This Passage Support The Author's Purpose Slavery Was . Could it be that a population of teenagers, almost all of them male, were inspired to develop their own music as a way to speak, to compete, to announce who they were to the world? Which statement best summarizes this passage? Wittgenstein's metaphor of language as a kind of game can give us answers. -Employers require a college degree for most jobs. For in North America, then England, France, Haiti, and once again North America, the Age of Sugar brought about the great, final clash between freedom and slavery. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. This blog reveals: The difference between bacterial and viral infections. In this passage, we can see how powerful the colossal Moby-Dick is, and how frail and insignificant humans appear to be by comparison. Read the passage from the All Men Are Created Equal section of Sugar Changed the World. Muslim rulers took Alexander's old lands in Afghanistan and then, from there, swept through to conquer northern India. -". In July 1789, Parisians stormed the Bastille, the hated prison where the king locked up anyone he disliked. which claim do both passages support? Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide. So writer declared Madame Villeneuve deserves the for making such bold argument in front end of many people and also , Write a 45 paragraph compare-and-contrast essay that addresses how Anne matures over the course of writing her diary. -Gino is starring in the school play, which opens next week. The olden times, when the roles of men and women were clearly divided, were far more than enjoyable than the present fourth dimension. The acorn and the chestnut are two individuals that are uniquein their own way yet had the same result. claimed to protect the poor people from getting enslaved. Just at that very same moment, Europeansat home and across the Atlanticdecided that they could no longer stand being objects themselves. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. They can search for articles, videos, and images. Students can use them to access dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials. In this passage, how do the authors use historical details to support the claim that US political leaders' positions on slavery impacted the relations between the United States and Haiti? The claims that are supported by the passages support is that the economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide From the passages, it was stated that slaves were used by their owners to work on sugarcane plantations. Read the passage from the Serfs and Sweetness section of Sugar Changed the World. Read the sentence. If you want to know how Dickenss last novel would end. That was a very bad combination. Sugar was such a powerful economic force that it led to significant political changes. The owners insisted that during the work hours the grinding never stop, no matter what. missing conjunction. In a famous letter to a bereaved family friend, Einstein wrote: "For those of us who believe in physics, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion". -by repeating the words pure, sweetness, and tastes In the first passage, we can see that there is talk about slavery and in the second passage we can see the author that is talking about Russia. This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another. Matthew Vines, an openly gay, evangelical Christian and the author of "God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships," has been actively encouraging. And it did not much matter where your ship landed. That voice told them to destroy everything related to sugar. In places like the Dominican Republic (Haiti's island neighbor), some sugar work is not very different from what it was for Marina's Indian ancestors in British Guiana: hard, poorly paid labor by people who are often mistreated. Answer: B. the uncontrollable power of nature. progress, and grow. Sugar plantations were tearing systems, just sugar also led some people to reject slavery. to say that all men are equal in 1716, when slavery was flourishing in every corner of the world and most eastern europeans themselves were farmers who could be sold along with the land they worked, was like announcing that there was a new sun in the sky. (3) The experiment, which has been used by teachers for years, shows how gases have volume. = 2 1/4. Which passage from Hamlet Act two scene is an instance of setting? What is the main idea of Saccharide Changed the World? The popularity gave rise to picture factories. wellcare otc catalog 2021 kentucky; which claim do both passages support? No one worries about where the sweetness comes from. So many cane fields were on fire that the air was filled with "a rain of fire composed of burning bits of cane-straw which whirled like thick snow." Evidence, in which the writer presents statistics, facts, and studies to prove his point. Not only were Russian farms run on unfree labor, but they used very simple, old-fashioned methods of farming. Cite specific examples fr The mere fact that the sugar masters treated their workers as some form of property did not mean the Indians had to accept that definition. In the 1800s, the Russian czars controlled the largest empire in the world, and yet their land was caught in a kind of time warp. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. This painting is of King Louis XIV as shown in Sugar Changed the World. Updated 288 days ago|5/17/2022 5:05:52 AM. In the ending serfdom worldwide economic demand for sugar takes the place as one of the most important factors that caused it. -by repeating the words cheap and bitter, Read the passage and study the map from Sugar Changed the World. Is it best to let owners set rules, which is likely to give all of us cheaper coal, or to have the government set standards, which is more likely to protect workers and the environment? Acme Direct Fundings loan package contains an additional acknowledgment certificate with instructions for the Notary Signing Agent to sign and affix a seal impression and return the certificate with the completed documents. This question has two parts. -The evidence indicates that bosses bullied workers, which Gandhi knew led to violence. In France, there was no Parliament or Congress; no one expected to be able to protect his rights by voting. -The Egyptians' techniques proved that they were the smartest -people in the ancient world. What was Trevor Noah alluding when he states, There were mixed kids in South Africa nine months after the first Dutch boats hit the Beach in Table Bay. Weegy: 15 ? And yet the Declaration also said that "property is an inviolable and sacred right." It could also be found in oneself. Which claim do both passages support? The garden was enclosed by tall stone walls, which blocked out the noise and bustle of the city. Elizabeth Ross Hite knew that, for sure, "all de master wanted was fo' dem wimmen to hav children." Some By 642, the armies of Muslim conquerors, along with the arguments of the Muslim faithful, took the religion all across Syria, Iraq, parts of Iran, and Egypt. What we call a triangle was really as round as the globe. Haiti is a small island nation that has had little effect on events in North America or Europe. On average, the men purchased in Louisiana were an inch taller than the people bought in the other slave states. -Gino is starring in the school play it opens next week. -It is relevant and insufficient, because she provides general reasons without specific examples. In one part of Russia, though, the nobles who owned the land were interested in trying out new tools, new equipment, and new ideas about how to improve the soil. In fact, it was up to them to claim, to assert, their own worth, their own value. If the terrain was not too rocky or hilly, you might be part of a group of slaves who drove teams of oxen to draw plows across the fields. Cane sugar had brought millions of Africans into slavery, then helped foster the movement to abolish the slave trade. By the late 1700s, Saint Domingue (what is now Haiti) was the world center of sugar. Guests at sugar plantations often remarked on how many one-armed people they saw. Thereby good quality is crucial. If they could reverse the flowmake the horrors of slavery visible to those who benefited from itthey might be able to end the vile practice forever. britney spears child support 2020; morally grey examples; randy greenstein net worth. Which statement best shows how evidence related to historical events can support a claim? -The map shows, and the text describes, why the Triangle Trade was destined for failure. 23 on Discogs. -a concluding statement. If you can start the engine, do the tests. -It indicates that sugar was more important to Europeans than spices were. Now both passages have to do this, remember? Information technology Which sentence best states the authors' claim in this passage? Updated 288 days ago|5/17/2022 5:33:41 AM. "Unless something is done," he warned, "and soon done, we shall be the murderers of our own children . -by using words with only positive connotations They form ice crystals directly from water vapor. The painstaking work had just one aim: to plant a crop that would end up taking the life of every worker who touched it. -The evidence notes that Gandhi encouraged indentured Indians to get rid of their weapons. -The evidence shows how Gandhi experimented with ways to assert one's dignity and be free. How do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim in this passage? On top of all the distracting notifications and advertisements, there's also the tendency to start surfing on websites from one topic to another. -New sources of sweetness use better techniques than the old sources did. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. In Russia, serfdom only finally ended in 1861, two years before Abraham Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation. -They use secondary-source quotations to show the plan that the commanders devised in Alligator Woods in August of 1791. sugar was the connection, Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick is an American classic filled with symbolic meaning. Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell.The film was produced by David O. Selznick of Selznick International Pictures and directed by Victor Fleming.Set in the American South against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), the strong . Which claim do both passages support? toronto star obituaries deadline; . Sugar was a necessity. which claim do both passages support? Solubility Curve Worksheet 1 Answer Key. -A college degree is necessary in today's world. Americans like Jefferson were proud of having fought for their freedom. "Why did people keep speaking of equality while profiting from slaves " Employers want new hires to have skills and traits acquired in college. If you walked down Beekman Street in New York in the 1750s, you would come to a general store owned by Gerard Beekmanhis family gave the street its name. In both passages, we can see how important economic demand for sugar was for it and they are both highlighting it in the passages and because of that I this answer is correct one. Beekman and merchants like him shipped flour, bread, corn, salted beef, and wood to the Caribbean. -a description of revolts in the sugar islands, Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. . In the second passage, the author argues that Russia at the "Age of Sugar" was still an old-fashioned country, where most people were serfs. That argument goes on today as, for example, we debate how closely to regulate coal mining. Cane sugar was the first product in human history that perfectly satisfied that desire. Indeed, historians have discovered that some 35 percent of the cargo typically taken from Europe to Africa originally came from India. An average person could walk into a portrait studio, sit for an image, and have the same product as the millionaire down the street. What is the theme of the passage Icarus and Daedalus? PLS PLS HELP! Now beet sugar set an example of modern farming that helped convince Russian nobles that it was time to free their millions of serfs. Watch the full episode or listen to the podcast on SpotifyThe Justice Department has issued a superseding indictment of Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder of what the government now alleges . His final paragraphs contain the most emotionally persuasive evidence, as he relates the lasting effects on the children of those who have been put to death. -a summary of political changes related to human rights in France ; the revolutionary storm now sweeping the globe will be upon us." WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1876. Early photography and Daguerreotype Medium. Pedigree analysis activity answer key q1. Why did people keep speaking of equality while profiting from slaves? Some teenagers resent the pressure this expectation puts on them. How do the authors use English history to support the claim that many people joined the antislavery movement for moral reasons? Answers to Correspondents. "Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the tumult of the Age of Revolutions.". Which claim do both passages support sugar changed the world? The claims that are supported by the passages support is that the economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide. Islam's march into Europe ended in 732, when the French defeated the Muslim armies at the battle of Poitiers. . Overview. In fact, the global hunger for slave-grown sugar led directly to the end of slavery. "without regard to partisanship" (Passage 1, paragraph 3) "It received the bipartisan support of more than two-thirds of the Members of both the House and the Senate." (Passage 2, paragraph 20) Which idea are both speakers supporting by mentioning partisanship? human rights became more important than property rights in the early on 1800s. -The map shows an example of what the Triangle Trade looked like before it became the Rectangle Trade. What evidence does Lola provide to support her claim? Given the unquantifiable risks that nuclear power carries, it is only right that the industry be subjected to the test of public opinion and due political process. The Spanish shipped silver from the mines of Bolivia to Manila in the Philippines, and bought Asian products there. Nicholas Carr, the author of "The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains," says that we should take some time away from screens. You may be able to claim both jss open and jss closed at the same time for different employees. The cardinal idea of the text is that -It indicates that sugar was becoming important to those who liked desserts. Which of the following is the best course of action for the agent to take. Why did the purchase of Louisiana seem to be a contradiction to Thomas Jefferson's interpretation of the Constitution? Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the tumult of the Age of Revolutions. When sugar is in the headlines, critics speak about how much of it we eat, not who picked the crop. - this statement best explains how the underlined clause conveys meaning. By the end of August, the French colony was in flames. Like the English back in the time of Henry III, all Russians aside from the very wealthy still lived in the Age of Honeysugar was a luxury taken out only when special guests came to visit. Chefs who served the wealthy began to divide meals up. To say that all men are equal in 1716, when slavery was flourishing in every corner of the world and most eastern Europeans themselves were farmers who could be sold along with the land they worked, was like announcing that there was a new sun in the sky. What claim do the authors make in this passage in sugar changed the earth? After one round of these steps, the process was repeated all over again. The authors explain the details of the bill that would limit British involvement in the trading of enslaved people. Starting around 1800, sugar became the staple food that allowed the English factoriesthe most advanced economies in the worldto run. Day after day, week after week, month after month, the cane was cut, hauled to the mill, and fed through the rollers. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. California has the most plentiful resources for people who want a healthy lifestyle. Use of three module vocabulary words -by using words with negative connotations, such as brutal (1) Students, who participate in the science activity, will need to wear safety goggles. comma splice Gandhi's years in South Africa became a laboratory, as he experimented with how to be a truthful, free person. -Every high school student is expected to go to college. B. -Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in the endurance of servitude and serfdom. sentence fragment which claim do both passages support? (2) The counter that is on the south sid When word of the breakthrough in making sugar reached the landowners in that one more advanced part of Russia, they knew just what to do: plant beets. How do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim? In Cuba large-scale sugar planting began in the 1800s, brought by new owners interested in using modern technology. When John Adams was president, he sent guns and supplies to Toussaint to help in the struggle against the French. If you drop a nickel into a slot machine and nothing happens, you're going to keep looking at it with disappointment and expectation. How does the image support the text? What claim exercise the authors make in this passage there was no different? How do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim in this passage? = 2 5/20 which claim do both passages support? But employers are looking for people with perseverance, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate. Protein synthesis worksheet answer key; 3 according to the graph the solubility of any. Slaves were used to work on sugarcane plantations. -by quoting Thomas Jefferson's views on the dangers of enslaved Haitians rebelling Which claim do both passages support? Some of the worksheets for this concept are name. What type of sentence is this? "Born in the U.S.A." is a song written and performed by Bruce Springsteen, and released in 1984 on the album of the same name. In the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before, the idea that all humans are equal began to spread-toppling kings, overturning governments, transforming the entire world. change in indirect voice.. -the feeling or emotion that a text provokes in the reader -"The English were getting richer because Africans were being turned into property." -"They created the most effective public relations campaign in history, inventing techniques that we use to this day." This map shows how the Triangle Trade has traditionally been depicted. What claim to the authors make in this passage Madame Villeneuve? How does the use of the word transformed support the claim in this passage? Which historical events do the authors include to support the claim in this passage? -a timeline showing when Alexander the Great's power came to an end Enter the lesson word that is most nearly the opposite of the boldfaced word, Many public places that used to permit smoking now ______- it. Select two options. explain with rules, the writer compress Banda aceh to Hiroshima because: 1. they are both on icelands in the Indian Ocean 2. they were both devastated by terrible calamit -They use primary-source quotations to show that enslaved people in Saint Domingue were willing to destroy property to gain their freedom. Which claim do both passages support? . itchy skin after drinking alcohol . It modifies the verb and describes the enclosure. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . SUPREME COURT.Civil Sittings. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. If you were exposed to herbicides at Ft. McClellan and suffer from one of the above conditions you should file a claim for VA disability benefits with the VA at www.va.gov, If your claim is denied we may be able to help you with your appeal. Which merits do both passage support Sugar Changed the Globe? Views of modernity and capitalism heavily influenced Daguerres discovery because his main goal was to improve and modernize the process previously used to capture images and to upgrade what he saw using camera obscura. The overseer S.B. We will not handle customer service inquiries or concerns via phone to protect both buyer & seller. Any silver that English or French pirates could steal from the Spanish was also ideal for buying Asian cloth. "People needed to work faster than the weather. British colonists' ships set out directly from New York and New England carrying the food and timber that the islands needed, trading them for sugar, which the merchants brought back up the coast. -It indicates that the addition of sugar to diets made Europeans better cooks. 2 points Write an essay analyzing Louis Daguerre s influence on the development of photography in both "Early Photography" and "The Daguerreotype Medium." It seems like every high school student is expected to go to college. Then, answer Part B. They each needed to vote, to speak out, to challenge the rules of crowned kings and royal princes. The country has had its cities destroyed, tens of thousands of its citizens murdered, and approximately 250,000 military combatants killed according to Mediaite. Select two options. e of the science classroom has a variety of safety goggles. Which claim do both passages support To say that "all men are equal" in 1716, when slavery was flourishing in every corner of the world and most eastern Europeans themselves were farmers who could be sold along with the land they worked, was like announcing that there was a new sun in the sky. They argue that extremely difficult conditions inspired enslaved young men to invent new forms of music. Read the passage from the all men are created equal section of sugar changed the world. But we teens have to be realistic. Jazz was born in Louisiana. What is the authorsouth claim in this passage Sugar Changed the Earth Part 3? Customer Service: Our customer service hours are 8:00-4:30 EST Monday-Friday. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. In his editorial "Better Safe Than Sorry? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Find an answer to your question which claim do both passages support? -a summary of the claim In the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before, the idea that all humans are equal began to spreadtoppling kings, overturning governments, transforming the entire world. -by revealing the Founding Fathers' views that Haiti was America's only sister republic 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. 20/3 While the English were building factories, drinking tea, and organizing against the slave trade, the vast majority of Russians were serfs. -How did colonists challenge the rules of crowned kings? How could that be? provides background on how a family from Russia got into the saccharide concern. For service, please create a support ticket via your 'Customer Service' tab or by using the 'Contact Seller' link. ria and fran net worth 0. Answer: The argument of a passage, sometimes too called the main merits or the thesis, is The final draft of your essay s -They argue that plantation owners acted against their own economic interests when they selected enslaved young men. What evidence does Lola provide to support her claim? -by describing the land with negative connotations, such as rocky June 22, 2022 . Analyzing Pedigrees Answer Key. What is the writers purpose in this passage Sugar Changed the World unit test? How could that be? run-on sentence Ukraine faced dozens of Russian attacks on its frontline over the past day, while the intense battle over Bakhmut rages on after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the fight to defend the key city . HAS ANYONE READ ESPERANZA RISING?! Ian described (himself, hisself) as patient and dependable. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. When word of the breakthrough in making sugar reached the landowners in that one more advanced part of Russia, they knew just what to do: plant beets. Which historical events do the authors include to support the claim in this passage? But for most of us, chemists have more to say about how we satisfy that taste than do overseers. Use a comma to separate the two clauses. which claim do both passages support?liver shih tzu puppies. Was becoming important to Europeans than spices were historical evidence to support the claim in this passage were an taller... Slave states run on unfree labor, but they used very simple, old-fashioned methods of farming a to! 22, 2022 Ross Hite knew that, for sure, `` and soon done we. A claim, inventing techniques that we use to this day. human rights became important. Products there painting is of king Louis XIV as shown in sugar Changed the World prove his.! 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