who plays vince casey in the archers

Currently Alistair is living Jim's house, where Jazzer McCreary was also co-resident until he moved in with Tracy. The character survived the deaths of the first three actors before finally being killed off in 1986. Before she was injured in an explosion and fire at the Grey Gables Hotel in March 2020 Lynda had been campaigning against Lilian Bellamy's plans to revamp The Bull under the title "The B @ Ambridge". Questions were asked in the House of Commons of then Home Secretary Michael Howard. Jill is an active member of the Women's Institute, opened up a holiday cottage business, and is teaching her grandson, Josh, how to keep bees. DTD: 352 - Elizabeth and Vince Casey a match made in Borsetshire! Feeling unable to return to university, leaving her father so soon after Betty's death, she decided to transfer to Felpersham University, planning to return to her studies in September 2006. Kirsty married local builder Phillip Moss, though their relationship was over once it was revealed that his business was viable only through modern slavery. [51] After only seven months of marriage he suffered a fatal heart attack and left her the Dower House and a majority share in the Bull (which she sold to Lilian Bellamy, in order to raise funds to buy Grey Gables). Eddie's hopes of a career in music appear to have been permanently dashed. Joe maintained for many years that the Archer dynasty had robbed them of their estate. Zebedee Tring (Graham Rigby) was a roadman and friend of Jethro Larkin's dad, Ned. Her best friend is the vicar's daughter, Amy Franks. Coping with the childhood arthritis of her son, Daniel, did not help, nor did her husband's gambling addiction, which nearly destroyed their marriage before he finally admitted to owing huge sums to Matt Crawford and others. Christine married Paul Johnson; it was discovered she was infertile, and they adopted a son, Peter. She studied at Oxford University and was leader of a rewilding scheme aiming at improving the natural life around Ambridge along with Pip Archer and Rex Fairbrother until moving to Scotland for a new job. Tregorran was the author with Jennifer Aldridge of Ambridge: an English village through the ages (really written by William Smethurst); London: Borchester Press in association with Methuen by arrangement with the British Broadcasting Corporation, 1982. Fallon and Harrison initially rented Woodbine Cottage from Christine Barford and, having decided it was too small and were moving, they changed their minds, buying the property when Christine decided to sell. He displayed vitriolic homophobia towards Sean Myerson, a professional rival, when the latter captained the village cricket team, and again when Adam Macy began a relationship with Ian Craig, the Grey Gables chef. He eventually left the village to live with an old Army friend in Bristol. When Oliver Sterling moved to the village she began an affair with him and they eventually moved into Grange Farm together. Susie Riddell had previously voiced Kate Aldridge but left the series to pursue other projects before returning as Tracey. In April 2017, Matt made a surprise re-appearance, claiming to have returned to Ambridge in order to repay his debt to Lillian. Carol Tregorran ne Grey (Eleanor Bron, formerly played by Anne Cullen (born 1926)) first appeared in 1954. *Warning: this link includes footage of Gareth Pierce who plays Gavin Moss* He's also been cast in Coronation Street lately, made his debut last week. He was regarded as one of the most humourless characters in the village, even before the death of his beloved wife Betty in December 2005. When younger she was a stalwart of the Borsetshire Country and Western scene (under the name The Lily of Layton Cross), and object of Eddie Grundy's affections, much to Clarrie's distress. Rob Titchener (Timothy Watson) moved to Ambridge in January 2013 to manage Borchester Land's intensive dairy enterprise. Trudy Porter silent for 34 years until 4 April 2006, when listener Christine Hunt played her in a charity special after her husband paid 17,000 to Children in Need. [12] Josh later partners Neil Carter in a free-range egg business, before he launches his own business buying, renovating, and selling farm vehicles. Radio 4 listeners complained that they could not distinguish between the two characters' voices. Siobhan Donovan (formerly Hathaway, Caroline Lennon) moved into Honeysuckle Cottage in 1999 with her husband, new local doctor Tim Hathaway. She became involved with Toby Fairbrother a son of Robin Fairbrother (who briefly romanced Elizabeth many years ago). Their relationship was further tested when his long-lost brother Paul Morgan sought out, befriended, and ultimately fell in love with Lilian. His father Professor Jim Lloyd (John Rowe) stayed with them at Christmas and New Year 2007-8 while his broken leg healed. He was patriarch of the Archer family. In his younger days he romanced a string of girlfriends and led a laddish life before settling down to marry Pat, with whom he now runs a fully organic establishment at Bridge Farm. Tom Archer (born Thomas Archer, 25 February 1981) (William Troughton; previously Tom Graham)[8] is the younger son of Tony and Pat. On the death of his father a few years later, he strove to save his ancestral home, and involved Elizabeth, now also more mature, as his marketing manager. Susan wanted him to be a white collar worker but he decided that he was a pigman at heart. Amy Franks (born 1989) (Jennifer Daley,[63] formerly played by Vinette Robinson and Natalia Cappuccini) is the vicar's spirited daughter who is a friend to Alice Carter. A farm labourer, Ed secured a job in France and planned to move there secretly with Emma and George, but they were thwarted in November 2005 by Will. [37] During 2016 her daughter, the Birmingham barrister Anna Tregorran, successfully defended Helen Archer in the latter's trial for attempted murder. Over the years some of the original cast members have died, left the show or retired and their characters have had to be replaced or killed off by the scriptwriters. Appears intermittently in the series and is usually up to no good.[15]. Lily Rosalind and Frederick Hugo "Freddie" Pargetter (Katie Redford and Toby Laurence, formerly played by Georgie Feller and Jack Firth) are Elizabeth and Nigel's twins. Nigel died after falling from the roof of Lower Loxley Hall while attempting, after an evening party, to take down a New Year's banner in icy conditions. Her deceased son John's teenage son Johnny took up residence at Bridge Farm when he came to the village but when Helen and her children returned both Tom and Johnny moved to Number 1, The Green owned by Will Grundy. To pay his fines he and Jenny were forced to sell the farmhouse and move into rented accommodation. She gave birth to her daughter Phoebe in a tipi at the Glastonbury Festival. She was highly critical of Elizabeth, who was married to her son Nigel until his death from a fall in January 2011. Annette Turner (born September 1990) (Anne-Marie Piazza) Teenage daughter of the late Greg Turner. In late 2012, financial troubles reflecting earlier reductions in milk prices forced the couple to move back in with Emma's parents. He used to be Tom's partner in a piggery. Usha, her stepmother, discovered that Carl was married but failed to warn her about him, which caused a serious rift between them and to a lesser degree between Amy and her father. When she died, her property was left to a New Zealand relative, and the colonel was cut out. Rob and Helen married secretly on the Isle of Wight in August 2015. Archers - Brookfield Farm branch. Making his debut in 1983, he was once considered to be somewhat dim and irresponsible, wearing a gorilla suit at a hunt ball in 1983, inadvertently joy riding with Shula Archer in 1984 and driving an ice-cream van as 'Mr Snowy' in 1986. She is indulgent of her grandchildren and has provided several of them with significant financial support. A single mother to Brad and Chelsea, she was a long running silent character before finding a voice. He also undertook occasional tree-surgery work. To offer support and protection, the local GP, Richard Locke (William Gaminara), then her lover, moved into her house, Blossom Hill Cottage, shortly afterwards. In 2004-05 Lynda ran a campaign to renovate the former Cat & Fiddle pub, but despite the help of Griff Rhys Jones the scheme failed and the building was earmarked to become flats. Eventually she left Will for Ed, taking George with her, although George was later shown by DNA paternity testing to be Will's child. In early years her character was the hippie of the Archer family, her first child, Adam, being sensationally at the time the illegitimate result of a fling with a cowman, Paddy Redmond. Janet Fisher (Moir Leslie), the former vicar of Ambridge and surrounding villages, was a close friend of Shula Archer. Doris was a stalwart of village life and provided a listening ear to an ever-growing Archer family from the 1950s to 1980. He has a history of involving himself in numerous dubious money-making schemes and at one point stood trial for unwittingly selling condemned meat. Ben They lived for a while in the flat above the village shop before moving back in with Tony and Pat. Pip has a clear interest in farming, and also caring for the environment. His brother-in-law Brian Aldridge enjoys winding him up over farming matters, and dinner parties involving the two couples usually end in tears. Siobhan made occasional appearances in The Archers when Brian made clandestine visits to Germany to see his son, while supposedly on business trips to Hungary. Her aspirational tendencies took a hammering when daughter Emma married into the Grundy family in 2004, but in 2006 she was approved by the Royal Mail for the position of sub-postmistress despite her criminal record. Sid Perks (Alan Devereux) was landlord of The Bull, Ambridge's village pub. Bert died in The Bull on the episode first aired at 19:05 on 25 October 2021, peacefully nodding off following a game of cribbage with Ben and Ruth Archer. His cowman's heavy-handed advice (which he and Ruth reluctantly accepted) that they should dispense with the services of Shula's husband as vet for their dairy herd in favour of a specialist caused a serious family rift, and was followed by his near-affair with Sophie Barlow. Lynda Snell MBE (born 29 May 1947) (Carole Boyd) lives at Ambridge Hall with her husband, Robert Snell. These two threads are linked by Shula's possible involvement in this disapproval and her resignation as churchwarden. Bob Pullen nonagenarian resident of Manorfield Close. Though most people were welcome to the change, Peggy Woolley was not, something she showed by refusing to attend the service and opting to worship in Borchester. When married to Jack Archer, they managed (and later owned) the Bull. It collapsed completely after Tim discovered Siobhan's affair with Brian Aldridge. In a standing joke, he is often described as excessively talkative (which is ironic, given his status as a silent character). The couple married unexpectedly in Las Vegas during a 2010 summer holiday. Hayley and John split up (partly due to John's involvement with Sharon Richards) shortly before his death in a tractor accident in 1998. Betty was a popular villager who supported the family even when Mike was violent and depressed. Molly Button has a degree of terpsichorean talent and is often mentioned in the context of village performances. Jack suffered increasingly from Alzheimer's disease and received treatment for it, which led Peggy to take more responsibility for the day-to-day operations of his businesses. She had another daughter, Noluthando ("Nolly") and, born July 2007, a son, Sipho (Xhosa for 'gift'). In late 2005, his blossoming relationship with Usha Gupta, a Hindu, caused some unease to some of his parishioners, including Shula Hebden Lloyd. Intimacy ensued, although Rob was still married to Jess, who remained in Hampshire caring for her sick father. His tenure came to end in 1987 when helping David fell a tree using a chainsaw. Christine lived with Peggy Woolley for some years but in 2018 suffered a fall and went into The Laurels initially for respite but is intending to take up a place in an assisted living flat. He remained missing, despite a police investigation into his disappearance, until July 2006 when he was admitted to hospital after being beaten up while sleeping rough in Borchester. After this information was brought to the attention of Rob's new boss, Justin Elliott, he was sacked. Tony Turner plays Vince Casey in the radio drama The Archers. He began his television career in 1963. Following his debut in the 1963 Z Cars as McEvoy, Tony has starred in over 40 TV series and movies. When Will discovered her infidelity with his brother, she moved with Ed and baby George to a caravan outside her parents' home. Kirsty Miller (Annabelle Dowler),[33] worked at Ambridge Organics and the Jaxx Bar. Now a farrier by occupation, a few years ago he had a brief relationship with Venetia, the daughter of a prominent Borsetshire family. She was an occasionally bossy, but well-meaning, do-gooder in the village. Having recovered from both, he now takes more of a back seat in the family business. bbc.co.uk. Satya Khanna (Auntie Satya; Jamila Massey) An occasional visitation upon long-suffering niece Usha Gupta. In the series, Vince is upset with Ben archer as he has created a misunderstanding between Beth Casey, his former partner, and Chelsea's using a past issue. Alistair Lloyd (born 1962) (Michael Lumsden), Shula's ex-husband, is a vet. Elizabeth witnessed his fatal attempt to rescue a sheep in difficulty on Lakey Hill, despite her pleading with him not to. She graduated from Felpersham University with a master's degree and worked as an aeronautical engineer before being fired over her drinking. to be the villain of the serial, is sometimes seen as one of the most interesting and subtle characters. Casey died Numerous animals have been repeatedly referred to during The Archers' run usually played by the special effects department as necessary: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/profiles/3dXcdbXfwsp4qTCXY28Lx5x/ian-craig. Some of the better known are: Baggy, and Fat Paul disreputable friends of Eddie Grundy. (John) Higgs Jack Woolley's chauffeur and handyman at Grey Gables. [9] In April 2013 Brenda decided to end the engagement and the couple separated. Ian Craig is the husband of Adam Macy. Ed Grundy (born 28 September 1984) (Barry Farrimond) is the younger son of Eddie and Clarrie. Elizabeth Pargetter, ne Archer (Alison Dowling) is Phil and Jill's younger daughter and, along with Kenton, at first rejected village life, attempting a career in publicity in London. Emma Grundy, ne Carter (born 7 August 1984) (Emerald O'Hanrahan, formerly played by Felicity Jones) is the daughter of Susan and Neil Carter, who were horrified when their daughter announced she was marrying into the Grundy family. She came to Ambridge as a Harper Adams student looking for agricultural work experience in 1987, and promptly met David, who was keen to settle down: the couple married within two years. Many listeners considered Ruth's behaviour during this storyline to be entirely out of character, and therefore unbelievable. In March 2008 he had problems with the herd being infected by Bovine TB. Fallon's long-term relationship with and 2018 marriage to PC Harrison Burns provided stability and she is now a fixture in village life. [38] In late 2012, Clive was sent back to prison after breaking the terms of his licence and entering Ambridge to confront his sister, Tracy, and his brother's wife, Donna. He has found work in this area hard to obtain recently and has capitalised on his DIY skills to set up a small business doing general building work. Rairi Donovan (born 14 November 2002[25]) (Arthur Hughes since 2018) is the son of Brian Aldridge and Siobhn Hathaway. Martha Woodford (Mollie Harris) Shopkeeper, wife of Joby.[62]. Ed took up his father's interest in music and aspired to be in a band. [53] She flirted with David and made a play to have an affair with him, having been resistant to intimacy before. Jazzer McCreary and Ed Grundy were involved with Fallon at various times. After spells in London and Spain he opened a wine bar in Borchester in 1980 and later an antique shop (with Kenton Archer). This was seen as a ploy to keep loyal viewers and listeners away from the new station. A breeder of Afghan hounds, Marjorie let out her flat at Nightingale Farm to Ruth and later to Roy and Hayley. He never knew that he was finally to become a father. [12] He was originally played by Cian Cheesbrough. She owns and runs the riding stables which formerly belonged to Christine Barford, her aunt. Yes, Kathy Perks! LAKE WORTH, Fla. -- Vince Casey, a longtime sports public relations executive who worked for the NFL and in the NHL, has died. ", "Kathy Perks leaves Ambridge: Hedli Niklaus looks back on almost four decades in The Archers", "Beatles' song inspiration Eleanor Bron joins the cast of The Archers", "The Archers: An everyday story of topical folk", "BBC NEWS - Entertainment - Archers' Mrs Antrobus dies at 94", "BBC Radio 4 - The Archers - Farewell to Bert Fry", "The Archers: the faces behind the names", "Sara Coward, The Archers' Caroline Sterling, dies at 69", "The Archers star makes surprise return after 13 years", "Desert Island Discs- Castaway: Mollie Harris", "BBC Radio 4 - The Archers Revisited - Amy Franks", "Simon Pemberton: Plot Summary, MarchApril 1997", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_The_Archers_characters&oldid=1140285366, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from April 2019, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from September 2020, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from September 2020, All articles that are excessively detailed, Wikipedia articles with style issues from September 2020, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2010, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from December 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 10:54. In 1995 she married the new owner of the estate, Guy Pemberton (Hugh Dickson). She finally reported her trauma to the police in September 2007, after being informed that King had attacked another woman. Eventually, Amy attempted to get Carl back, but he cruelly brushed her off. Will and Ed's rivalry culminated in a fight in which Will nearly killed Ed, and Will moved temporarily to another gamekeeping job in Gloucestershire. She returned to Ambridge but endured a disastrous relationship with local businessman Cameron Fraser (which led to Elizabeth having an abortion) before finally marrying Nigel Pargetter after a relationship some years before. Thoughtful and provocative, Tregorran was such a popular and charismatic character that listeners at Archers public events still ask about him and about Carol Grey, whom he eventually married. He had a shady history. Her death was discovered by Shula in 1980 when she and Christine were visiting Glebe Cottage. He was best known for his TV role as doctor They married in summer 2008 and Usha's family have warmed to the idea and attended the wedding, though Mabel did not. Their first child, Martha Carter, was born prematurely in March 2021. They are numerous, and most only "appear" once or twice. After the suicide of her gamekeeper partner Greg Turner in 2004,[6] she suffered from anorexia nervosa, but recovered after a time at a specialist clinic. An attractive woman, she distinguished herself by successfully resisting the advances of erstwhile village Lothario, Brian Aldridge. She had a brief fling with Chris Carter when supporting his wife Alice with her recovery from alcoholism. In 2019, Shula surprised her family when she announced her intention to take the initial steps to becoming a Church of England vicar. She gave a talk to the Ambridge Women's Institute in 1984 and moved into Nightingale Farm in 1985. Initially, Nigel was romantically linked with Shula (or "Shulie" as he called her), but in 1984 he became involved with Elizabeth Archer, finding her totally unlike Shula: she tricked him into helping her abscond from school in September 1984. According to BBC, Vince is currently in a relationship with Elizabeth Pargetter, played by Allison Dowling in the series. Cameron Fraser (Delaval Astley) came to Ambridge in 1990 when he bought the Berrow Estate from Lilian Bellamy. On returning to the village, Ed at first sought refuge with mentor and past employer, Oliver Sterling, who did his best to help him face his demons and abandon his vices. As a result, Vince physically harms Ben and upsets Beth and Elizabeth.. Realising the error of his ways, he went on to gain a degree in business studies at Felpersham University. Sean Myerson (Gareth Armstrong) Landlord of the former pub The Cat and Fiddle. Peggy has two daughters, Jennifer and Lillian, and a son, Tony, by her first husband. WebRebecca Fuller (III) Actress. She was found alive and spent a week in hospital being treated for pneumonia but died of heart failure soon after being discharged on St Valentine's Day while her friend Freddy Danby read to her from Moby-Dick. Debbie is currently based in Hungary, where she runs the estate owned by a consortium to which Brian belongs (this gives the actress, Tamsin Greig, who has moved on to other projects, the ability to appear in the show from time to time). Vince Edwards (born Vincent Edward Zoine; July 9, 1928 March 11, 1996) was an American actor, director, and singer. However, after finding out that Helen was driving he became more sympathetic and apologised to Tom. During their marriage he was unrequitedly enamoured of Jolene Rogers (later Perks, now Archer), his partner in a country and western double act. The family lived in a caravan, after selling their house, until he finished a self-build house on his own land. ], since young children rapidly adapt their accent to their surroundings. He was for some years the chairman of Borchester Land, a property development company. Tony is an actor who has played the character of Vince Casey in the series Archers since 2020. In May 2006, Ed vanished after Emma left the caravan and moved into her parents' home, saying it was for the sake of her baby's health. In the mid-1970s Paul deserted the family and he was later killed in a helicopter crash in Germany. Rebecca Fuller is known for Raised by Wolves (2013), Dysphoria (2022) and The Archers (1950). Jean Harvey appeared in the 2015 Christmas production of Calendar Girls broadcast on Sunday 27 December 2015 at 7.15pm (played by Sin Phillips but was never heard on The Archers itself). [49] Mike was unsuccessful as a farmer, having gone bankrupt in 1985, and then ran a milk round in Ambridge. It was also revealed shortly afterwards that the previous year, while still manager of the mega dairy, Rob had blocked a nearby culvert to prevent a build-up of rainwater from flooding the dairy and was therefore responsible for the massive flood that had engulfed Ambridge and nearly caused the death of his boss. The series was created by Godfrey Baseley and produced by Julie Beckett in 2017. The family moved back to Ambridge shortly thereafter. It was then that Rob revealed himself to be manipulative, controlling and emotionally abusive. Mia Grundy (born 20 January 2006) (Molly Pipe) is Will's step-daughter: his late wife Nic's child by her former partner Andrew. Only 3 months later and despite passionate pleas from Helen, he ended it to "make a go of things" with his wife, Jess (Rina Mahoney). In 2003 she acquired two llamas, Wolfgang and Constanza (named after Mozart and his wife), which have been known to roam around the village. William "Will" Grundy (born 9 February 1983) (Philip Molloy) is the elder son of Eddie and Clarrie. However, Lilian's unhappiness in prospective exile persuaded him to return, and he served an 18-month prison sentence. Using the cover of an Internet business and an imaginary step family, she failed in an attempt to con Jack and Peggy and gain control of the Grey Gables hotel and leisure complex. She has since undergone breast reconstruction surgery to restore listeners' empathy with her (not entirely successfully), and coped rather better than David with the sudden transformation of priggish daughter Pip into a very stroppy seventeen-year-old with a much older boyfriend, Jude, who eventually dropped her. After returning to Ambridge in February 2009, Will pushed for Nic and her 2 children (Jake (then 4) and Mia (then 2)), to move back in with him: they did, and in 2010 Nic started occasional bar work at The Bull, a career move which traditionally leads to expanded roles. Much later, when she discovered that Locke had slept with her best friend Shula Hebden (on an occasion when Shula was vulnerable and he took advantage of his position as family doctor) she ended the relationship and threw him out, also ending her friendship with Shula (whom she told off with relish, they are now arch-enemies). He saved the hall for his family. When the reality of her flirting dawned on the naf David he backed away and Barlow returned to London. Tom was engaged to Brenda Tucker between May 2009 and April 2013. Oliver Sterling (Michael Cochrane) was married, between 2006 and her death in 2017, to Caroline. Subsequently, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Jennifer died in January 2023 when the actor retired due to ill-health. Lilian Bellamy, ne Archer (born 8 July 1947) (Sunny Ormonde, formerly played by Elizabeth Marlowe) is the twice-widowed, gin-soaked, chain-smoking second daughter of Peggy Archer (and step-daughter of Jack Woolley). His subsequent marriage to Kathy ended in divorce but his third marriage, to his affair partner, country singer Jolene, was happier. He is gamekeeper for Borchester Land[citation needed]; his boss is Brian Aldridge. Tom was decided to throw in his lot with Brian Aldridge, husband of his aunt Jennifer, becoming a junior partner in the business. Miserable and alone, Kathy befriended Lower Loxley chef, Owen King (a.k.a. New daughter Keira was born in 2011 and following financial problems, they returned to live with Emma's parents in 2012. We felt that by now, especially at boarding school, he'd have lost his Irish accent. She was present in the village for forty years until her death in 1991. He has had a remarkably quiet childhood as Brookfield has been less important in the village with Bridge Farm elbowing other farms out of the spotlight. Caroline Sterling, ne Bone, formerly Pemberton (born 3 April 1955; died 2017) (Sara Coward) moved to the village in 1977, aged 22, when she was hired by Sid as barmaid in the Bull. Jessica buxom falconer at Lower Loxley. She is known for her direction of the annual village theatre productions. He worked at Grey Gables, and was promoted to deputy manager. Lilian was elected to the parish council in January 2006. He composed poetry and won several ploughing contests, and was a regular guide at Lower Loxley. Helen and Henry moved in with Rob in early 2014, and Helen and Rob married in summer 2015. Father and daughter were reconciled, however, after the birth of her son Henry Ian Archer, who was delivered by emergency caesarean section the day after New Years Day 2011, Helen having been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. In 2011 she was responsible for an outbreak of E-Coli at Bridge Farm. She returned to Ambridge in 2008 to look after the family when Ruth had her breast reconstruction surgery and was also in contact with Professor Jim Lloyd, Alistair's father. Nelson Gabriel (Jack May), Walter's son, was for many years the most disreputable character in the village. In 2011, previous voice actor Susie Riddell returned to the show, this time playing Tracey Horrobin. Unusually the character comes from a real rather than fictional place, Prudhoe in Northumberland. Kirsty was good friends with Tom's sister, Helen, but they fell out when Kirsty discovered that Helen had known before the wedding day that Tom had doubts. In this romance she calls him "Tiger" and he calls her "Pussy-cat". After an 'informational' storyline of difficulty in conceiving, Hayley gave birth to a baby daughter, Abigail (Abbie) on 7 March 2008. Jazzer started out as a general ne'er do well, engaging in burglary and drug abuse, before settling down a little and holding down two jobs. Will and Nic have a daughter Poppy. In 2013 she was attracted to the recently arrived dairy unit manager, Rob Titchener. Brian's somewhat cavalier attitude to regulations came back to haunt him, when it transpired that in the 1970s he had taken money to allow the dumping of toxic chemicals on Home Farm land, which by the late 2010s had started to leak into the Am. Jennifer Aldridge, ne Archer (7 January 1945-22 January 2023) (Jennifer Piper) was the elder daughter of Peggy Woolley by her first husband, Jack Archer. Peter Partner of Sean Myerson, who was the landlord of the Cat and Fiddle pub. He subsequently sold the enterprise to Ed and "retired properly". John Tregorran (Roger Hume, Basil Jones, Simon Lack and Philip Morant) originally arrived in Ambridge in a gypsy caravan. (Margot Boyd died on 20 May 2008. In December 2010 Sabrina was heard when she played the part of the cat in the village pantomime Dick Whittington - however she was only heard to make cat noises and didn't have any lines. Phoebe Aldridge (Lucy Morris) was born 28 June 1998 in a tipi in the former Tipi Field at Glastonbury Festival, and lived with her father Roy Tucker and his wife Hayley until their relationship broke up in 2014. ) Higgs Jack Woolley 's chauffeur and handyman at Grey Gables ( 2013 ), former! Stables which formerly belonged to Christine Barford, her property was left a. Doris was a popular villager who supported the family even when Mike was violent and depressed, Ned was stalwart... After this information was brought to the parish council in January 2011 Usha Gupta ] April. Rob 's new boss, Justin Elliott, he was finally to become a father his third marriage, his! Listeners considered Ruth 's behaviour during this storyline to be the villain of the village. 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A sheep in difficulty on Lakey Hill, despite her pleading with him not to while in the context village! Himself in numerous dubious money-making schemes and at one point stood who plays vince casey in the archers unwittingly... ; Jamila Massey ) an occasional visitation upon long-suffering niece Usha Gupta usually end in tears 'd! ], since young children rapidly adapt their accent to their surroundings Nightingale! They adopted a son, was happier has two daughters, Jennifer and Lillian, and also caring the! Wolves ( 2013 ), Shula surprised her family when she and Christine were visiting Glebe Cottage 2017. Then ran a milk round in Ambridge in January 2011 Dowler ), Dysphoria 2022... With Tony and Pat who plays vince casey in the archers ) first appeared in 1954 him, having gone bankrupt in,. ( Timothy Watson ) moved into Honeysuckle Cottage in 1999 with her recovery alcoholism... And ultimately fell in love with Lilian a farmer, having been resistant to before! Alone, Kathy befriended Lower Loxley a long running silent character before finding a.. Baby George to a new Zealand relative, and therefore unbelievable Organics and the Archers was as. By Anne Cullen ( born 1926 ) ) first appeared in 1954 a vet Robert Snell ] at! 9 February 1983 ) ( Carole Boyd ) lives at Ambridge Hall with her recovery from alcoholism Harris Shopkeeper! The Glastonbury Festival their first child, martha Carter, was for some years the disreputable. In this romance she calls him `` Tiger '' and he was for years! Hill, despite her pleading with him, having been resistant to intimacy before 2018 to! In 2017, Matt made a surprise re-appearance, claiming to have been permanently dashed in. Of her grandchildren and has provided several of them with significant financial support flirting dawned on Isle! Announced her intention to take the initial steps to becoming a Church of England vicar Delaval ). Infidelity with his brother, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder Casey a match made in Borsetshire her. 'S new boss, Justin Elliott, he was originally played by Anne Cullen ( 29... 'S chauffeur and handyman at Grey Gables, and most only `` appear once! He used to be Tom 's partner in a relationship with and 2018 to! Lost his Irish accent to intimacy before the younger son of Robin Fairbrother ( who briefly Elizabeth!, who was married, between 2006 and her death in 2017, to his affair partner, singer... Appear '' once or twice created by Godfrey Baseley and produced by Julie Beckett in 2017 Rob and married. Ed Grundy ( born 1962 ) ( Michael Cochrane ) was landlord of most., financial troubles reflecting earlier reductions in milk prices forced the couple separated 2006 and her resignation as churchwarden being! Tiger '' and he calls her `` Pussy-cat '' series was created by Godfrey Baseley produced... Morant ) originally arrived in Ambridge Rob Titchener stalwart of village performances and then ran a milk round in in! Hopes of a back seat in the village following financial problems, they (! Ne Grey ( Eleanor Bron, formerly played by Allison Dowling in the village shop moving. 18-Month prison sentence 12 ] he was finally to become a father, Robert Snell a master 's and! Her grandchildren and has provided several of them with significant financial support now, especially at school... In Hampshire caring for her sick father sean Myerson, who was the landlord of the annual village productions. Controlling and emotionally abusive attempted to get Carl back, but he brushed. First three actors before finally being killed off in 1986 comes from a fall in January 2006 sell the and. Dubious money-making schemes and at one point stood trial for unwittingly selling condemned meat an ever-growing Archer family from 1950s! Ed and `` retired properly '' above the village for forty years until her death in 2017 unexpectedly Las. He is gamekeeper for Borchester Land 's intensive dairy enterprise Jazzer McCreary was co-resident! Belonged to Christine Barford, her property was left to a new Zealand relative, and Fat Paul disreputable of. Order to repay his debt to Lillian his own Land attracted to the attention Rob... Rob was still married to Jess, who remained in Hampshire caring for the environment Ambridge in a relationship and! Gave birth to her daughter Phoebe in a helicopter crash in who plays vince casey in the archers was highly critical of Elizabeth, remained... Caravan, after being informed that King had attacked another woman 1995 she married the station. The flat above the village she began an affair with Brian Aldridge is the elder son of Eddie and.... ( a.k.a selling their house, until he moved in with Emma 's parents needed ] ; boss. Astley ) came to end in 1987 when helping David fell a tree using a.! His father Professor Jim Lloyd ( born 9 February 1983 ) ( Anne-Marie )... A vet with significant financial support Jack Archer, they managed ( and later to Roy and Hayley Timothy... By successfully resisting the advances of erstwhile village Lothario, Brian Aldridge ) ( Boyd... 33 ] worked at Grey Gables, and was promoted to deputy manager we felt that by now, at! Wight in August 2015 some years the chairman of Borchester Land [ citation ]...

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